I need some inspiration...


Well-known member
Unfortunately, I seem to be sick to death of putting on makeup, but I work in a place where I have to wear it. I hate sorting through all my shit and picking things out, I hate touching up throughout the day, and I hate washing it all off at night. I have too much shit to make up my mind in a speedy manner, and I feel like I do the same thing day after day. I need something to uplift me, something to make me wanna wear makeup again, otherwise it's going to start rotting in my cases and bins that I'm storing it in.

Can anybody offer me something to get me out of this funk? Or is anybody going through the same funk??


Well-known member
I've been in a funk too. =\ I usually run late in the mornings and reach for the same boring colors time after time and all my lovely make up sits there unused. Inspiration would be wonderful.


Well-known member
Isn't it blindly infuriating to sit and look at money you've spent on makeup and see it just sit there...mocking you? I wanna burn it all sometimes but that would be like burning up my bank account lol


Well-known member
I have a hard time choosing my makeup too, so I do it the night before. That way everything is planned out & I can test color combos if I need to. I get a lot of inspiration from Spectra, Youtube, or just the fact that you can make up soo many different color combos up, it's unreal


Well-known member
I have been there. I always collect pics of makeup I love and when I am lacking creativity or inspiration I go through those.


Well-known member
FOTDs are excellent places to get inspiration I must say. I like the collecting pictures idea! I think I'm going to start doing that.


Well-known member
ive started feeling this way lately too=_= i dont even reach for much nemore either do my face n slap on eyeliner n mascara quite depressing


Well-known member
I think when you're pressed for time it becomes a chore instead of being fun. Try laying out what you want to use the night before. To get out of a rut from the same old routine pick one color each day as a focal point and work from there. That might get your creative juices flowing. Pics are a good way to get inspiration. So are fabrics, paintings, flowers, ect.


Well-known member
I don't get much inspiration from other's photos. I do get inspired by nature-the colours of birds like parrots, peacocks,pigeons (yes, they have some fabulous greens and blues on their little heads),the woods, clouds, movies-esp. Chinese Opera, animal fur, fabric, food, etc. There is a whole world of inspiration out there .....


Well-known member
You know, inspiration can be found in SO many things, even the mundane. Look at your favorite album cover or a book jacket and see what might be on there. Think of colors you'd NEVER think to put together and try that! Or, if all else fails, do what I do: grab bag.
Close your eyes and randomly pick 2 or 3 colors and USE them somehow together. (Choosing complementary highlight/liner colors, of course. I wouldn't grab-bag highlighters. LOL)

I'm sorry you're in a rut. That must seriously suck! I haven't gotten there yet, and putting on make-up every morning for me is still an exciting adventure (most of the time). Taking it OFF, however.. NEVER is. LOL.

Best of luck!! And remember, the best way to get inspired is to keep your eyes OPEN.

Girl about town

Well-known member
i normally decide what i am wearing the night before and then think about make up looks to go with it and complement the outfit, x


Well-known member
I've been collection beautiful make-up pics for a long time now. I upload the to my photobucket so that others can benefit from them aswell. I've recently made folders so that if you're looking for specific colours, neutral looks or something out of the box it's easier to find it.

Note: I try to credit everyone apropriately, however I've found these images in so many different places, not just Specktra, wich makes it hard to get everyones name on there. If you see your own work and your name is not stated with it, please let me know, also do so if you'd like a website's name next to it (like your MU blog or so). If you see pics that belong to you and you want them taken down, please say so, I'll get them out of the gallery ASAP. Please don't see this collecting pics as disrespectful, it's because I admire your work and a way to keep people inspired!

I also sometimes decided what I'm gonna use the evening before, but that's mostly because I would like to do MU twice a day


Well-known member
man, seriously, i feel the same way sometimes..

i think i enjoy buying make up more than wearing make up?
don't get me wrong, i love wearing make up but seriously, i think it's just pure laziness that makes me sit around watching my make up rot from not being used.

as one of the previous poster had mentioned, i try to visualize my make up collaborated with my outfit and try to get some inspiration that way. most of the days, i don't even do that, hence the rotting make up dilemma. haha.


Well-known member
I think when you have/get so much stuff....it's overwhelming and becomes a chore. From day one, I've bought with the intention to use, except a few things. But, shadows, lipsticks, face products and most recently skin care (I switched brands) are used and purchased with specific intent. If I no longer use it or have something better, it's (not much and) in a box away from my main "supply".

It's also helpful to pick one color eyeshadow and build from there. Now if colors become hard to locate in a sea of others, that's another story and maybe some rearranging/streamlining is in order. I haven't had that problem--yet.


Well-known member
hmmm yeah...still nothing. perhaps because i go into work at like 8am now, i just don't have any creative juices going at 7am when I put shit on. and i'd rather spend that 20 minutes sleeping under my heater.

i'm lame.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
hmmm yeah...still nothing. perhaps because i go into work at like 8am now, i just don't have any creative juices going at 7am when I put shit on. and i'd rather spend that 20 minutes sleeping under my heater.

i'm lame.

Can't say I blame you there. Getting up early =


Well-known member
i actually did get some pretty decent gratis from too faced this weekend that i kinda wanna try...perhaps if i can get myself up earlier tomorrow i'll try them out.

i think being mandated to wear makeup made it less fun...

maybe i just got lazy lol


Well-known member
This might sound strange but sometimes before I got to bed I sit with my makeup and rustle through what I have. Usually I find something that I meant to use more often or something I stopped using altogether and try and challenge myself to use it the next day. I fall asleep trying to think of the different combos I might try. =P

Whether I remember them the next day is another matter... lol! But I leave the item I plan to use in front of my mirror so I don't forget that at least.

Hope you get out of your rut soon!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BlahWah
This might sound strange but sometimes before I got to bed I sit with my makeup and rustle through what I have. Usually I find something that I meant to use more often or something I stopped using altogether and try and challenge myself to use it the next day. I fall asleep trying to think of the different combos I might try. =P

Whether I remember them the next day is another matter... lol! But I leave the item I plan to use in front of my mirror so I don't forget that at least.

Hope you get out of your rut soon!

I do the same thing!