You know, all of those various forums that were mentioned are good forums...This one is a good forum too, HOWEVER, people do have a right to express their feelings. I'm not going to complaing because this place is not ultimately about me and what I want...but I personally do not necessarily like VB. I'm on several car forums that all use different software and I've never been a fan of VB. I do realize, though, that no website will ever be able to make 100% of their subscribers happy, and because of that, I'm not going to protest. I just think that people shouldnt go on the extreme defensive just because someone expresses that they dont like the change...Like I said, whatever, I know that you had your reasons, completely justified, for choosing this software, more power to you, but not everyone will like it so dont belittle the people that dont. Most people who express dislike of this change are just doing that, expressing it...they arent trying to insult anyone or bring them down or diss the site.
...I also fear this may have come off as slightly harsh...if so please forgive me, I dont mean it that way...I tend to abuse strong language sometimes, that is a habbit I'm working on...