I keep getting urinary tract infections


Well-known member
Kuuipo, thank you so much. Your info is always so helpful. I am on a constant run of birth control (no periods). But, it still doesn't help. I don't want to take Lupron b/c I feel it is unnatural to put my body into a state of menopause. I've had multiple surgeries for it. They told me that I basically need to have a kid or have a hysterectomy. I'd rather deal with the pain for now.

But, the pain is only severe when I have a UTI. They do send my urine off to be cultured and it never comes back as a conclusive bacteria that is causing it. They tell me that means it is a general infection caused by multiple bacteria and not by a single one like e-choli.

This is all very interesting. I feel so bad for everyone who gets them chronically (hugs to you xbrookecorex). Tricky, I have not clue about any advice to give you as nothing helps me. I guess I can offer you an ear if you ever need to vent.


Well-known member
I had 4 of them within 3 months last year, i used to MISS class for 2-4 days and just sit on the freaking toliet all day long i seriously took my laptop and sat on the toliet for 10 hours no lie, and the peeing sensation would never go away, and if i tried to pee it hurt soooooo badly, the blood and pus in my bladder would come out like pins and needles (sorry for graphics).

I've been told to just drink lots of water, catch it early b/c it can lead to full blown kidney infections, use condoms while on the antibiotics and several days after since antibiotics lowers the effectiveness of the pill, pee after having sex, make sure ur partner washes his wanker before you have sex for those prone to UTI's, when you wipe after you pee always from front to back, don't use scented soaps.

Kuuipo is right, the more you take antibiotics, and if you dont finish your prescription completely, the bacteria will find a way to build immunity to the antibiotic if you dont kill all the germs the few that do survive will bite you in the ass, and you now have a stronger drug-resistant strain of the mutated bacteria. Then treatment will be months longer and highly intensive.


Well-known member
Ughhhh I am getting one again!!! I went like 3 months with no bladder infections.... I can tell im starting to get one when I have to get up to pee more than once in the middle of the night.

Rbella.... did u get laproscopy (sp?) surgery? Next time I go to the gyno I think they are going to scedual me to get it. I get those pains in my side too... except mine are usually on the right side. The first time I had it I was 17 and my parents called an ambulance because they thought my appendix popped. Now I get them about every 6 months and the doctor said it is ovarian cysts popping. Owwwwie


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Tinkee-Belle
Rbella.... did u get laproscopy (sp?) surgery? Next time I go to the gyno I think they are going to scedual me to get it. I get those pains in my side too... except mine are usually on the right side. The first time I had it I was 17 and my parents called an ambulance because they thought my appendix popped. Now I get them about every 6 months and the doctor said it is ovarian cysts popping. Owwwwie

You poor thing...
I've had several laparoscopys. They help for awhile, but I would encourage you to speak with your doctor about the use of birth control on a constant basis with no periods. I only have a period every 3-4 months to give my body a break. That has actually helped keep the endo from growing back.

When you see a specialist regarding this, I would recommend seeing a Reproductive Endocrinologist. That is who does my surgery and he always has a Gastroenterologist in the O.R. with him. The reason he has the Gastro with him is because they always find it on my colon and on my intestines. Typically if your regular gynecologist does the surgery, they won't check your intestines or your colon. The first surgery I had was done by a regular Gynecologist and didn't help at all. The second time was with the Reproductive Endocrinologist and he removed it all off of my colon, intestines, bladder etc. and I felt sooooo much better!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck to you, feel free to pm me if you have any questions.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
Kuuipo, thank you so much. Your info is always so helpful. I am on a constant run of birth control (no periods). But, it still doesn't help. I don't want to take Lupron b/c I feel it is unnatural to put my body into a state of menopause. I've had multiple surgeries for it. They told me that I basically need to have a kid or have a hysterectomy. I'd rather deal with the pain for now.

But, the pain is only severe when I have a UTI. They do send my urine off to be cultured and it never comes back as a conclusive bacteria that is causing it. They tell me that means it is a general infection caused by multiple bacteria and not by a single one like e-choli.

This is all very interesting. I feel so bad for everyone who gets them chronically (hugs to you xbrookecorex). Tricky, I have not clue about any advice to give you as nothing helps me. I guess I can offer you an ear if

you ever need to vent.

I had Lupron for tumors and it made me very depressed, and I am not prone to depression. My father had lupron too for prostate cancer and he was sad too, but it does work.

I suggest for frequent urinary tract infections see a urologist. They will look into the bladder using a small catheter in the office to make sure there are no obstructions, etc. Urine really should be cultured.

