I can't believe that a human can have that much hate within them...


Well-known member
to take the life of another.

These past few days have probably been some of the worst in awhile. I have lost 10 friends to death within the past 4 years. You would think that after losing so many in a short amount of time, it would be easier to cope with each time. This time is especially hard for me.

My friend Brandon was murdered three days ago. He was being carjacked and he wouldn't surrender his keys to the new car he just bought...so the sick bastard shot him twice in the head. I've known this guy since kindergarten, and we're both 19 years old now. I've made so many memories with him, and I can't believe he is gone.

I can't fathom the amount of hate one person must have, to pull the trigger on somebody. It frustrates me to know that people who kill others in ways such as this, probably have no idea who the person is or anything about him. I feel like the person who killed Brand shot a bullet through my heart.

This case is so especially hard, due to the violent nature of his last moments...and the fact that other friends I have lost, were mostly to car accidents or suicide (in one case).

Brandon was such a nice guy, and it is so unsettling to me to know that his murderer is still out. He wasn't caught. I didn't see the news story featuring Brandon's death, but I was told that his parents were featured, asking the man to turn himself in. It is sickening to know that this monster could take another life.

I'm sorry, I just really needed to get this out...people I regularly see/talk to are probably sick of hearing about this. I'm sorry to repeat myself like a broken record to them, but since the day it happened, it's really all I can think about...


Well-known member
As someone who has lost two family members to gun violence I can 100% sympathize the emotions you are experiencing right now. I also reflect at times on the horror in their last moments and the feelings of anger at their untimely demise. My cousins were murdered in a drive by, their killers were eventually caught and convicted. I can see the face of one of their murderers on the Texas penal website for death row inmates, let me tell you it doesn't make it any easier putting a face to one of the guns and having someone to blame.

Brand was a special person in your life, focus on the good times and all the wonderful feelings, emotions and love you shared and he inspired. Try not to reflect on the on those things that can painful, though I'm sure it all is right now.

Take care of yourself.


Well-known member
Im so sorry for your loss...

This week where I live, a very loved 20 year old man was shot and killed...

He had been dating a girl I knew for over a year.
Everyone is devistated here.

It hurts so much to see that this kind of thing is happening so much, and in so many places. Again, I'm so sorry for your loss... I can only imagine the pain in your heart.

The good die young, right?
If only there could be peace.


Well-known member
I can't imagine what it's like to know someone close to you was murdered. I'm sorry for your loss. *hugs*


Well-known member
I am mortified at your shocking loss hun.

I'm so sorry for you.

It's a sad state of a world we live in. Not the world itself, but the people who occupy it.

I hope you have family and friends around you at your time of need.

Big hugs. x


Well-known member
I am so sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine what it would be like to have someone taken in that manner. I hope the murderer is caught so that you, his family and friends can have the closure you deserve.


Well-known member
I am so sorry for your loss. I lost a childhood friend to violence and it is never easy. I was horrified when I found out that she was murdered in her kitchen and the killer was never caught. I still think about it to this day but it does get easier in time. Remember the good times and everything that you liked about him and all the memories you share with with him. It is never easy to cope with a loss especially when somebody dies violently. Keep your head up and remember we are all thinking of you during this time. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.


Well-known member
i am so sorry for your loss *big hugs*

like others have mentioned, i can't imagine what it must feel like to have someone close to you taken away like that. i hope the person/people who did this to him are caught.


Well-known member
its something much bigger than hate that drives these crimes-often fear and desperation. i have had people around me die execution style and by fatal stabbings and their killers didn't have hate in their hearts (which for me was harder to understand, if you don't hate this person why are you doing this?). it's hard in any case and takes for us to be stronger in order to rise above those driving forces behind the violent crimes. Not to sound too 'we are the world' but we can't let this overcome us. continue to press on we have to support each other.


Well-known member
*hugs* to you, i hope whoever did this gets what they deserve and you can have peace of mind.
take care of yourself x x

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
God only knows why the killer did it... It's difficult to make sense out of any kind of violence, particularly when the killer didn't have a real issue with your friend.

I seriously doubt anyone in your life is sick of hearing about it. Anyone's death is difficult. The death of someone to senseless violence is worse. I'm sure your family and friends want to help you get through this. If they know your friend, I'm sure they're grieving too.

Seeing his parents might be appropriate. They must be going through a lot of the same emotions that you are.

I'm terribly sorry for your loss


Well-known member
I cannot adequately put in words how sorry I am that this tragedy has happened.

I searched the internet for a link to help you in some way. I hope that this link gives you some suggestions of making it from day to day in coping.

The Homicide Victims' Support Group (Aust) Inc. - HVSG

Again, I am so sorry for your loss and I hope that they find this person quickly that took your friend's physical life.

Lastly, you have experienced a tremendous amount of loss in such a short time. You may find that a grief group and/or counselor in your area may be a source of great support. Most grief groups are usually free. Talking to some one in person that has experienced similar losses can be very helpful. You don't need to go through all this grief alone. Hotlines are also helpful to get through the bad days.


Well-known member
I'm sorry about your loss. I know how it feels to have a friend who was murdered. My homegirl from the military that I've lived with, worked with, and grew up with got murdered from her ex-boyfriend. This was a year and a half ago and I'm still bothered by it. I also lost my father 3 years ago, so that grief hasn't ceased much.

People who do things like that, really have some type of mental dysfunction and something happened to them, usually stems in childhood and they become the person that they are. The individual must not have a conscious to even feel remorse for his actions. I pray that he is caught and justice will be served.


Well-known member
Im sorry it happened to you, and i'm sorry for your lost. I feel crapy cause such moments i dont know what to say even, sa bad it is. Our close people never really leave us, they all are with you in your heart and soul. God bless you.