I love Makeup Designory NYC!

Naked Lunch

Well-known member
Originally Posted by syrene78
I have been wanting to go to the NYC MUD school as well to take the same classes as you (except hair, I hate that, LOL) + fashion.
How long are the days really from 8am to 5pm? Are they really intense?
Is it better to take the evening classes?
What are you doing now?

I took the Journeyman program during the day from 8-5. Most days you're there from 8-5. There were days when we left early, and days we stayed late.

Beauty wasn't really intense. It's basic, but it helped a lot with technique. Character was more intense. A lot more information and steps to learn.

Right now I'm applying all over for counter jobs, and tomorrow i'm doing a zombie movie. Trying too find some jobs with money involved.


Active member
YES! finally a thread about MUD, the school i'm aiming for. on the other hand, is there any OTHER schools that you guys can reccommend me. cause so far MUD is kind of too expensive for me =(


New member

I plan on attending to the makeup-designory in New York,
Has anyone heard anything about it? or any suggestions?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ninahxd
YES! finally a thread about MUD, the school i'm aiming for. on the other hand, is there any OTHER schools that you guys can reccommend me. cause so far MUD is kind of too expensive for me =(

Empire Beauty School formerly The Learning Insitute of Beauty Sciences has a makeup school it's about 400 hours for each of the three programs ( Beauty & Glamour, character, Advanced character) the cost per program is roughly $3000 including the price of your kit and the enrollment fees.

there is also lia schor (idk if that's the right spelling), joe blasco should be opening up in ny soon, last looks makeup academy. Those are the ones I know off the top of my head. Honestly i think MUD is amazing and empire has this teacher Orlando who really is an incredible artist but they are all pretty much going to get the same thing from all of them.


Well-known member
Ok this whole thread has just totally confirmed it for me. I sent off for an information pack the other day (should be here in a few weeks), I have ALWAYS (ever since I was about 6 - my mum has no idea where I got the dream from) wanted to live in New York (and it is going to happen one day, I can't see myself living in England in my late 20s! And I really want to go to MUD! It's going to be a lot of money but everything I've read on here has just made me more excited about it! I'm going to start saving up! If I can't go next year I am DEFINITELY going in 2010! It would just be so cool to live in NY for a while not only to see if it lives up to my dream but because I would be going to an amazing make up school - sure I could go to one over here (there's a really really good one where I live) but I'd rather pay an extra £3000 on top of my course fees to live and shop over there for a month or two! Aim of this year: SAVE UP LOTS OF MONEY! No idea how.. maybe I should hold a big event next year and get all my family and friends to donate or something hahaha!


i am planning on going to MUD in a year or two when i'm finished with college. i've always wanted to go to a makeup school and i really love nyc so i think this school would be perfect!

i wanted to do the beauty makeup artistry program..anybody have any input on that program??

also, what did people do about housing..i will be coming from out of state, and the course, i believe, only runs about a month....what did other people do???

Thanks for anyyy information =]


New member
im starting in the fashion program on feb. 10th im so excited i cant wait =] and the best part is i live in burbank and MUD is only like 7 mins from my house! :] its expensive though..around $10,000 for that program [which is 400 hours] including the supplies and what not. i hope its worth it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Loveleighe
Empire Beauty School formerly The Learning Insitute of Beauty Sciences has a makeup school it's about 400 hours for each of the three programs ( Beauty & Glamour, character, Advanced character) the cost per program is roughly $3000 including the price of your kit and the enrollment fees.

there is also lia schor (idk if that's the right spelling), joe blasco should be opening up in ny soon, last looks makeup academy. Those are the ones I know off the top of my head. Honestly i think MUD is amazing and empire has this teacher Orlando who really is an incredible artist but they are all pretty much going to get the same thing from all of them.

Do you have any more info on Empires makeup school??


New member
Hi I was wondering if someone can offer some helpful advice in receiving makeup training. I live in nyc and I have attended a beginners course, where I learned the BASIC application of makeup. This class taught us about different brushes, how to prepare the face, eyebrows and foundation. But in terms of greater detail such as color correction, highlight, contour, eye shadow application, day and bridal makeup - nothing. And I felt that I need to learn the appropriate technique. Has anyone attended MUD in nyc? The Makeup/Beauty course? Its pretty costly but I want to make sure I make the right decision. Which one is better for learning makeup...MUD or Empire Beauty? Please let me know. Thanks!!

*I thought it would be easy to find a Great makeup course in New York City but I have to say its been quite a challenge.


Well-known member
I'm about to enroll in a school and they SAY they are the only school affiliated with MUD or something..well our kits are from MUD so I'm excited. glad to see you like it....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by unbelizable
Ok this whole thread has just totally confirmed it for me. I sent off for an information pack the other day (should be here in a few weeks), I have ALWAYS (ever since I was about 6 - my mum has no idea where I got the dream from) wanted to live in New York (and it is going to happen one day, I can't see myself living in England in my late 20s! And I really want to go to MUD! It's going to be a lot of money but everything I've read on here has just made me more excited about it! I'm going to start saving up! If I can't go next year I am DEFINITELY going in 2010! It would just be so cool to live in NY for a while not only to see if it lives up to my dream but because I would be going to an amazing make up school - sure I could go to one over here (there's a really really good one where I live) but I'd rather pay an extra £3000 on top of my course fees to live and shop over there for a month or two! Aim of this year: SAVE UP LOTS OF MONEY! No idea how.. maybe I should hold a big event next year and get all my family and friends to donate or something hahaha!

NYC is one of my favorite places on earth nd you'll love it !! i can't wait to move back, i love the city and I'm sick of driving in california. trading in my car keys for a metro card once again, i cannot wait.

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