I need MAJOR advice, please???


Well-known member
I def agree that he was feeding off your vibe. I understand the way you acted though b/c the morning after is kind of an akward situation. It does seem like he was "lingering" and prob felt rejected by you so didn't ask for your number and just jumped out in a hurry. I would pop into the fav bar if you can and hopefully you'll see him and at least not have that "well, what if??" feeling. Good luck girlie and KEEP US POSTED!


Well-known member
OK, so I finally talked to him yesterday and asked him if he wanted to hang out, his response "you know I have a girlfriend back home right.".....um, no I didnt know that......he says he thought he told me that night, I know for sure he didnt. I basically told him he was a typical marine, and that was the just of the conversation. I was sooooo mad yesterday and I'm trying to get over it, but I dont know what the attachment is. I should just be mad and get over it, but why did he have to be so cute, tall, and buff!!!!!