i dunno what to say


Well-known member
but ill try anyway
i have no clue where to start or the right words to say but i dont know what else to do this could be a long post

i met this boy through a friend who we'll call chris
and we eventually 'got together' for a while and then suddnenly broke up and it was awful, then a week or so later i overheard at school sayin that chris and jennie had got together
i cudnt stand this girl jennie due to the reason before me and chris had got together a went through a dodgy realationship of which he was texting jennie blah blah and it wasnt nice but i wasnt actually bothereed but just knew i hated her
then a few months later my best mate was emailing me suddenly asking questions about me and chris asking if we still spoke/what we talked about/if i still had feelings for him
i told her i did and he had been recently telling me that us breaking up was a mistake and he still had feelings for me (of which he did)
she turned weird and started saying but he likes jennie and started getting very argumentive
to which i couldnt be bothered and she went oh by the way its jennie
i was completely shocked and found out she was at my friends house and using her email to contact me
after huge arguments with chris he chose to stay with her and i was heartbroken
and i know i was so stupid but it wasnt all black and white and after a few months we started speaking again and half a year later the whole feelings thing came back out
and its pretty much continued for a year or so with me blocking out the whole girlfriend thing
and i dunno why but i really liked it
yes we seen each other once in a while but nothing happened
though we talked about it
hes sent me letters that were 8 pages long etc sayin nice stuff and some more than just friends stuff he sent me one on monday
however just a few mintutes ago i was talking to him on MSN
and i asked him why he never txt me to say how his driving went and he replied with cos he was thinkin about stuff
i thought this was weird and asked what stuff
and he replied with 'about someones going to get hurt' and then 'if we keep going on the way we are but i dont want to stop talking to you'
i feel so stupid and i cant stop crying cos i dont know what to do, when this happened the 1st time i REALLY struggled to deal with it and even went to the drs about counselling but never had the guts to follow it through, and to be honest the only thing that got me through was us being US again


Well-known member
As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did.
You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose
someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend being unhappy and upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.

That said, be glad for the good times you had and the only thing you can do is move forward. :/


Well-known member
Sides if your as cute in person as you are in your avatar pic,you'll have more boys than you know what to do with over your lifetime
So dont sweat the first one.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Sides if your as cute in person as you are in your avatar pic,you'll have more boys than you know what to do with over your lifetime
So dont sweat the first one.

Seriously right?
besides..boys are sometimes hard to deal with but arent worth it if they are going to be THAT much trouble.

Some guys do that shit, to keep girls as "back ups" just in case the first girl decides to do away with him, Hes got another girl, waiting on the sidelines already in "lust" with him


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Sides if your as cute in person as you are in your avatar pic,you'll have more boys than you know what to do with over your lifetime
So dont sweat the first one.

So true. You seem like a great person and there's a guy out there who is actually worth your time. I don't think it's fair to you that this guy is stringing you along and you're left wondering what's going to happen. I'm not telling you to forget about him because, oh, I know all about wanting someone so bad, but maybe you should start getting to know more guys, and who knows, maybe you'll find someone that you're attracted to!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
Some guys do that shit, to keep girls as "back ups" just in case the first girl decides to do away with him, Hes got another girl, waiting on the sidelines already in "lust" with him

OMG thats so true... like those losers who ask for your phone number, but then dont call. And then they call out of the blue a few weeks later wanting to go out with some lame escuse about how they misplaced their phone, or misplaced your number until today and called as soon as they found it. They were probably dating someone else and just got dumped.

Any guy who's seriously into you, will be just that, seriuously into you. Anything else is just them playing games, and their not worth it.


Well-known member
1st thing 1st-your best friend-yeah i wouldn't necessarily talk to her anymore. normally i dont do the click thing but jeannie is obviously a guy stealer etc and your best friend should respect you enough to realize this.

2nd-Drop Chris like he's a freaking hot potato. Quite frankly he's not worth the spit on the bottom of your shoe. Don't talk to him, dont IM him dont have anything to do with him.

3rd-One of you Jeannie, you or Chris is gonna have to be the mature one here. I'm gonna say it's you. Obviously the other two like to play games you gotta rise above it and say this is enough I'm not gonna have anything to do with you people. You are doing nothing to help my growth (emotionally/spiritually) as a human being.

4th-You gotta realize that people will hurt each other. It's a hard lesson to learn too!
But this advice goes with Shimmers so I will not repeat.

5th- You have a choice of 2 directions to go-up or down with this emotion thing. It's your choice. You can say I got burned but I'm going to go on with my life because I know I can or you can say I got burned oh boohoo and have a pity party.

6-You are such an amazing person (from what I can tell) and you deserve a LOT and i mean a HELL of a lot better from men and I almost want to say your best friend.

7-Stop all of this while you can and then continue to just be the wonderful person you are because quite frankly it's like a moth to a flame, you are a beautiful person and guys like people like you.

8-Be strong in yourself. Don't be afraid to tell a person they aren't good enough for you (I've done this many times). And don't be afraid to do stuff by yourself.

Anyway all this leads to one thing-Jeannie thinks she can scare you etc because she thinks your not strong. Prove her wrong. Let her have the scum. Let her have the ones who only want sex. You get the one thats really worth the weight in gold


Well-known member
Originally Posted by as_cute_as_pie
....and its pretty much continued for a year or so with me blocking out the whole girlfriend thing
and i dunno why but i really liked it.... when this happened the 1st time i REALLY struggled to deal with it and even went to the drs about counselling but never had the guts to follow it through, and to be honest the only thing that got me through was us being US again

You're better than that. You're prettier than this. You can do better than him, and without all the drama too! Sometimes it's hard to walk away, but sometimes people give you NO OTHER choice. Yes, it's a hard decision to make. I've had to make it myself recently, but in the end you WILL benefit from making that decision by meeting someone who WANTS YOU and ONLY you, and who will give everything to you without wanting anyone else. Have faith, don't be afraid to take chances.


Well-known member
i actually cried wile reading this thank u

i havnt really thought about it all weekend in a blocking out kinda way
he rang me for 4 hours on friday night and we sat and talked well he talked and i cried cos i couldnt help it
he said he was gutted but things dont change he just didnt want anyone to get hurt in the end and we would end up not speaking
i said he was a liar cos of all the stuff he had said to me and sent me long long letters that were obv more than friends kinda way
and he said nothing had changed
so we cant talk about it anymore
he said he couldnt write to me anymore and phone me
which i shouted at him at cos i mainly talk to him on the phone
he then cried and said he did want to talk to me but not as much just every other day < what on earth is that supposed to mean
he said he wasnt a liar cos nothing changed he just didnt want anyone to get hurt
even though i did more than once :confused:


Well-known member
I'm going to be really harsh here:

Drop him.
Drop the situation, and walk away. Find someone worth YOUR time who cares about YOU and not his own ends.
A toxic relationship is addictive but toxic nonetheless and you deserve better. To keep yourself in the situation is doing a huge disservice to your own heart, and will never bring you the happiness you should have.


Well-known member

As I said before this guy isnt worth the spit on the bottom of your shoe and it sure as hell looks like he knows how to play mind games.

Drop him.
Drop the sitituation
Drop your "friends" (sorry but your best friend doesnt seem like shes a nice person letting jeannie come over on her computer etc)

and realize you deserve a HELL of a lot better.