I hope to save Sunny


Well-known member
Poor little guy! I'm sure it will take some time to fully trust people. Who knows what he came from....obviously not a good place
Thank goodness he found you!


Well-known member
Aww.. that's how my golden was (and still is) which breaks my heart because he acts like I'm going to beat him or something
He's learning little by little that we're not though, so I think I'm making good progress with him. It's so sad to see a dog roll over and cringe when you walk towards it with a heavy object in your head.. *shakes head the nerve of people..


Well-known member
I thank god for people like you! What you are doing, saving all these animals it's just amazing. You really are an angel and I wish more people were like you. I'm sure Sunny will be OK now that he found you. I will keep you two in mind and I hope to see more pictures


Well-known member
He will get adapted to everything slowly - it might take a long time - you probably know it best by having helped so many dogs allready.
Its a learning process for him - but in the end i am sure he will be a loving and joyfull animal who overcame his fear of a lot of things he is scared of now.

Still a lot of work and time to go- wish all the best to u and huggs to the dogs


Well-known member
thanks for the update! Sunny is home now and will come around soon. You're truly his angel!


Well-known member
aww poor sunny T___T thanks for the updates.

i have an animal story to share if anyone wants to read.. lol

i live in winnipeg and its super cold and snowy here in the winter season. i kept hearing banging sounds from the basement the other night and it totally scared the crap out of me. I seriously thought we were haunted LOL!

in the afternoon, i still heard bangings so i went into the basement and there was a black quail bird sitting next to my dryer LOL.. im glad we arent haunted

I brought him outsite and realized the poor guy can't even fly but he disapeared into the neighbor's yard. my roomate wouldn't let me keep him >_< I feel really guilty in case he dies because he cannot flee from his predators. I know he can't fly because he "glides" and hops. What could I have done? The poooor bird...


Well-known member
God bless you for your love and kindness for rescuing dogs that others have heartlessly abandoned. You made me feel better about humanity today.


Well-known member
What a lovely looking dog he is, you are truly a blessing to have on this planet!! I hope to be able to help animals like this when I have the means.