I Have Keratosis Pilaris


New member
Originally Posted by missmolliecule
LatteQueen, it's true that there are people who have it worse in life and I, as a woman who suffers with KP, am very greatful and blessed not to be in those situations. However, I have to disagree with you that it doesn't matter... There is nothing wrong with trying to raise one's self-esteem. I mean, if everyone went through life with that belief, that 'as long as I'm not dying, I need to suck it up', I'm sure millions of people out there wouldn't leave the house for various issues that affected their self-esteem. I mean, for some people that's the whole point of wearing makeup, so that they can feel better and prettier and confident as they live their lives. As this is a make-up forum, I don't think it's fair that you take that approach on the subject. A lot of Specktra has to do with feeling better about yourself.

Also, I don't believe this thread was created for people to whine about KP, from what I can tell it was created for people to reach out to others who have the issue, so that they know they're not alone, and also to try and find treatment options that work.

I know we're all allowed our own opinions on this forum, but I do have to say that it offends me when someone else says that something I have been suffering from throughout my life, that caused me to have no confidence or self-esteem at times, doesn't matter.

Thank you so much for what you said in the last paragraph. I feel like I have no confidence what-so-ever. It really makes me feel better that someone elseout there feels the same exact way. I hope that when I get older I can learn to deal with this and not let it bother me. I just don't want to cry or mope around about this anymore. I wish someone could find a cure!

Seeking Refuge

Well-known member
My boyfriend calls me "chicken legs." ... I hate it.

I heard about KP duty a while ago, but never really gave it a ton of thought, but lately, (because it's summer) I want nothing more to make it go away. I'm investing as soon as I can. Specially after 20+ years of having this condition ...


Oh my gosh! I thought I was the only freak with bumps on my skin! (i'm not saying were freaks with bumps but that's what I considered myself... lol ) I suppose I must suffer from this seeing as I have them on my outer thighs and the top of my legs. It's worse at the top than bottom. I always thought it was a shaving problem and moved to waxing my legs but never thought it was like a condition thing. I'm so trying what you ladies have been recommending but I'm so happy to know that there is help for this! I've had it since the age of 14 and I'm alway SOOOO embarrassed to wear shorts, dresses, skirts and bathing suits for the fact that they are all so ugly! I always say its allergies! LOL But yeah, I'm so happy now!!!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by missmolliecule

I know we're all allowed our own opinions on this forum, but I do have to say that it offends me when someone else says that something I have been suffering from throughout my life, that caused me to have no confidence or self-esteem at times, doesn't matter.

With all due respect, I think you missed her point? She's not saying you don't have the right to be upset, or to search for relief. She was just trying to give you some perspective in an effort to make you feel better. I don't think she was trying to diminish your feelings. I read it quite the opposite--trying to boost you up, in comparison to how bad it could be.



Well-known member
ive had it for a long time, since i was a teenager at least.
it used to be worse when i was overweight (maybe something to do with hormones?) but it got a bit better when i lost weight. then i started trying some treatments and AmLactin really worked the best for me out of everything. I tried Retin-A which didn't seem to do much except dry my skin out. I tried Lush's Buffy and it did nothing. I tried Coconut Oil and it did nothing but make my bathtub slicker than snot. I use the AmLactin every day now and have been for about 2 years. I've seen good results with it - I still have some redness but I think some of it is scarring from when I had it so bad before. I'm very fair but really it's hardly noticable at all now. I never tried Dermadoctor's stuff because I got such good results from AmLactin and it's so much cheaper!


Active member
Exfoliating and shea butter help me a lot with the KP on my arms. I Exfoliate every day with a luffa sponge or Lush Buffy and then pop shea butter into the microwave for a few seconds to melt and apply it on my arms. I use white shea butter and it's great plus you can get it cheaper from some organic stores online and then store it in a jar at home. I've tried all sorts of moisturisers but shea butter seems to work the best. I've also herad that some get good results with coconut oil.
I have it too and I've tried many things and sometimes I think it's getting better and then it just goes all red again and the bumps reappear. It only really kinda goes away when it's warm or hot outside.. they seem to be less noticeable and it's nice. But when it's cold it reappears. I think coconut oil has worked for me.. I think I'll try the new body shop line of the virgin coconut oil again.

