I need to loose 30 pounds.


i wish i had the motivation that you all have! i'm trying to lose weight, but it's so hard.. i LOVE food! lol. i'll work out like for a week.. then stop - i always make excuses! i want to lose 35 lbs, but the way i'm going right now.. doesn't look like i'm gonna get there anytime soon. ugh.. it sucks!


Well-known member
Hey ladies! just checking in as well, I've managed to break my plateu, and this morning I weighed at 116.2 but I went to Disney so, we'll see! hehe I went to town again, but I don't feel so bad this time.

Im going to start working out again as of tomorrow. I have not really worked out for about 4 weeks! :'(

Im going to take my son for a long walk in the park and get some exercise going, since were walking there and back as well.

Good luck to everyone!


Well-known member
So glad I found this thread< read most of it , need a little time to finish the last pages I`m joining the club you are so motivating
I`m 5.9 tall, big bone structure, and in 15 april before I gave birth I weight 232 lbs
Now I`m at 196 lbs and really, really want to loose weight.
My ideal weight is around 145lbs, I didn`t reached that since 2001-2002, mostly since I moved with my boyfriend-husband
I need to start working again , I have some dvds with Jillian-they are great, but I`m a little scared because of the c-section I had(still painful at time)
I would love to loose about 10-14 lbs in 5 weeks because I have 2 weddings late September, do you think it`s possible? i`m still breastfeeding full time so that`s a bonus regarding calorie intake- and it`s a good time to maximize the weight lost cause i know for sure I`ll gain a little after I`ll start her on solids


Miss Mimi

Active member
I need to lose weight too- right before I got pregnant the first time- I was on my way of getting towards my goal of 140lbs- I was 170lbs, got down to 150lbs- then you know....
Two pregnacies later I am heavier than when I was before- now I am 175lbs. Heaviest non-preggers I have ever been. But the funny thing is my clothes still fit the same as if I was 165-170. I was a size 14 then and now. I guess having babies change the way your body is and maybe I just have more muscle mass?
I am greatful that my husband doesn't care about the weight factor he just wants me to be fit. He knew a lady who was 5'2" 200lbs. and can out hike teenage boys ( he was a Boy Scout. )
I am a woman and just care about how I look ( for the most part. )
It's nice to hear everyone's stories and know I am not alone.


Well-known member
Ive kind of lost moviation and been maintaing 168 (which is a 20ish pound weight loss) I'd ideally like to get to 155 or 150
So I will get my butt back in gear and do it over the next few months.


Well-known member
You're doing great Alexa !!

Ok, so I'm feeling pretty discouraged. I have been on a diet for almost two months and have only lost 4 pounds..I've doing the Jillian Michaels for a couple of weeks and I know I am not supposed to see results yet but I figured I would be having better results with the diet. I used to drink sodas, sweets ALL the time and much larger portions. Well I completely cut out all of that so I don't know why I'm not losing any weight with the diet? It seems like I could have ate like crap and I would be in the same boat. I hate to sound so negative but I've been pretty bummed about it. Any advice?

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I found this thread a while ago and somehow didn't get to comment on it. Anyway, thanks for starting this Alexa
I've been trying to lose some weight and finding this thread has given me some motivation.

I started working out regularly late January as I kept hearing from ppl that I've gained "a lot" of weight. Now I used to be super skinny and I still don't think I need to lose a lot of weight, but my goal is to get to 140lb. I'm about 5'7" and weighed about 155lb back in January. I have smaller bones but am pretty curvy so I realize I can't get my hips or boobs much smaller. But I figured 140lb would be ideal for my height and body shape.

Ever since finding this thread about 2 weeks ago, I tried the interval training as suggested and now I weigh 148lb
8 more pounds to go! Thanks again for this great thread and best of luck to everyone


Well-known member
wowww what an inspiration this thread

But I have a question ... Does the protein shakes have too much calories? I've been wanting to try those but I'm so scared! Because when I think protein shakes I remember those body builder guys xD Also does it have any kind of animal protein in them? I'm a vegetarian \:


Well-known member
I've been reading this thread all morning at work! It is so inspiring and motivating to read about you ladies who are losing weight successfully and healthily.

This is hard for me because I have never really dieted or watched my weight. I played sports in high school but I was always one of the "bigger" girls. I was never teased for being bigger and I had wonderful friends, so my self-esteem was okay and I didn't think much about dieting. By the time college rolled around...woooah boy. I wasn't aware of what was going on with my body until this year. The jeans I needed a belt for don't need a belt anymore, and I was wearing a lot of sweaters/hoodies to cover up my tummy. I felt tired a lot, even after 8 hrs of sleep. Adding to this I've gone through some difficult times these past few months, but I want to get out of my rut and be happy with my life.

In May/June I was eating pretty well and exercising a few times a week but then I kind of just forgot about it. It also doesn't help when my roommate wants to go out to eat every day or wants me to cook unhealthy things (He can't cook anything besides microwave popcorn).

