I got an interview!! =)


Well-known member
Well after two months of wondering if my portfolio/resume had found the right set of eyes I got an interview date with MAC!! I'm SO excited!!! It's set for next Wednesday (the 23rd,) which also happens to be the day of a history final =/ but it's okay, because I finally have an interview!!! I'm doing the face to face interview at 2pm and the demo interview at 2:30pm. (Is it normal to do both on the same day?) I'm so nervous! and SO excited! I could BURST!! :eek2: The MA's there are SO great! A chance to work with them is dream come true! Thought I'd share with you guys!!!!
Wish me luck!!!


Well-known member
That's so awesome!
It's kinda hard to get an interview so thats great! Good luck im sure you will do fabulous.


good luck, hopefully you will get the job.

i just had a portfolio and had my first interview ever last week but only got a freelance position.


Well-known member

I did my first set of interviews like that. LOL The interview with the regional and then the demo afterwards. You'll be fine.


Well-known member
Thought I'd update

Well it's been over a month but they finally called me back (today) to let me know I didn't get the job
Said I needed more retail experience, why they couldn't have told me a week after my interview is beyond me but at least it's closure and I know. There is more to the story if anyone is interested, but I'll post that later. I'm not going to give up I'll apply at a few more places


Well-known member
You know I want more details! ;D Are you going to apply for freelance, or just keep applying for permanent at other locations?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tarteheart
You know I want more details! ;D Are you going to apply for freelance, or just keep applying for permanent at other locations?

I'm too lazy to type it all out again so here's what I told a girl in the LJ comm with added details. =)

I went in Friday (seeing as how it has been a month since the one manager promised to call) I've been in a few times and she's always been gone or busy in the back. So I'm there and I found out I just missed her and the other manager from the counter manager (who has nothing to do with the hiring process.) I was told to come back in an hour/hour and a half and I asked if they had the next round of interviews yet she said they had just had them the day before (come to find out later it wasn't the group one I'm waiting for, but MA's at the counter applying for more hours) so I left for awhile and came back and spoke with my fav. MA who was showing me stuff when the managers got back. They saw me and acknowledged me and said they'd be with me in a second (we were by the back room) so I'm waiting there still talking with my fav. MA and we move back over to the counter and I waited. About 15 minutes went by and my MA went to go see what was going on, they were talking with another MA, no biggie. Awhile (at least another 20-30 minutes) went by and the other MA was back out on the floor so my MA went back for me again. She comes back and looks kinda upset. she told me she went back there and told them I was still waiting and they said "She's still here? we thought she left" and told her to tell me they'll be making calls on Monday. She told them I had already had both interviews and that I was wondering about the group interview and they ignored her. My MA told me she's known two people who've come to apply (last Dec.) who never got a call back at all. It just makes me upset that they didn't even come out to talk to me, I was there a long time (after they got back).

Today I get the call and the manager tells me that my retail experience is not sufficient and I should go to another counter and rack up some experience because I've only had one job (the one I'm currently at) So I explained to her that doing that would require a pay cut and I was willing to do that for MAC because I really wanted to work for them. =/ I asked if she'd consider me for freelance and she said there were no openings for freelance so I guess that's a no. She also had apologized for the other day saying that they were getting things ready for phone calls today which is complete BS, she could have spent 2 seconds to talk to me instead of hiding in the back. I mean everything she told me on the phone could have/should have been told to me when she was supposed to call in a week not over a month (close to 6 weeks) or heck, if it was the experience thing why couln't they have told me at the end of my interview? Then she complimented my portfolio and said she'd keep it on file (but I'm sure it's in the trash.) I'm just so dissapointed with how this whole thing was handled, when I went in last I was told that the next interview was the group and they hadn't set that up yet. Now I find out they're hiring without it...odd. So yeah, I'm probably just bitter =/ (I'm really not, I just wanted this job so badly and everything seemed SO perfect at my interview!)

and about going to another line first, who's to say they'll hire me with no experience and even if I do get hired do I stay on for 6 months? a year? three? and then just up and leave to MAC? that seems sort of wrong, why would they want someone who'll flake on another job and not stick with it? Not only that, I'd feel badly leaving another company just to work for MAC. I'm 25 I'm looking for a career I don't want to bounce around from job to job.

