I need a bit of advice/reassurance


Well-known member
I have met a guy who is lovely, but I just have one issue (which isnt major and I dont know why I am being so pathetic)... He is 24 and I am 25. Ok, so a years age difference isnt much at all, but I am really noticing it. I am used to much older guys (my last relationship was with a 38 yr old) and I am finding this guy a bit immature. To most people he probably isnt though. Its probably that I am a bit too mature for my age (I am more comfortable around people my parents age than people my own age!)

I just feel we are at different points in our lives. I have bought a house and am ready to settle down but I think he still wants to go out and party. Which is fine but I want to find someone who wants what I want.

He is the sweetest guy ever, I just cant get over this age/immaturity thing.
. I keep saying that if he was 10 years older, he would be perfect!

Has anyone been in this situation where their boyfriend is younger than you and you can really notice the age difference? Does it really matter? Do things change? Am i just being stupid?

Any comments and advice is welcome!



Well-known member
If it matters to you, it matters. Talk to him about where you are and what you want at this stage in your life. All he can do is say "not interested", and if he does, then...I guess at least you know?


Well-known member
You could just... have fun with him, date and hang out. Let him know you like him but you aren't ready for a serious relationship. If he does want a serious relationship he'll probably lose interest and you can find somebody on the same page as you.


Well-known member
At first I was thinking wow he is just ONE year younger but then I thought about it more and if you are use to and more comfortable around people a certain age higher than yours than, yeah, I can see the concern. I would just say use caution, I guess how you handle it, Because just dont assume because he is 24 he is immature by default. He could be very mature for his age but just not at the level of experience that someone in their 30s have acquired.

I don't think I actually just gave you advice here but I hope I help in some way.


Well-known member
I agree with Shimmer. You should definitely talk to him & find out what he is looking for long-term. If it's not what you are looking for, you should move on and find someone that is more what you want.