I can't stop laughing at this!!!! oh lord...


Well-known member
guys, i found this on my gf's facebook page, and damnnnnnnnnnnnn it's hilarious.
my laughter came from me going "i can't believe they're actually doing this!!!!! AND on youtube!!" -- not b/c it really IS hilarious.
at first..i was cringing cuz the girl looks 12...and then i started to laugh, cuz of her hair. my other black gf was laughin at it too. lol
u gotta have a youtube account cuz it's considered offensive/18+ material....(and u have to be 18+)

u'll cringe too, but then if ur like me, u'll find the humour in it and start laughing really hard LOL and then u'll send it to all ur friends so they can laugh too and go "OH LORDY LORD!!!!" hahahaa. BUT, there is a chance u won't find this funny at all.

no nudity btw...but intense sexuality


PS. 1:54 mark...AHAHAHAHAHAA the hand stand!!
PPS. and damn can that dude moveeeee!!! dayum!


Well-known member
That was pure ignorance. I liked the dancing aspect of it. It was like some modern dance routines I've seen....that is until they started dry humping. Not cute. To make it so bad it's got like 200,000 views.


Well-known member
i found that quite disturbing actually o__________o

Video contains sexuality.... just with clothes on! Consider yourself warned!


Well-known member
the worst part is....
a) they did it in front of their friends
b) it's sooo rehearsed
c) they posted it on youtube like it's something to be proud of
d) if i was their parent..and i saw that....ohhhh helllll no! shit would hit the fan!

i agree, it can be quite disturbing, but it was funny while it lasted....for me at least.


Well-known member
Is this the equivalent of a stripper's demo tape/videotaped resumé? SMH at that hot ass mess.


Well-known member
It's great, if you like strippers. I'm just totally turned off and disturbed that they appear to be so young. If they have their heads in the books as much as they're tossing them between legs, more power to them. If not, Lord help the children.


Well-known member
i don't wanna have kids anymore. and if i do, they're not leavin the house after 12 noon. LOL

Girl about town

Well-known member
eWWW how unsexy is rehearsed sex, its as if this guy is showing off and has roped a little young easily influenced girl in for sex lol xxxx


Well-known member
I loved that song... untill this morning

This is so staged...


Well-known member
OMG!!!! as most found that disturbing, i found that very hilarious! what is up with kids these days? they were LITERALLY dry humping. hahahahahahahaha. yikes!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by flowerhead
that's so sad! :/

You have it right!
It is sad... o_0

When I was 12, I was still playing outside at the park, or dressing my Barbie


Well-known member
Originally Posted by landonsmother
OMG!!!! as most found that disturbing, i found that very hilarious! what is up with kids these days? they were LITERALLY dry humping. hahahahahahahaha. yikes!

glad u laughed. LOL the hand stand makes me laugh. so does the fact that it looks so amateur and definitely not classy lol.

Originally Posted by Willa
You have it right!
It is sad... o_0

When I was 12, I was still playing outside at the park, or dressing my Barbie

i was scared of the penis when i was 12! that area was forbidden!


Well-known member
I just dont see the point in this. "Hey, lets pretend we are having sex in a whole bunch of positions to a song in front of our friends"


some parts were kinda funny though.


Well-known member
They have great flexibility/dancing type control and made it look smooth when transitioning, that could be used for something more entertaining. Meh not my cup of tea but to each his/her own.


Well-known member
The actual acrobatics and dancing parts were cool but the guy was pretty much pretend fcuking. At last the guy was kinda hot with his shirt off.


Well-known member
The flexibility of the male was cool, the raunchy parts I had to fast forward it. Not really my cup of tea early in the morn lol