I will try again although the Nordstroms I applied at (after the Macy's one) was shot down after filling out the on-line aplication a week after I filled it out, probably because of the lack of retail experience. And the only other MAC won't open until January (or so I'm told) I just feel like quitting. As much as I LOVE applying make-up I just don't think I have the endurance to put a few more years in other places to perhaps get shot down by MAC again. I know it's retail and I KNOW I can sell, I've turned many people onto MAC over the years and even got people to buy things just because they liked everything on my eyes.

I'm going to school to be a teacher. I have a year left. My passion has always been theater, music and make-up (mostly application in theater) and each one of those dreams has been shot down in one way or another. I picked teaching because it was "safe" not because I have this burning passion to be a teacher, although I think I'd make an ok one =) it just wasn't my dream. And now the last of my dreams are done with, I'll just focus on teaching for now and try again in January when the MAC opens. Although I'm not sure I can handle being shot down again...

Sorry for the novel.


Well-known member
Aww sweetie that sounds like a horrible ordeal! I know what it's like to be shot down so many times, i'm a professional beauty therapist and make-up artist and i've had over 3 years experience in retail and I still get turned down. I've just moved to London and i've been looking for a job for 5 weeks now, and hardly any bites so far. I applied at MAC, Benefit, Space NK (a make-up store) and random unknown 'cosmetic counter' positions and haven't heard a word. The only place i've heard from is the Estee Lauder Bureau and i've got my interview tomorrow for that. Even if I did get the job, i'm not sure which Lauder company I would be working for and i'm pretty sure its temp work only.

I think it's really rude and un-professional when these companies don't get back to you, I can understand that management gets busy and has a lot of things to do when it comes to employment however I think that if a prospective candidate takes the time and effort to apply, come in for an interview, and set up their portfolio that the management should take the effort to make a simple phone call informing the candidate of the outcome.

I honestly don't think retail is rocket science, they should be looking more at the candidates make-up techniques and proffesionalism rather than selling skills. It's easy to suggest a product and put a sale through but it's much harder to match colours to suit every person have a great technique. Maybe next time if you apply and get an interview, really stress the customer service factor, just completely wow them with how you will offer 5 star customer service, make add on's to every single sale and cross-sell every product with another, that should get them seeing dollar signs.

Good luck with everything, but don't stop getting out there and applying at MAC because if it's your dream, then nobody can stop you!


Well-known member
Aww sweetie I'm sorry to hear about what happened but you can't give up! You have to keep on trying and applying if it is what you really want to do. I am an extremely persistent person which has served me well thus far. Just like with everything in life some of the most successful people in this world haven't been the most talented, creative, intelligent etc... It has been their self belief and drive which has catapulted them to the top!

As for your chosen career, if it is not what you truly want to do then don't do it. Look for a career in something that you are passionate about. Don't be one of those people who look back on their life with regret, seize all opportunities while you have them now.

I decided a while ago to never settle for second best and I am much happier for it!

Good luck sweetie!



Well-known member
LOL miss emc we both started our sentences exactly the same lol.

By the way hun I'm from london (moved to NY last year) and i have a few numbers that you can call if your looking for makeup counter work... I'll pm you ( just have to look for them)



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ambonee
I'm too lazy to type it all out again so here's what I told a girl in the LJ comm with added details. =)

