i haven't heard much about mac mascara...


Well-known member
EW, i hate big mascara wands, they don't do me justice! this includes benefit's bad girl, dior show, etc.
i have and use and adore zoomlash, i don't care what others say. i have my technique down...i apply one coat lightly and randomnly. let it dry, and then use the second coat as my "technical" one...i.e., coat the tops of lashes, and seperate at the bottoms of my lashes too.
i've only ever used prolonglash and personally, i don't like it; i don't get enough volume.
that's just IMO...


Well-known member
I've tried many mascaras inclusing MAC's zoom lash and I hated it. I found that it made my lashes really clumpy which was not the look I was hopeing for. Pesonally, I love love love Maybelines Great Lash! I've used it for years and so has my mom, she was the one who actually got me hooked...lol. I've tried venturing out and tried a few others but nothing compares to it!! It makes my lashes really lenghtly and goes on really smooth. I learned a good trick along the way which is seperate my lashes with tweezers after I have put the mascara on. Sooo many people think I have on fake eyelases because of this technique...lol. You guys should try it, it's great! :thumbsup:


Well-known member
It's going to sound like I drank the koolaid here, but I like X and Zoom. A lot.
For some reason mascara tracks big nasty streaks under my brows - even BadGal lash (which would have been great if it stayed put! I wanted to cry...) and the Diorshow in waterproof (it tracked inside of half an hour, big freaking black lines down my eyelids...looked like a circus freak despite the Dior woman's promises it wouldn't - and then she blanked on me when I wanted to return it...and I don't usually even wear waterproof...)
Hypnose didn't track but the first tube I had was the only tube that was any good. I got it again and it was crusty and bugged my eyes. Stuck with another stupid-expensive mascara that wants to be an eyeshadow.
So, I'll take the tradeoff - at least MAC stays on my lashes and doesn't give me clown eyes.
I have to say though for a Walgreen's brand that new covergirl one with the spiky brush kicks some serious butt. It also didn't crawl. The only other ones I've had that don't move are Loreal. But yeah. All those expensive ones? Crawl city.


Well-known member
I am in LOVE with Covergirl Exactlash. I've also heard that the new MaxFactor one with the new brush is great. I'll probably try it after my covergirl runs dry.


Active member
Don't buy any mac mascaras. They aren't that great. I use Diorshow but I'm going to try a new mascara soon. I heard Lancome Fatale is excellent. If you are looking for something cheaper try something from Max Factor or Maybelline.

Life In Return

Well-known member
I love Estee Lauder's Lash XL. I went to one of my training seminars a couple weeks ago and received it, and love it. I thought maybe I was the only one who didn't like MAC's mascaras. I see I'm not alone!


Well-known member
The only MAC mascara i use is Fibre rich Lash, "i've never had any problems with it... (no clumping, no drying out, or any of that). I think Mascara is a trail and error type deal. u have to try different brands out to see which one works best for u. Cause what might be the greatest Mascara to one person... "might not be for another"

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