I recently just got back on the wagon and I REALLY REALLY would like to stay there until I get to my desired weight! School is starting up again soon so I'd like to stay away from temptation (campus food/partying/all-nighters+coffee). I'll be sure to keep an eye on this thread as it reminds me that I'm not the only one trying to lose weight. It's weird, but I find that sharing my goals with others keeps me on track and I feel more "obliged" to do what I set out to do. I'd love to have a buddy -- please feel free to PM me!


Well-known member
I think I need to get out of m easy going routine to do this , because I tried to start this monday and is not going in the right direction for me. Whenever I try to start a diet I`m hungry all the time and I think it might be something mentally because I think I`l deprive myself from something and that`s why I want it. need some advice from your personal experience which one is working better vegetarian diet or protein diet(aka south beach diet, etc)?


Well-known member
Hey everyone
If anyone has updates on there stories, Id LOVE to hear them.

I'll give you a quick update on my progress. So much has happened since I posted this thread.

I have now lost 23 pounds, putting me at 165. I started at 188 with a goal of loosing 30 pounds.

I have now changed my goal to 150, which means I will need to loose another 15 pounds ontop of the 23 I have already lost. But I am over halfway there! And it feels amazing

I work out 5x a week on average. I do a bootcamp 3x a week with a bunch fo other people, and then see my trainer 2x a week.

I'm healthier, happier, more confident. I fit into my favorite jeans

Good luck to everyone.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
that's great Alexa, you're def very motivated

I'm stuck at freakin 153 right now. I need to get to 140lb. I was able to get down to 148lb late July but then the weather got too hot,...(excuses, I know) and I stopped going to the gym
Now I'm stuck at this weight and I hate it


Well-known member
That awesome Alexa!

I'm taking it slow... Gosh, I'm always eating and lazy.. need more motivation, but I'll get there soon :)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by romi79_2008
I think I need to get out of m easy going routine to do this , because I tried to start this monday and is not going in the right direction for me. Whenever I try to start a diet I`m hungry all the time and I think it might be something mentally because I think I`l deprive myself from something and that`s why I want it. need some advice from your personal experience which one is working better vegetarian diet or protein diet(aka south beach diet, etc)?

Hey hun,
I saw you were asking about vegetarian diets so I thought I would write a little. I have studied a LOT about veggie/vegan diets and have been vegetarian for almost 6 years and vegan for almost 3. Although I dislike labels, because you really have to do what feels right and works for your lifestyle. "Diet" shouldn't be a short term "fix" but a long term lifestyle change. I know sometimes you want to lose a quick 5-10lbs for an upcoming event, but overall it is what you do on a consisent basis that really matters

I have struggled with being "bigger" my whole life and losing weight has never been easy for me. I have tried everything from those miracle pills to starving myself, and everything else along the way. I can tell you from personal experience that the ONE and only thing that has worked for me to actually feel good and healthy without a lack of energy is more raw/fresh foods. I am not saying you have to dramatically switch to vegetarian or vegan overnight... it took a really long time for me to get to where I am. I started trying little things and really liked the way my body felt so I kept it up. That is the main thing- if you don't feel good doing it.. stop! Your body can tell you what works and what doesn't.

The best book I can recommend is Skinny Bitch. Everything they say has really helped me feel my best and I love the food too. You never feel deprived or like you are on a diet. Believe it or not there are some really great natural foods out there!

Another thing that has helped with weight loss and increased my energy level is juicing raw fruits and vegetables. I bought a juice machine about 7 years ago and started with carrots. I added apples and spinach and lots of other greens/veggies/fruits. It tastes great and is the fastest and easiest way to nurish your body with tons of vitamins and minerals it needs. My fav author is Jason Vale and he's from the UK. He is known as the Juiceman. I love his books and have htem all. There's one you guys might like called "7 lbs in 7 days" and it's a detox book. It's meant to ease your system by just drinkiing juices for a week, but you also lose A LOT of wieght on it (In a safe and healthy way) and feel really good in the process. The first time I did it, I lost 15 lbs and had more energy than I did in months before.

I also gave up fast food, caffiene, refined sugars, refined white flour, and salt.

Drink a LOT of water, get enough sleep, exercise as much as you can even if it's just a 15 min walk around the block, or taking the steps rather than the elevator. Everything helps. The more I move, the more energy I have, I have found.

I really want to become 100% raw but it's a gradual process and I think eventually I will. Sorry, I sound like a text book but I am very passionte and knowledgeable about this stuff. I have studied it for years


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
Hey everyone
If anyone has updates on there stories, Id LOVE to hear them.

I'll give you a quick update on my progress. So much has happened since I posted this thread.

I have now lost 23 pounds, putting me at 165. I started at 188 with a goal of loosing 30 pounds.

I have now changed my goal to 150, which means I will need to loose another 15 pounds ontop of the 23 I have already lost. But I am over halfway there! And it feels amazing

I work out 5x a week on average. I do a bootcamp 3x a week with a bunch fo other people, and then see my trainer 2x a week.

I'm healthier, happier, more confident. I fit into my favorite jeans

Good luck to everyone.

WOW! That's awesome! Those last fews lbs are so hard! I find that upping my cardio is the only way I can ever lose them.
What kind of bootcamp are you doing? I love bootcamp classes. Great job!

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