I know you guys would know for sure!!! B2M lippes....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PixieVM
So why the discrepancy?

because people are just stupid and don't wanna follow rules. it specifically states in the PKM what is/isn't allowed, with the exception of slimshines because they were added after the previous PKM update. they will be in the new update.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PixieVM
At the freestanding store that I go to they didnt let me B2M with the heatherette collection... the MA told me that because its special packaging that they dont allow to B2M...and I was like are you sure? (Because I know that several girls on here B2M without a problem)...so she asked another MA that was next to her and she also said no...so I just let it go... but Im just wondering is this the store's policy or does it just depend on what MA you get....because a couple of weeks later i B2M 18 empties for 3 eyeshadows and a different MA gave me 3 pan shadows instead of the potted shadows...however..the last time I went I had 12 empties and wanted to get 2 pan shadows...I got the same MA that told me no about the heatherette and she said that I could only get the potted shadows and not the pan shadows...So why the discrepancy?

I know for a fact that some collections are non-B2M-able in some locations. I'm not sure who makes the decision, the store manager or the regional manager or corporate. I went to MAC Soho for a Heatherette launch party in March and it was made clear that no Heatherette item was going to be available through Back 2 MAC. At my location in Connecticut however, they were.

Like I said before, there are the general MAC guidelines, but I suppose at some locations the managers/employees stray off of those rules, whether on purpose or not. You just have to contact an artist at your closest/favorite MAC and ask them what their specific policies are.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lizzie
I've b2m for LE lipsticks and slimshines before.
But it's weird that b2m rules varies between stores/counters.

I know it's quite annoying to customer when they try to B2M for something and they say "oh we don't take e/s pots without the silver pan." Oh really?

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