aww poor sunny T___T thanks for the updates.
i have an animal story to share if anyone wants to read.. lol
i live in winnipeg and its super cold and snowy here in the winter season. i kept hearing banging sounds from the basement the other night and it totally scared the crap out of me. I seriously thought we were haunted LOL!
in the afternoon, i still heard bangings so i went into the basement and there was a black quail bird sitting next to my dryer LOL.. im glad we arent haunted
I brought him outsite and realized the poor guy can't even fly but he disapeared into the neighbor's yard. my roomate wouldn't let me keep him >_< I feel really guilty in case he dies because he cannot flee from his predators. I know he can't fly because he "glides" and hops. What could I have done? The poooor bird...