I don't feel like I'm good enough.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Some people are really enamoured by the idea of a college degree. Back awhile ago, I think it was very difficult to get one, so having one was special.

It is really your life, and you must live it how you see fit when it comes to this matter. It sounds like you have a plan. Good luck! I'm sure once your parents see you succeed in your dreams, they'll really show how proud of you they are

I understand what you mean about people being really enamored with the the thought of having a college degree. I won't lie, I'm one of those people even though college isn't really my thing. I've never experienced what it's like to go to college and take all those courses but from what I have seen and heard from others, it is a hard thing to achieve.

Originally Posted by enigmaticpheo
First off, you are NOT a failure. Just by reading your post I can see you are a well read, articulate woman who is intuitive and in touch with the feelings of both herself and those around her. That's more than a good 90% of people I meet these days--most of whom have a college degree, and are apparently none the better for it!

Secondly, everyone is right about it not being too late to get a good education. It really never is too late. There's no age limit on schools, no one who will tell you, "Oh, your application was good but...you're too old, sorry. Should've come to us ten years ago." It's a fear that seems real, but actually...isn't! Allow me to share with you my story, because it's similar in some ways. And I'm only a tiny bit older than you!

From the time I was an itty bitty kid, I was "a smart kid". I loved learning, was always advanced, blah blah blah. I got perfect grades through middle school. Then I got to high school, piled on all honors courses, and began to fall behind. It wasn't until my junior year that I smacked myself in the head and said, "What the heck!? I'm not good at science, why am I taking honros courses?" But of course, by that time I had already drowned in coursework that I couldn't cope with.

Senior year I cleaned up, made straight A's, etc. I applied to colleges and was (mercifully) accepted. But thing is, I knew I wanted to be a professional ballerina. I love literature and was majoring in English Lit./Dance, but if you want to go pro with ballet, you cannot wait to finish college. Having graduated when I was 16, I had a bit of extra time on my hands. So I came clean with my parents about what I wanted to do.

It was in no way easy telling them I wanted to be a ballerina. I may as well have been saying, "Oh, I want to be a stripper!" (Except strippers earn more money.) But since then I have taken college courses on and off when I can, earning credits toward my degree while still pursuing my real passion. At first I was terrified of being judged for going out and dancing instead of going straight into college like my friends. But I discovered that once I explained that I was following my passion (ballet, and yours is makeup!) everyone admired my courageousness.

Bottom line? It takes guts to be who you really are and do what you want to do. People actually admire it when you're open about it. And those who do not are jerks. To err is human, to judge is dispicable. You're anything but a failure. You're growing, learning, and LIVING. Rather than being a textbook knowledge girl with no real idea of who she is.

Good luck, and keep us posted on how you fare! Do remember that there is never a time limit on education. I learned that first hand. There's no right or wrong way, because in the end you get the degree and that's the end of it.

Thank you for sharing your experience. May be a bit off subject but I too wanted to be either a ballerina, figure skater or most of all a gymnast when I was little. I would always imagine myself on tv in all those big competitions. I kind of still wish it to this day especially since the summer Olympics lol.

I'm glad that you've decided on what you want to do and stuck to it! It's seriously hard enough sometimes to choose something to go to school for period, let alone actually take the initiative and make it happen. I went from wanting to be a nurse, a doctor, and everything else in between to wanting to be an esthetician. What can I say? I change my mind a lot. But this esthetician thing has stuck on much better and longer than anything else has. Best of all I can actually see myself doing this in the future.

My mom right now is really pushing for me to start attending classes for it this summer probably around June or July. I've not been able to find a job at all, not even a simple cashier job. So thats more reason I guess for her to keep pushing to go to school asap. Cause with the time that I'm spending hopelessly going out looking for a job and staying at home, I could be at school and already be working my way to get certified. Only problem is that, even though this is what I want to do definitely....I just don't feel ready? Like I just don't feel ready to go back to school yet. My high school pretty much just babied us so I didn't get too much of a taste of the actual real world. And I want that before I go into something serious such as attending school. Thats why I really wanted to find a job and work for a year before going to school. I just need that chance to sort of grow up and be responsible and realize how the real world works. Plus I would like to have some money to my name incase of emergencies or something unexpected comes up. I seriously don't like borrowing money from my parents when I can have my own money that I earned myself. They've told me that if I started school they would lend me money with absolutely no problem. But I don't really want to feel like I'm completely mooching off of them since I still live with them and don't pay for rent or any of the bills at this time.


Well-known member
I don't think 'you're not good enough' because you don't know much about chemical compound. I believe a lot of us having a uni degree here don't know about such topics too. I'm sure there are plenty of stuffs you know better than your cousins.

