I Did outstanding @ my MAC Interview & Demo 3/26/09

Hi everyone my name is Tiffany and I'm new here. I've been here searching for answers on what to expect on my interview & demo. Just wanted to say Thanks for everyone who told us your story because I "KICK ASS" at my interview & demo today... Here is my story

My interview was at 2:30PM ..I got there at 2:25PM. I went all out w/my makeup..I seriously "blend" in w/ other MAC makeup artist. I wear all black. I walk in there...Everyone started to stare at me..and this lady help me and ask if I was here for a interview...and I was like yes at 2:30pm..she said ok just look around see where everything is at. because i'll be doing a demo on my model. I said ok. So, I gave her my portfolio "before n after" pictures, "my certificate from lancome", "essay on why I wanted to work for MAC", a slide show on my makeup looks. The Manager told me she loved my portfolio.
So while my model came in I had to do a rihanna look..which was easy for me. So, I had like 5 mins to prep everything..and 25mins to do the whole face..So, once I started I went ahead and talk to my model and at the same time seeing side view that I had like 3 makeup artist watching me..The manager,The Trainner and The Interviewer. So, while I was about to finish up her eyes..The Interviewer ask me Do you know about MAC history?, Whoa ....I got excited because I prep for that question every second. I search online..study it..and study it..and then I blast away w/the answers..
She was shock that I knew..and she was like oh, wow..great ok...and I kept on talking..and talking about the history she was impressed big time..while she was about to walk away..I was like wait.. MAC stands for Makeup Art Cosmetics..lol she was like that's outstanding..lol So, I past my demo..she said ok your model can go home now..and if i could clean up my station and then head over the back..woohoo I got excited..and also my model purchase most of the makeup I put on her..so that's great to give "SALES" to the manager.hehehe. So, I went to the back she ask me questions..like easy one's too. like if your where to work perm. would that be ok..I said oh yeah that would be great..freelance ,perm. that would be great! so, she was like ok..you did really good today ..i'll call you in a week to let you know if you got hired.
I felt confidence in myself. My model was my mom (55yrs). I think we made a scene because I was doing a demo infront of customers..and they kept on looking..lol ok sorry my story is long. Let me know what you guys think ..if I get it..or not. xoxo Tiff
Congrats. And keep us updated. And that was real sweet of mom to be your model. It also showed versatility that you demonstrated a young look (Rhianna-inspired) on someone older. Because a sign of a good MA is one that can make different looks work with any age group...
That's the samething my mom said..hehehe and thank you very much for reading my story..Of course I'll keep you guys updated.
I didn't hear anything yet..no phone call..nothing..I'm just getting a little bit worried that's all..It's almost be a week!