I need to loose 30 pounds.


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Originally Posted by chickatthegym
Hey hun,
I saw you were asking about vegetarian diets so I thought I would write a little. I have studied a LOT about veggie/vegan diets and have been vegetarian for almost 6 years and vegan for almost 3. Although I dislike labels, because you really have to do what feels right and works for your lifestyle. "Diet" shouldn't be a short term "fix" but a long term lifestyle change. I know sometimes you want to lose a quick 5-10lbs for an upcoming event, but overall it is what you do on a consisent basis that really matters

I have struggled with being "bigger" my whole life and losing weight has never been easy for me. I have tried everything from those miracle pills to starving myself, and everything else along the way. I can tell you from personal experience that the ONE and only thing that has worked for me to actually feel good and healthy without a lack of energy is more raw/fresh foods. I am not saying you have to dramatically switch to vegetarian or vegan overnight... it took a really long time for me to get to where I am. I started trying little things and really liked the way my body felt so I kept it up. That is the main thing- if you don't feel good doing it.. stop! Your body can tell you what works and what doesn't.

The best book I can recommend is Skinny Bitch. Everything they say has really helped me feel my best and I love the food too. You never feel deprived or like you are on a diet. Believe it or not there are some really great natural foods out there!

Another thing that has helped with weight loss and increased my energy level is juicing raw fruits and vegetables. I bought a juice machine about 7 years ago and started with carrots. I added apples and spinach and lots of other greens/veggies/fruits. It tastes great and is the fastest and easiest way to nurish your body with tons of vitamins and minerals it needs. My fav author is Jason Vale and he's from the UK. He is known as the Juiceman. I love his books and have htem all. There's one you guys might like called "7 lbs in 7 days" and it's a detox book. It's meant to ease your system by just drinkiing juices for a week, but you also lose A LOT of wieght on it (In a safe and healthy way) and feel really good in the process. The first time I did it, I lost 15 lbs and had more energy than I did in months before.

I also gave up fast food, caffiene, refined sugars, refined white flour, and salt.

Drink a LOT of water, get enough sleep, exercise as much as you can even if it's just a 15 min walk around the block, or taking the steps rather than the elevator. Everything helps. The more I move, the more energy I have, I have found.

I really want to become 100% raw but it's a gradual process and I think eventually I will. Sorry, I sound like a text book but I am very passionte and knowledgeable about this stuff. I have studied it for years

Thank you for sharing this. I know that me and my husband we could enjoy a vegetarian diet the only thing that keeps me is that I have 2 kids and i`m afraid that by sticking to this kind of lifestyle I might deprive them of some nutrients( not enough iron, or proteins, essentials in their growth) because of my little knowledge about this kind of lifestyle.
My youngest is 5 month old and next month I`ll start cereals, frankly I would love to keep her away from meat
Since i wrote here first time , about 5 weeks ago i lost 13 lbs, only by shrinking the size of my meals and less bread. I`m kind of afraid that if I give-up meat now I`ll have to increase the cereal portion(to intake the proteins I need) and gain weight again
I think I`ll start with the juice machine,I want to buy one anyways for my youngest
Congrats for the weightloss blindpassion, stick to it, you`ll reach your goal faster than expect it


Well-known member
^13 lbs is amazing!!! Great job

When I stopped dairy/cheese I tried to fill that with fruits/veggies or more hearty things like nuts/brown rice. Its hard though. I still cook for my husband and that makes me eat more than I would if it were just me LOL.

I would research and read as much as you can about everything concerning nutrition/diet. You can only benefit from the knowledge
I enjoy studying this kind of thing and have done it for years...

There is a lot of credible research that shows a vegetarian diet being helpful to children (as well as adults). But I have been Vegan for several years and would never want to claim anything because I don't have any children myself. I think everything should be based on how your own body or your child's reacts so I encourage you to study and try things for yourself.
I can say that the more natural and raw, fresh foods you give your children will benefit them

Try them with a carrot/apple juice too! It's lovely! If you want anymore juice recipes or info, PM me. I am really into that stuff
It's helped me and my family so much and I can't say enough about it!


Well-known member
I think giving up dairy would be too hard, I don`t think I want too lol,I like them too much. I already thought about it, in about 2-3 yrs will move in a suburban-rural area, near Bucharest(10 miles away) and there are people who raise animals and it`s kind usual for them to sell to their neighbors milk, cheese and eggs so I will probably turn to that and make my own yogurt and sourcream and give up the processed dairy products from shelves
Mostly it`s my decision , because I cook and every1 will take my guide so yeah definitely reading will help.
I really want to read China Study , I think that` how it would translate , It`s about eating habits and their effect noticed over a period of 30 yrs over the largest number of people ever done
New recipes would help, I`m sure if I can`t keep it from being boring it would be so easy
And the think with kids is that I`m stubborn regarding medicines/vitamines. I never gave them to my older and all his analyses are good, my youngest had low iron at birth( I`m O- and that affected her blood, shes`O+) and they told me to give her iron at 2 month I know that food is much better to give the body all it needs, so at 3 month I tested her blood and breastfeed helped, her iron is good no need for anything else
If you can send me some recipes for juice it would be great, that`s the next step for her after cereals
I think I miscalculated, I lost 11 lbs not 13, I weigh in kilos, but good anyways


Well-known member
11lbs is still amazing

I read China Study and it's great! There is just SO MUCH good info in it, that it's a slower read. You really have to process the info... in a good way! But it takes a lot longer to read than some of the other books. Skinny Bitch is basically the short Cliffs Notes of the China Study LOL.

That's a great idea about the local dairy. The United States commercial dairy and meat industry is so different from yours. They add all sorts of stuff to it and not to mention, the terrible way the abuse the animals.

