I need a hug (lady things)


Well-known member

Take care there! On my 1st days of period, I suffer from hard cramps too.. I feel dizzy, everything is blurry, and tat pain down there is so bad
I can relate so just.. HUGS! It will be ok!


Well-known member
Ah someone who feels my pain ! I went on the pill because my cramps where so bad I just cried haha !

My remedy ? Get a huge hot chocolate , browse the MAC website and plan your next haul - always cheers me up !

Hope you feel better soon ! xoxoxo


Well-known member
aw I feel your pain! Feel better soon
One time I was in so much pain and I freaking did not know I was even supposed to get my period and I was on an airplane and it hurt so bad I was crying...I agree about trying ibuprofen, that helps.


Well-known member
God and I whined about my occassional cramps, Im glad I dont have to go through that

Why is it us girls get the short end of the stick all the time?

Well....at least we can wear make-up and wear killer shoes, oh wait, some guys can too

Oooh Chikky, you like the Last Unicorn too
I looooove that film. Sorry, just reading your sig.


Well-known member
Thanks again. I'll definitely keep everyone updated. My doctor's appointment is Monday, though I think this will just be a consultation. More tests will soon follow, I think.

I'm really embarrassed to talk about this with my SO. I told him I had an appointment, though, and he got all worried, but I kinda didn't say what for, and said we'd 'see how it went'.
Cause, you know, they said I'd have to make some decisions, like... for treatment. About kids and whatnot, if I am indeed 'reproductive'. And that's kinda... I dunno! I'm embarrassed about it; I think because I used to be so totally 'tell everything' and I think I kinda freaked him out, haha. I would like to know what 'stage' of endo I am, though. I didn't realize there were different stages. Just, like, crappy, crappier and most definitely crappy.


Well-known member

I suffer from bad cramp every month... my doctor prescribed me Ponstan and they helps a lot but I prefer not to take any medication is the cramp isn't that bad.


Well-known member
So, here are my options:

I can either have another laparoscopy, or I can take shots to go into menopause for 6 months.

I don't know what to do. I have another appointment on Wednesday to have an ultrasound to make sure the cysts haven't come back.

I don't know what to do.


Well-known member
Aww **HUGS**!!!
I just now stumbled across this thread. I am having the same issue, I just had my ultrasound last week & I am waiting for my gyno to call me back about the results. I just want to know NOW!

I hope things work out for you baby doll! I will be thinking of you!


Well-known member
Thanks. *hugs* And good luck; the waiting is the worst.

You know, my OBGYN told me 'Whatever you do, do not go home and google this! (the Lupron)'

So, of course, I did.

It kinda scares me. I'm not worried about pregnancy (I mean, I don't even know if it's a viable thing anyhow, but I'm not planning on it)... But 6 months of menopause? It scares me. More than surgery; I've had that. I'm more afraid that they'll get in there and see nothing treatable surgery-wise. Plus, I don't want another scar... (I know it sounds vain... I just have four medical ones now, and I'm starting to get a bit self-concious about them now.) And what if they have to really cut me?? Someone I work with went in for laparoscopy and they had to end up really cutting her open.

I just want to cry and I'm embarrassed to tell my SO, but at the same time I just want to see him. And I'll have to tell him via IM tonight because I can't just ignore him when he asks what happened.

I wish I knew how he'd react to 'girly' type things. I cant wait for Wednesday. I just want to know and decide.


Well-known member
Is there any way you can bank your eggs in case something goes wrong? Man, I wish I could give you a giant hug, that is a huge decision to have to make.


ETA: I think you should explain things to your SO. If he's a halfway decent guy he'll just be there for you. You should be able to lean on him right now, not worry about how he's going to react. You have nothing to be embarrassed about, you have a health condition. Don't be ashamed of that.


Well-known member
Well, I told him.

I'm usually not so... worried about TMI, but with him I am. I guess I'm afraid of what he'll think of me. Differently, or whatever. So I kinda flat out asked. He said as long as it doesn't involve blood he's fine, heh!

And I kinda made a fool of myself by saying a few times that I was sorry, to which he said not to be... and I said that he probably didn't want to know. To which he replied: 'Of course I want to know'.

Which made me feel so much better. I wanted to cry and hug him right then. It made me feel so good.


Well-known member
I'm glad it went well, and that he's being supportive. Right now you should be able to just focus on your health and the decisions you have to make.


Active member
i just found this thread and i go through the same thing as you other girls. my period pain is so bad that i cant even go to work or uni because i can barely walk without screaming (ive also almost passed out before because of this). its kinda unpredictable as well so taking things like ponstan doesnt work properly. im going to see a doctor again because its really bad. hope it gets better for you and dont worry coz im sure you will be fine xoxo


Well-known member
So, here it is:

I have another cyst, also now.

They want to do another laparoscopy, to just get rid of it all. Or I could kinda wait and see if the cyst shrinks, but the endo will still be there.

I really don't know what to do. I really dont want another laparoscopy. They want to do it in TWO DAYS or on the 19th, so Christmas I'll be laid up.

Would you have it done? Or no?

EDIT - I'd really decided to wait, based on gut feeling, but I'm already spotting AGAIN. I've had one day of not in about 2 and a half weeks...

EDIT 2 - I'm going in tomorrow for a laparoscopy... I'm so upset I just want to cry.


Well-known member
I had my laparoscopy today. I actually feel really good right now! So I'm relaxing and whatnot tonight.


Well-known member
I am glad you are recovering ok and am sorry that you are dealing with it. Hopefully you will find a way to control it that doesn't make you resort to further surgeries ... but I am glad that you have taken care of it for now