I didn't get hired to be freelance w/MAC WHY!!!!

I'm like crying my eyes out..I was pretty sure that I'll get in.. I just found out that I didn't get in MAC? What!?!?! I did really good..I got sent to the back for interview..after my demo..while putting makeup on my model.she ask my if I knew the MAC history? I said knock it out..i went to details...I dress like them...I gave them my portfolio ,before n after pictures, my certificate from lancome, a slideshow i burn w/pictures of my looks,face charts and essay on why I want to work for mac. I did really good!!!I don't understand..I applied for a freelance postion.
WHat happen? this doesn't make any sense..she said she would keep my application for future if there is a opening..
can you guys give me advice on what I did wrong?


Well-known member
I think it's kind of hard for anyone to advise you because we weren't there. We don't know what the manager was looking for. We don't know what kind of competition you were up against. The only thing I can say is that you shouldn't be too discouraged. There are a lot of people who don't make it through the first time but get hired in the end.


Well-known member
The only thing I can advise you is, keep trying. If its really what you want, don't give up.
Good luck.


Well-known member
Awww you poor thing. I feel so bad for you. Damn I didn't know it was that hard to get a job with them. Don't be discourage keep trying. Maybe they already had somebody in mind. It happens and it sucks trust me I should know (I had a different experience though). At least the person that interview you didn't tell you to o back to school. There's still hope for you. Good luck.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ruby_Woo
The only thing I can advise you is, keep trying. If its really what you want, don't give up.
Good luck.

I agree. I'm sorry you didn't make it this time, but don't give up.

Hang in there.


Well-known member
maybe they only had one position but several applicants...and they all did just as great....it's hard to say...sometimes people interview when they aren't even ready to hire yet....It was probably nothing to do with your performance just not the right time...Don't give up


Well-known member
I'm so sorry to hear that! Unfortunately I think it depends on things besides your ability, like location especially. Here it takes NOTHING to get a job at Mac, from freelance to fulltime it's pretty much handed out. Some places just may have more applicants, or be more selective, or not need as much help, etc. It probably isn't much against YOU specifically, just bad timing/luck <3


Well-known member
I think you should try to speak with the manager.
Thank her for considering you and ask her what area could you improve on.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ciara
I think you should try to speak with the manager.
Thank her for considering you and ask her what area could you improve on.

This is the best advice and I would strongly encourage you to take it.

In the meantime, I know you really want to work for MAC but it is not the be ell-end all for cosmetic lines. You could work for any other makeup brand, especially an Estee Lauder owned one (as MAC is owned by them and working for an EL brand will probably give you a foot in the door when you apply again at MAC), and still be privy to the benefits of working for a consumer makeup brand. =]

Don't let it get you down. I know this probably won't make you feel any better but don't be too upset about it. MAC really admires perseverance, so if you apply again, I am sure the recruiters and managers will take note of it. =]
Thanks for all of your support... I do work for lancome Part-Time. I called my boss *macys* she said it wasn't the right time...and that my artistry is really good..but i'm just not ready? So, I guess that's about it. Yeah, I'm stupid to get my hopes up to high.
It's okay i'll be fine as a beauty advisor for now


Well-known member
^^ Everything happens for a reason...when it's your time you will shine even brighter and that job will be yours!!


Well-known member
I'm so sorry you didnt get the position.
But i agree with everyone else, just keep trying. I applied 3 times before i landed a freelance position...so my best advice is that if you love MAC and are passionate about it then keep trying. I'm sure you have the skills but sometimes there are so many applicants that it's tough to get a position with MAC.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipshock
This is the best advice and I would strongly encourage you to take it.

In the meantime, I know you really want to work for MAC but it is not the be ell-end all for cosmetic lines. You could work for any other makeup brand, especially an Estee Lauder owned one (as MAC is owned by them and working for an EL brand will probably give you a foot in the door when you apply again at MAC), and still be privy to the benefits of working for a consumer makeup brand. =]

Don't let it get you down. I know this probably won't make you feel any better but don't be too upset about it. MAC really admires perseverance, so if you apply again, I am sure the recruiters and managers will take note of it. =]

I agree, MAC is not the end of the road. I worked for Prescriptives which is owned by EL and I absolutely LOVED it. You would get some good experience too.


Well-known member
Sorry you didn't get it, especially after the effort you put in (an essay wow!) but maybe they just had someone with alot more experience.