I was thinking about your idea of half the portion sizes and I really need to start doing that too
I eat really "healthy" but I eat too much sometimes. I am going to start with only half my portions and then go back for more after awhile if I am still hungry

You will love juicing. I have lots and lots of great recipes if you need any. Making your own is always fun too
I love carrot/apple and carrot/apple/spinach (spinach is VERY high in iron by the way
If you start with a small amount, the kids won't even know it is in there. My cousins love it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
Hey everyone
If anyone has updates on there stories, Id LOVE to hear them.

I'll give you a quick update on my progress. So much has happened since I posted this thread.

I have now lost 23 pounds, putting me at 165. I started at 188 with a goal of loosing 30 pounds.

I have now changed my goal to 150, which means I will need to loose another 15 pounds ontop of the 23 I have already lost. But I am over halfway there! And it feels amazing

I work out 5x a week on average. I do a bootcamp 3x a week with a bunch fo other people, and then see my trainer 2x a week.

I'm healthier, happier, more confident. I fit into my favorite jeans

Good luck to everyone.

That's so awesome, congrats + keep it up!!

I haven't given an update in a while but I am currently down 3 pants sizes!
It's a great feeling. I've basically just cut out all the crap food, been eating mainly protein and veggies and being more conscientious of portion size and calorie/fat/carb/sugar content. I don't deprive myself of foods I like, I just know my limits and try to remember my goals and how well I'm doing, and it helps me not sabotage myself.

For exercise, I've been doing Turbo Jam vids which are really fun!! You almost forget you're working out, I love it! it's sort of like kickboxing/aerobics/with some martial arts moves or whatever. or i'll do one of the other vids on OnDemand, the Jillian Michaels workouts are cool. and I love pilates too... don't have a trainer but I think I'm doing pretty well on my own, I have my best friend thats dieting and exercising with me so we keep each other in check pretty well!
It's nice to have someone else to share your progress with and give encouragement, that's for sure.

I wish everyone the best, keep it up, you'll get to your goal soon enough!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACLovin
That's so awesome, congrats + keep it up!!

For exercise, I've been doing Turbo Jam vids which are really fun!! You almost forget you're working out, I love it! it's sort of like kickboxing/aerobics/with some martial arts moves or whatever. or i'll do one of the other vids on OnDemand, the Jillian Michaels workouts are cool. and I love pilates too... don't have a trainer but I think I'm doing pretty well on my own, I have my best friend thats dieting and exercising with me so we keep each other in check pretty well!
It's nice to have someone else to share your progress with and give encouragement, that's for sure.

I've been a turbo kick instructor since 2004. Chalene based Turbo Jam on her company's turbo kick workout. However, TK is more intense; TK "Fan" DVDs are now available for non-instructors to purchase if you want a similar, but slightly harder and more intense workout. Go to Welcome to Turbo Kick and shop for the fan dvds if you want to check them out. The Hip Hop Hustle workouts are really fun, too.

Chalene is doing more BB workouts right now to be called "Turbo Fire".


Well-known member
Originally Posted by COBI
I've been a turbo kick instructor since 2004. Chalene based Turbo Jam on her company's turbo kick workout. However, TK is more intense; TK "Fan" DVDs are now available for non-instructors to purchase if you want a similar, but slightly harder and more intense workout. Go to Welcome to Turbo Kick and shop for the fan dvds if you want to check them out. The Hip Hop Hustle workouts are really fun, too.

Chalene is doing more BB workouts right now to be called "Turbo Fire".

That's awesome.. you must have killer legs if you've been doing it that long, lol.. I just started really, so I'm not looking for anything more intense at the moment, but its good to know they're out there. I didn't even know about Turbo Kick, my friend ordered TJ off an infomercial on a whim because she thought it looked fun, and then we really liked it. Chalene is so cute and seems really genuine in wanting to help people and not just pump out the vids to make $$, and we had so much fun doing the vids together, so if I do buy any DVDs myself I definitely will stick with her stuff!
And I'll look out for the Turbo Fire. Sounds kinda scary though, hahah...

Thanks for the info!


Well-known member
What a motivating thread! I just had a baby this past year and am still carrying around the extra baby weight. The first few weeks, the weight just seemed to melt off -- but now I'm stuck at about 10 lbs above where I want to be. I've kind of let it slide for the last couple of months and have become resigned to being my new larger "mom size." But after reading your posts, I'm pumped up and ready to get this weight off!

Thanks for the inspiration!
I've been losing weight lately and the thing that has helped me the most: calorie intake. Watching my calories has helped a lot. I've lost in recent months about 15 or so pounds by doing that a lone. As a college student who has a full time busy schedule of studying and assignments I don't have time to always work out so this has been a big help.
I still get to eat what I like too and I cut back a lot on soda and drink more healthy drinks. One time I lost five pounds just eating regular and drinking nothing but Snapple for a week.
Oh and if you visit Free Fitness Videos, Exercise Workouts - ExerciseTV they have lots of free good workout video's you can see on there and get some good routines. And they have DVD's for sale for those instructors you REALLY like.


Well-known member
Well everyone... I started this thread in late May, very unhappy with my life.

Here I am, 4 and a bit months later, and I have lost 30.5 pounds

I did it!!! I reached my intial goal! My BMI is now in the "Normal" range, I have a much lower fat percentage, my body is much healthier.


Well-known member
Hey everyone. I know its been a while since this thread has been updated, but I wanted to post my before and after photo for any of you who are feeling uninspired with your weight loss right now.



Well-known member
alexa! you look great!! omg, the inspiration I needed!

I fell off the wagon, I dunno whats been wrong with me, Im at 114, but I was at 111.8 a few weeks ago, I need to get back on track!

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