I searched on youtube and someone had a video about this GoW Keratosis Pilaris Kit 5 piece / 7 ounces .. not sure if it works though. Worth giving a try though. I might actually. I want to try the Dermadoctor KP Duty scrub first. I might start oil pulling again aswell, might start tomorrow actually. It's just hard for me to be consistant. But I think it was giving me results before.. I went for maybe 2 weeks. I'll try and go for 1-2 months now.

Oh and right now I'm using the Microdermabrasion by Dr.Brandt? I got it from Sephora, I've been using it for maybe a week or 2. My arms are smoother but the red bumps are still there. The only thing that really helps is the sun. I think I'm going to try some of the Lush products listed here aswell and see how that all goes
Good luck to all of you!


Well-known member
I bought Dermadoctor KP Duty a few days ago and i can already tell the difference!! less bumps more even skin tone on my arms!
Originally Posted by kimmae17
I bought Dermadoctor KP Duty a few days ago and i can already tell the difference!! less bumps more even skin tone on my arms!

Oh nice! Did you get the body scrub?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Frozen White
Oh nice! Did you get the body scrub?

no just the creme, its GREAT


Well-known member
I have it on my upper left arm. I never knew what it's called until I saw this thread. I have had it for a long time but it never really bothers me.


Well-known member
I have had this most of my life mainly on my upper arms, and there have been times that it has really bugged me, but most of the time I try and forget about it. I do get the occasional "you're sunburned already?" comment, but I can usually just ignore it. What I have found to work for the bumps is to just exfoliate or scrub really well with some kind of cleanser, and then just moisturize after. My arms are getting smoother, so I have fewer bumps to absently pick at, which is always a plus. ;D
I heard Lush's Dream Cream works really well for it too and some people has said that it's made all of the red bumps disappear. I will probably get this product next week and tell you guys how it goes.


Well-known member
I don't know if anyone has recommended this yet but coconut oil is supposed to be really good for KP. A bunch of girls use it on this other forum and they all said it helped a lot.


Well-known member
I have it too. Since I can remember.
On my upper arms and my legs (especially on my calves). I've went to so many dermatologists, but they weren't much help.

Eventually I've found the best solution by myself (at least it's working so far).

These exfoliating gloves
Bath Gloves: Accessories: Bath - The Body Shop
I don't know why (nor is it important, as long as it works
), but they're better than any regular exfoliator that I've ever used.

And afterwards a really good body lotion, that moisturizes really well. My favorites are The Body Shop's Shea Butter
Shea Body Butter: Body Butter: Body - The Body Shop

Eucerin's body lotion with 3% urea (not sure if you have it in the US) is also fantastic, and Neutrogena's Body Repair Lotion
Neutrogena Everyday Repair Body Lotion

My skin is looking pretty good now, almost all the keratosis is gone (of course, I'll have to continue exfoliating and moisturizing a lot, because it does come back if you get lazy about it


Well-known member
I used to be really embarrassed by my keratosis pilaris, until I realized two things:

1. roughly half of the adult population has it, and
2. most people don't notice it, not even if they're touching my arm.

It still kinda grosses me out, even though it's only small patches on my upper arms, so I exfoliate and moisturize to reduce their appearance.


Well-known member
I have it too. About 50 percent of all women have it. So you are definitely not alone.

Cremes containing Urea or Glycolic acid can be of good help. I have really gotten good results with a combination of those two.

There is also a forum about it here (some people have it very bad in their face etc.):

Keratosis Pilaris Community - KP Community


Active member
Add me to the list! But I'm different, I LOVED MY KP. But hear me out.
It's hereditary in my family and I've had it since I was little. I had it on my face, upper arms, and thighs. I loved the KP on my face, it looked like I was blushing 24/7 :] shallow I know.
Anyway, I remember my parents would pick at them for me but I never really cared about it, my face cleared up over the years and the way I look at it, it makes me ME. I still have it on my arms and legs and I love wearing short shorts and tube tops. But I can see why you can be insecure, I just hope you'll look at it a different way :]
p.s. my aunt's told me it goes away with age if that's any help? Im 20 now and the KP on my face was gone before I made it into high school and what's left on my arms is smooth