I went in Friday (seeing as how it has been a month since the one manager promised to call) I've been in a few times and she's always been gone or busy in the back. So I'm there and I found out I just missed her and the other manager from the counter manager (who has nothing to do with the hiring process.) I was told to come back in an hour/hour and a half and I asked if they had the next round of interviews yet she said they had just had them the day before (come to find out later it wasn't the group one I'm waiting for, but MA's at the counter applying for more hours) so I left for awhile and came back and spoke with my fav. MA who was showing me stuff when the managers got back. They saw me and acknowledged me and said they'd be with me in a second (we were by the back room) so I'm waiting there still talking with my fav. MA and we move back over to the counter and I waited. About 15 minutes went by and my MA went to go see what was going on, they were talking with another MA, no biggie. Awhile (at least another 20-30 minutes) went by and the other MA was back out on the floor so my MA went back for me again. She comes back and looks kinda upset. she told me she went back there and told them I was still waiting and they said "She's still here? we thought she left" and told her to tell me they'll be making calls on Monday. She told them I had already had both interviews and that I was wondering about the group interview and they ignored her. My MA told me she's known two people who've come to apply (last Dec.) who never got a call back at all. It just makes me upset that they didn't even come out to talk to me, I was there a long time (after they got back).

Today I get the call and the manager tells me that my retail experience is not sufficient and I should go to another counter and rack up some experience because I've only had one job (the one I'm currently at) So I explained to her that doing that would require a pay cut and I was willing to do that for MAC because I really wanted to work for them. =/ I asked if she'd consider me for freelance and she said there were no openings for freelance so I guess that's a no. She also had apologized for the other day saying that they were getting things ready for phone calls today which is complete BS, she could have spent 2 seconds to talk to me instead of hiding in the back. I mean everything she told me on the phone could have/should have been told to me when she was supposed to call in a week not over a month (close to 6 weeks) or heck, if it was the experience thing why couln't they have told me at the end of my interview? Then she complimented my portfolio and said she'd keep it on file (but I'm sure it's in the trash.) I'm just so dissapointed with how this whole thing was handled, when I went in last I was told that the next interview was the group and they hadn't set that up yet. Now I find out they're hiring without it...odd. So yeah, I'm probably just bitter =/ (I'm really not, I just wanted this job so badly and everything seemed SO perfect at my interview!)

and about going to another line first, who's to say they'll hire me with no experience and even if I do get hired do I stay on for 6 months? a year? three? and then just up and leave to MAC? that seems sort of wrong, why would they want someone who'll flake on another job and not stick with it? Not only that, I'd feel badly leaving another company just to work for MAC. I'm 25 I'm looking for a career I don't want to bounce around from job to job.

I will try again although the Nordstroms I applied at (after the Macy's one) was shot down after filling out the on-line aplication a week after I filled it out, probably because of the lack of retail experience. And the only other MAC won't open until January (or so I'm told) I just feel like quitting. As much as I LOVE applying make-up I just don't think I have the endurance to put a few more years in other places to perhaps get shot down by MAC again. I know it's retail and I KNOW I can sell, I've turned many people onto MAC over the years and even got people to buy things just because they liked everything on my eyes.

I'm going to school to be a teacher. I have a year left. My passion has always been theater, music and make-up (mostly application in theater) and each one of those dreams has been shot down in one way or another. I picked teaching because it was "safe" not because I have this burning passion to be a teacher, although I think I'd make an ok one =) it just wasn't my dream. And now the last of my dreams are done with, I'll just focus on teaching for now and try again in January when the MAC opens. Although I'm not sure I can handle being shot down again...

Sorry for the novel.

Sorry to hear that it didn't go the way you planned.
I was just thinking though...if your passion is theater, music and makeup, but you are going for a teaching degree...could you combine the two? Who didn't love their drama teacher/prof ?

If working at a counter is what you want to do though, don't give up!


Well-known member
Aww, that sucks. The managers' behavior was pretty unprofessional, so you may be better off not working at that counter anyway. Do you know for sure that the managers you spoke with also manage freelancers as well? Just curious, incase someone else, perhaps at a different location, is the freelance manager and would perhaps know better.

I know that when I turned in my application for freelance (which was about a week before I applied for permanent), I never heard back about a position. I was kind of surprised that I never heard back for freelance, and went through the entire process for permanent....anyway...

...don't be discouraged. I truly believe that although life throws some disappointments, it just means that there is something bigger and better that your life needs to make room for.