I"m Jealous of People with Eyelids...


Well-known member
I feel the exact same way. And I really like wearing bright outrageous colours and it just looks ridiculous because I lack a crease. It's not so much of a crease that's bothering me, I think the problem lies more of because I don't have a crease, the gap between my eyes and eyebrows are much greater. So whenever I use a lot of colour, I HAVE TO wear false lashes to make it look decent ;\


Well-known member
When your over forty, double lidded friends start sporting a doubledouble lid (I call it a foreskin eyelid, because it retracts in on itself), and you still have a lovely light eyelid, maybe you will feel less desirous of the European eye.

I can see my eyelids folding more and more deeply on themselves, and I know by age 50, I will have one large crease with a fold of upper eyelid skin completely covering my motile lid. Yeah, so...

Anyway, I always admire my friend's single lid - it made her looks so youthful, like she's in her thirties, and she's almost double that! No one believes her age.


Well-known member
Grass is alwasy greener on the other side...

I'm asian and I do have double eye lid, but I still complain that i don't have BIG LID for me to play with all those colorful e/s, well, what can you do... so I like to focus more on making "3D" effect on my face, I love blush, highlighter, bronzer to create lighting effect, accentuate taller nose, bigger eyes and all that, also use colorful eyeliner to change the eye shape. You just need to find the way that works for you and make the best of your own feature


Well-known member
Really?? I love so much the look of asian eyes!!
My favorite tuts are from asian girls and many times I wish that my eyes were like that, I think they are co cute and special!


Well-known member
i think single eyelids are just as beautiful as double eyelids. im sure that are lots of people that feel the same way. the most important thing to remember is that not all makeup looks will look good on every person, since everyone is different. i agree with the above posters that you should experiment with application. perhaps, it would be helpful to look up pictures of celebs who have similar eyelids to yours, to learn how to do eyemakeup. thats what i did. also, they do make tapes and glues to create a temporary fold on the eyes. this could be a product that might be worth a try. ive never tried it, but i know people that use them.


Well-known member
i am a sucker for the barbie's eotds...but damn it...because i have no crease and no double eyelids....i can't get those looks to work on me


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NFTP
perhaps, it would be helpful to look up pictures of celebs who have similar eyelids to yours, to learn how to do eyemakeup. thats what i did. also, they do make tapes and glues to create a temporary fold on the eyes. this could be a product that might be worth a try. ive never tried it, but i know people that use them.

What sucks about that is that I can't think of really any celebrity that has a single lid. I don't even see that many Asian celebrities overseas have a single lid... And those tapes and glues... omg! I've tried them once or twice and it was like total hell. It looks ridiculouse! I'd rather have someone cut my eye open in surgery than use those things again!


Well-known member
Not all Asians have single lids...I'm Asian and I have double eye lids..


You can always consider eye lid surgery!

I have a few friends that have turned to that..


Well-known member
I LOVE Asian eyes! They are beautiful just as they are and don't ever forget that! In fact, I jump at the chance to do makeup on Asian gals... it seems no matter what I do they always look gorgeous. Just like you are


Well-known member
I have single eyelids as well. been wondering how should i do my eye makeup?

tried a couple of times, and always look like a disaster >.<


Well-known member
I'm quiet embarrassed of the posts I've made in this thread looking at them now. What a difference a year makes.

Here's my updated opinion: It is possible to wear eye makeup without having a crease. It should not be viewed as a burden or pain. Application is just different and you're just going to have to experiment and practice with what works and what doesn't with your eye shape and features, because it's out there. Trying just a few times with makeup probably isn't going to cut it for anybody starting out with makeup, let alone personalizing to your features.

I think it's flat out LAZY to opt for eyelid glue, tape, or surgery rather than taking the time to experiment with what works.

African women often have difficulty finding makeup that matches their skin tone due to many cosmetic manufacturers not making suitable deeper shades. There are brands out there that do cater to women of deeper skin tone, they just take a little more effort to be found. In that case should the women just give up and lighten their skin rather to take the time to find products that work for them?

Women of more mature skin sometime can not use products like eyeshadow and foundation with lots of mica because it magnifies the lines. It just takes different application and products to suit the skin. Should the solution be to have a brow lift and face lift instead?

They say makeup should enhance one's natural features. In that case, everyone's natural features vary, therefore application will vary. It just takes time and effort to learn. Makeup should fit the individual; one should not "fix" themselves to fit the makeup... or more specifically the beauty standards set by society. Whatever people are willing to admit to...

I'm going to stand by myself, who I am, and refuse to conform. If people aren't willing to accept the way I look then those people don't matter.


Well-known member
astronaut: That was beautiful!

My friends alwaysss complain about their monolids so next time they b*tch and complain, I'll show them your post haha


Well-known member
I have a defined crease, but almost no eyelid! When my eye is open, my crease almost touches the bottom part of my eyebrow. it sounds weird but it works for my face shape


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissMarley
grass is always greener- i have huge double eyelids, but they're also very deepset and make me look tired- it's also easy for even light makeup to look like TOO MUCH- like, trashy

Same! I hate my huge eyelids! A lot of time I just wear eyeliner and skip the shadow because I can't make it look right, especially for day. Doesn't help that I have really bad dark circles and this only makes me look more tired! I have always thought that makeup looks look sooo good on Asian eyes. The grass is totally always greener!

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