Originally Posted by TamEva Le Fay
Let me state here my disappointment in two brushes I really wanted – that being the two Rachel Welch brushes #223 & #169!!! To my absolute horror and surprise, both, of these brushes were made in China! I’ve never known any MAC brushes to have been made in China before. Most, if not all, are made in France or Japan.
And it’s to no offence to the good folks in china, as I own many brushes made in china, but most of those I purchased at Longs’ Drugs or Walgreens, Walmart, etc., not at a MAC store!!!
Needless to say the quality of the Rachel Welch brushes were what one would expect from a drug store purchase!
I have the 223, and do
not love it. I find it a great disappointment in comparison to all my other MAC blending brushes. Fortunately, I scooped mine up from the Clearance Bin for a very good price, but still - the point is, that brush is lacking. Reading your post and having experienced the 223, I'm glad I passed on the 169.
As for the 129, it's one of my least favourite brushes I own out of over 40 full size MAC brushes. For me, though, it has more to do with the shape; mine is a 129SH and is very soft. I simply prefer a blush brush that you can use to buff the blush into the skin rather than simply sweep it on. I do find it to be handy for beauty powder, but that's about it, generally. Most of my MAC brushes are delightful.