I'm an Asian but my family isn't the traditional type compares to most of my friends'. I remember how my friends talked about how scared they're bringing the report cards home because their parents would punish them for not getting good grades. I counsider myself lucky because my parents let us decide what's the best for us.

It's your future and you're the one to decide what do you want to do. One of my highschool classmates went to med school for 6 years, graduated, worked as a doctor for a year and he quit because that's not what he wanted to do - it's what his parents wanted him to. He has wasted 7 years of his life, doing something he didn't like, not to mention the money the family has spent sending him to med school.

You can always go to college when you're ready. Good luck
Be careful with putting school off for a year. I know a few people that have done that many years in a row.

If I were you, I'ld just go back to school asap. You don't need your parents to finance you, get student loans and a part time job. You'll make more than enough money once you get a degree to pay off your loans...of course if you can get by without them, that's even better.

Asian parents suck, but in a way it helps us stand out in society and gives us a background and drive that most non asians will never possess. So in that sense, they're awesome...it just takes a few years to look back in retrospect to realize that the hell we put up with is worth it.

Rebelling and what not is all in the past. That's just part of being a teenager...don't worry about it, it's normal.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kittykit
I don't think 'you're not good enough' because you don't know much about chemical compound. I believe a lot of us having a uni degree here don't know about such topics too. I'm sure there are plenty of stuffs you know better than your cousins.

I'm an Asian but my family isn't the traditional type compares to most of my friends'. I remember how my friends talked about how scared they're bringing the report cards home because their parents would punish them for not getting good grades. I counsider myself lucky because my parents let us decide what's the best for us.

It's your future and you're the one to decide what do you want to do. One of my highschool classmates went to med school for 6 years, graduated, worked as a doctor for a year and he quit because that's not what he wanted to do - it's what his parents wanted him to. He has wasted 7 years of his life, doing something he didn't like, not to mention the money the family has spent sending him to med school.

You can always go to college when you're ready. Good luck

I guess it's true. My cousins are super smart it seems in academics but I doubt they know much about skin care or makeup? We all have our strong and weak points and ours just differs.

I remember the scary days of report cards. If I did well, there was nothing to worry about but if I didn't do so well then yeah
....be afraid! A lot has changed since then but things aren't completely relaxed just yet with my parents.

I could not imagine wasting 6 years of my life studying something and putting in so much effort into something that I didn't like! The way I see it is that, your never going to get that time back. You could of spent it working towards something you're interested in. And yeah the money is another huge issue. When I thought that I was still going to go to college, I decided that I wouldn't enroll until I knew for a fact what I wanted to do. I can't afford or even stand the idea of spending my money on something other than what I needed for my specific career field.

I wish the best for your friend and I hope he can accomplish what he wants!

Originally Posted by Deathwish238
Be careful with putting school off for a year. I know a few people that have done that many years in a row.

If I were you, I'ld just go back to school asap. You don't need your parents to finance you, get student loans and a part time job. You'll make more than enough money once you get a degree to pay off your loans...of course if you can get by without them, that's even better.

Asian parents suck, but in a way it helps us stand out in society and gives us a background and drive that most non asians will never possess. So in that sense, they're awesome...it just takes a few years to look back in retrospect to realize that the hell we put up with is worth it.

Rebelling and what not is all in the past. That's just part of being a teenager...don't worry about it, it's normal.

I've been told by many that it's not a good idea to take a break after graduating and then attend school again. They just get into the rut of working and just never bother with school. And yeah that maybe true for most people but I honestly can't imagine working for minimum wage at whatever place for the rest of my life. There are things I want in life and in a career that I HAVE to go to school in order to accomplish. I just have too much on my plate right now to suddenly enroll in school.

I'm not too worried about tuition, it's a 10 week course to be certified in the state of Pennsylvania. I'm in a program that will help pay for at least part of tuition so that part I won't have to stress over as much. But at this very moment I don't have any cash at all. I've been trying since October to find work with no luck. But hopefully things will turn around soon (got an interview at Walgreen's *knock on wood*). I would love to work for a little while and get a taste of the real world and being an adult and to also have some money saved up before I do anything.


