i've asked my parents, my friends and everyone else i know, it is not the norm for bridesmaids to pay for their own dresses! unless i'm wrongly informed, its just selfishness of the bride and grooms part if they ask people to be a part of their wedding and then expect them to pay to be a part of it? come on, those of you saying its normal, you're having a laugh aren't you? My mate got married last week, she paid for everything. My sister has been a bridesmaid 4 times last year, and has never had to pay a penny. People should think twice about asking people to be bridesmaids if they're going to make em pay to do so, i mean they're doing you a favour?!
i dont want to be rude but if i asked any of my mates to be bridesmaids i would not for one second expect them to pay for their dresses!
i really dont want to offend, but i'm just shocked that some people think its okay to make people pay extra for theses expensive dresses, i mean 20 quid a dress is okay, i mean the people probably would have had to buy something to wear anyway, but if its 'only' 20 quid a dress, why didn't you pay it?! how stingy is that!