Thanks. *hugs* And good luck; the waiting is the worst.
You know, my OBGYN told me 'Whatever you do, do not go home and google this! (the Lupron)'
So, of course, I did.
It kinda scares me. I'm not worried about pregnancy (I mean, I don't even know if it's a viable thing anyhow, but I'm not planning on it)... But 6 months of menopause? It scares me. More than surgery; I've had that. I'm more afraid that they'll get in there and see nothing treatable surgery-wise. Plus, I don't want another scar... (I know it sounds vain... I just have four medical ones now, and I'm starting to get a bit self-concious about them now.) And what if they have to really cut me?? Someone I work with went in for laparoscopy and they had to end up really cutting her open.
I just want to cry and I'm embarrassed to tell my SO, but at the same time I just want to see him. And I'll have to tell him via IM tonight because I can't just ignore him when he asks what happened.
I wish I knew how he'd react to 'girly' type things. I cant wait for Wednesday. I just want to know and decide.