As far as endometriosis, people can grow endometrial material on their intestines and the omentum (the very fine connective tissue that holds us ogether) and it tends to come back even if you do have a hysterectomy (and the hysterectomy would be an open major surgery in the case of endometriosis) . Many women chose to have laparoscopic surgery if they can to remove some endometrial tissue. Often it is largely diagnostic.


Well-known member
my doctor also suggested that i get tested for stds since i got 2 bladder infections so quickly after the other... but my tests came out negative... but maybe you'd want to look into testing for those things?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sofabean
my doctor also suggested that i get tested for stds since i got 2 bladder infections so quickly after the other... but my tests came out negative... but maybe you'd want to look into testing for those things?

People have been known to get trichimonas infections not only in the vaginal canal but also inside the bladder. It is not standardly tested for, but if a person has trich, they often experience bladder pain,burning on urination as well as a thick yellow vaginal discharge. Men may not experience symptoms and pass it on to partners who think they are experiencing a yeast infection.
Yeast infections can cause urethral urning (the pee hole burns).
The clap can cause burning on urination and so can herpes simplex 2 even if it not near the urethra. These can mimic a UTI. Sometimes a doc will give antibiotics anyway (may do more harm than good)


Well-known member
HELP! I think I'm getting on or have it right now. I believe it was a couple months ago or 3 that I had one, didn't know what it was, went to the doctor and she prescribed me antibiotics..So when I feel like I'm getting one or have one I have to go to the doctor and get meds everytime?

This is only my 2nd time but there's no home remedy that takes place of the antibiotics that a doctor would give you? It costs me 60$ everytime I go there and it's not a money issue but if I know what it is I would rather take care of it right away and have the pain go away rather than have to wait for an appt. Like right now it's midnight and I wanna run to the store and get meds but IDK what to get?



UTI's are the devil and they hurt.

miss sha

Well-known member
I get UTIs all the time. At least I THINK they're UTIs. I've never had blood or pus or extreme pain or anything, just painful burning sensations when I pee, and then only small amounts. Trying to force the urine out, it feels like I'm trying to pass a friggin' pebble through my uretha. As soon as I stand up, I'll feel like I have to pee again because of a painful sensation of pressure in my abdomen. I've tried to just ignore it, which sometimes works, but other times I'll just get to a point where I physically can't hold it anymore, even though only a small amount comes out still.

I've noticed that I tend to get them around my period, before and after (I wear tampons). Those are when I get full blown ones that last a couple of days. I get smaller ones all throughout the month; usually I forget about the sensation of pressure as the day goes on, or it'll pass overnight.

I know I definitely need to drink more water though. :/


Well-known member
starting in college i had at least 20 UTI's.

i read every article, peed before and after sex, drank TONS of water, cranberry juice you name it. NOTHING WORKED.

I got so used to having them, the constant feeling of have to pee didnt even bother me. i now am so sensitive to it i can feel them coming before the doctor can even tell. the only thing that ever worked was one doctor gave me a prescription of macrobid that i took when i had sex. i was going on vacation with my boyfriend at the time, and BEGGED him to give me the prescription. I understand teh dangers of the bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics. but when you are getting UTIS every 1-2 months, i didnt really care about the consequences i just wanted something that worked.

i have been broken up with my bf for a while now, so i havent gotten any UTIs in a long time, but its always back in my head that if i do meet a nice guy (hard enough on its own) then allllll this is going to start over. hate it.


Well-known member
I have always been highly susceptible to UTI's from birth, in fact I had three surgeries when I was little to stop getting then constantly. I am still susceptable to them and can get them every time I have sex. The only way for me to not have to go get antibiotics every time you get one is to constantly take high doses of cranberry pills, drink tons of water and pee before and after sex. Even after those measures you can still get them. If you think that you have one you need to go straight to the doctor or a clinic (I use the cheap medical clinic in my Rite-Aid that is around $40), you don't want it to turn into a kidney infection! Trust me, treating that is FAR more expensive than $60, and more dangerous. The cranberry pills only get rid of it if they are taken at the slightest indication of a UTI. But they will help you feel better until you can go to the doctor! The best thing that you can really do is stop having sex.


Well-known member
I know I'm late on this discussion.. but I've dealt with this problem ever since I started having sex. The ONLY thing that has worked is taking two Macrobid pills after having sex. I take one immediately after and one in 12 hours or so. See if your MD will prescribe that.. it's not too expensive if you buy generic. UTI's are the most frustrating thing! I hate having to kind of schedule my sex life by having meds on hand and making sure I can pee afterwards. Anyway, GL!


Well-known member
Oh, and Walgreens carries an over-the-counter med called Cystex. I don't know how I didn't find out about this 'til recently, but it's a godsend. If you're out of antibiotics or waiting to get them, it will reduce pain greatly. It supposedly can help prevent them too, but I've never tried having them everyday as a regimen.. so idk..

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