I NEED MAC instead OF...


Well-known member
Hm... I sacrificed a couple of dates for MAC!!! Cuz for dates, you gotta buy new dresses, new heels, new fragrance... new haircut...sometimes have to pay for a couple of drinks... (MAC, you owe me 3 hot guys =.=")


Well-known member
I NEED MAC instead OF... fattening $5 starbuck lattes!


Well-known member
Back in highschool i would skip lunch everyday and bring a sandwich from my house to save me 2-5 bucks a day, it adds up!

Then in college i had to stop my addiction for mac for 3 whole years because i was a poor college student and i had just given birth.

But as always i pay for everything such as bills/baby stuff/morgage before i head to the mac store, i have so much clothes and shoes i dont buy anymore, and i spend maybe $100-$200 dollars every 3 months on mac.

TamEva Le Fay

Well-known member

I’ve been waiting, patiently, by the mailbox to receive my postcard from MAC that’ll tell me that I, finally, have the go-ahead to book an appointment to see my Hairdresser…hmmmm?

Soooo…you see now, you can’t talk to me about being tacky, since I’ve been asked to be the Head Speaker at the “Tacky Convention”!

Nooooo….instead, I get the loveliest emails from MAC telling me that this is, just, not possible this month, we’re sorry, since your finances will be otherwise preoccupied with getting insane amounts of backups for LE makeup that will not be waiting around forever for you to decide to purchase!!! HA! How do you like that? They’re very blunt about it too!

Of course, it was more serious than I ever imagined! When I was in the grocery store the other day, you know doin’ a little shoppin’, when sleepwalking through the dairy aisle, I actually saw my face on a MILK CARTON!!!


It seems I’ve become the poster child for a root job!!! I keep on telling myself…just one more week! And I keep telling others that, this, is the latest Brazilian Highlight, you know where they, actually, paint on roots intentionally?!?

Couple more weeks, like this, and my friends are goin’ to buy me a one-way ticket to BRAZIL!

Come on MAC…a Girl’s got to get her hair did too you know!!!

brownsuga lady

Well-known member
I pay all my bills first and use my "play" money to get my MAC stuff. I have gone without getting new shoes or clothes or going out to dinner or the movies often to have more "play" money for the MAC I want but I've never not paid a bill because of it. My husband would KILL me. I wouldn't feel right either anyway. LOL


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Angelcorrine
I'm guilty of charging MAC to my credit card.

Ugh sad to say but same here. I promise to not do that anymore


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TamEva Le Fay
Come on MAC…a Girl’s got to get her hair did too you know!!!

For real.

I've not ever paid a bill so I could buy MAC, but I definitely have skipped on buying clothes, getting a hair cut, etc. so I could buy something I wanted.


Active member
nothing here either...bills and other responsibilities first, then Mac...I have a pro card too, so it's not that bad for me...

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