Well-known member
Girrrl..I am the same as you. Strict ass Asian parents, super genius cousins for my parents to compare me to, hiding report cards, alternative school, drugs, not giving a crap about anything, the whole nine yards...but now I regret it all. I'm wayyyyy behind on school and stressing the crap out about it. I just took a semester off to breathe and chillax and now I'm back at school and working my butt off. We all make mistakes in life and we can't just sit around and do nothing. We have to pay for our mistakes and it sucks, I know lol. Don't feel like an "uneducated idiot" or feel like you're not good enough! F*ck what other people say and what you think your family thinks of you. Work hard and concentrate on making youself happy about yourself. Leave those bad days behind


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mizuki~
Girrrl..I am the same as you. Strict ass Asian parents, super genius cousins for my parents to compare me to, hiding report cards, alternative school, drugs, not giving a crap about anything, the whole nine yards...but now I regret it all. I'm wayyyyy behind on school and stressing the crap out about it. I just took a semester off to breathe and chillax and now I'm back at school and working my butt off. We all make mistakes in life and we can't just sit around and do nothing. We have to pay for our mistakes and it sucks, I know lol. Don't feel like an "uneducated idiot" or feel like you're not good enough! F*ck what other people say and what you think your family thinks of you. Work hard and concentrate on making youself happy about yourself. Leave those bad days behind

I regret a lot of things too, cause well I did quite a bit of stupid stuff in my younger days. I look back and realize how being rebellious back then didn't do me any good at all but it's life, I did learn from it though. I learned enough to know that I don't ever want to be doing those things ever again or to be that out of control.

I've spent a few days thinking about stuff. I realized that I just want to be a productive person in life and be able to provide comfortably (I won't making mad money or anything close to that but enough to live decently) for myself and my parents when they get older and can't work anymore. I just want to be able to know that I can do that. And that all of that academic doesn't really matter all that much as long as I know how the real world works and am willing to work hard.


Well-known member
After reading your story and all the positive, encouraging advice I'd just like to say a big THANK YOU for sharing this. While I don't have the same background story as you, I can definitely relate to the pressures of being the child of Asian parents. (Well, I'm Filipino but y'know...same continent! lol) Grades were everything in elementary and high school.
However the past 3-4 months have been quite traumatic for me -- I've been going through some very difficult times (academically, a strained relationship and emotional issues, etc.) and have felt so guilty about not being able to handle it well. I have NOTHING to complain about; I have a comfortable lifestyle that stems from my parent's hard work and sacrifice. The thought of disappointing my parents was, and is, terrifying to me, so much so that for a couple of weeks I've been having panic attacks almost every day, the worst ones occurring before bedtime. Unfortunately I don't feel like talking to my parents about it is an option. In the past, almost every time I've tried to ask for advice my "problems" would be funneled down into one universal response: "Focus on school." Sure, it worked for a while (in my high school days) but now that I'm in college and have seen such a greater scope of the world, a simple answer like that just doesn't cut it. I've been sinking so low, just feeling like I was alone and my friends couldn't really relate.
I've started thinking maybe there is more to life than just hustling through university and getting a job right after. Thoughts about pursuing my real passions/hobbies, photography and makeup, have been swirling through my head, but right now I don't feel I have the courage to do so or even where to start. After reading this discussion though, I want to try and take some baby steps towards pursuing this. I'm glad that I'm not the only one who feels this way

Again, thanks for writing about this, I was searching through these forums to try and find something to relate to. Sorry for the long-ish post (hey, this is my first one!).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by zosojacks
After reading your story and all the positive, encouraging advice I'd just like to say a big THANK YOU for sharing this. While I don't have the same background story as you, I can definitely relate to the pressures of being the child of Asian parents. (Well, I'm Filipino but y'know...same continent! lol) Grades were everything in elementary and high school.
However the past 3-4 months have been quite traumatic for me -- I've been going through some very difficult times (academically, a strained relationship and emotional issues, etc.) and have felt so guilty about not being able to handle it well. I have NOTHING to complain about; I have a comfortable lifestyle that stems from my parent's hard work and sacrifice. The thought of disappointing my parents was, and is, terrifying to me, so much so that for a couple of weeks I've been having panic attacks almost every day, the worst ones occurring before bedtime. Unfortunately I don't feel like talking to my parents about it is an option. In the past, almost every time I've tried to ask for advice my "problems" would be funneled down into one universal response: "Focus on school." Sure, it worked for a while (in my high school days) but now that I'm in college and have seen such a greater scope of the world, a simple answer like that just doesn't cut it. I've been sinking so low, just feeling like I was alone and my friends couldn't really relate.
I've started thinking maybe there is more to life than just hustling through university and getting a job right after. Thoughts about pursuing my real passions/hobbies, photography and makeup, have been swirling through my head, but right now I don't feel I have the courage to do so or even where to start. After reading this discussion though, I want to try and take some baby steps towards pursuing this. I'm glad that I'm not the only one who feels this way

Again, thanks for writing about this, I was searching through these forums to try and find something to relate to. Sorry for the long-ish post (hey, this is my first one!).

Actually thank YOU hun for letting me know again that I'm not alone here! I really appreciate your post on this thread =] And I'm glad that you gotten something out of it too!

I know what you mean, and I'm still having a lot of stress to do with not just with this but with everything in life. But all you can do is take baby steps and stop worrying constantly about what's going to happen like 10 years from now cause I didn't do this or that.

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