I really hate my job!


Well-known member
I realize I work in the hospitality industry and the customer/guest comes first, but when these jerks get nasty with me for no reason, I seriously want to come through the phone and choke a bitch!
I have worked at a 5-star/5-diamond hotel & restaurant for six years. I work in the office taking reservations.
Anyway, I had a really nasty guest on the phone earlier checking availability for October, which happens to be one of our peak months where we are really busy & sell out quite quickly. So this man calls looking for a certain room on a Saturday and of course, we're booked. He then starts shouting at me saying "I called yesterday and it was available, so you're lying." I said "I'm not lying and that room was booked a year before by a guest at checkout." and he still calls me a liar. I then put him on hold, talked to my manager and left his ass on hold for about 5 minutes.
I ended up finding an available date during the week, but he was such a jerk. He was really short with me and snappy and so I put nasty notes in his reservation. He then asked for my name (I'm sure he will call to complain) but my manager listened to the whole phone call and said I was firm, but polite. I told him, "I hope you have a WONDERFUL day" before I disconnected his call at the end of his reservation.
I ended up typing his name in Google, wow, he is a lawyer (so that makes you think you can talk down to me??) and he is FUGLY. I bet he has a small YOUKNOWWHAT!

Anyway, off of my
and I apologize for the swearing, just had to vent on that!


Well-known member
I hate rude people. I dont know where they get off thinking they can act that way towards others!

at work I get people complaining about our prices and I am like
"I just work here I don't make the prices!"


Well-known member
that sucks, i know just how you feel! people don't realize they get better results from just being polite regardless of how frusterated they are. what hotel do you work out? (if you dont mind me asking).


Well-known member
God that sucks. I work as a hostess at a fairly nice restaurant and people who call for reservations can be so rude. We don't take reservations the day of on weekends and people get angry when I can't take their reservation. How fair is it if it's 6:00 and there is already a 30 minute wait and you call from outside for a 6:15 reservation?

A couple of nights ago a lady who said she was a regular was mad because there was a wait and she hadn't made a reservation. She even wanted to talk to a manager!!! How is that anyone's fault? The manager is going to be glad that there is a wait because that means more $$$$


Well-known member
I've worked as phone and email customer support for a few companies and oh god I'm a psych major and love people but after my day of work I would come home and not want to be around anyone. People are so nasty at times. It would piss me off the amount of things people would use in their defense over material crap. We once had a lady tell us her husband was dying of cancer and he bought this 8,000 television for their 12 yr old son's birthday and how could I do this to a 12 yr old? If I were 12 and getting an $8000 tv and my dad was dying of cancer I would be more worried about other things beyond the tv coming 2 days later than expected.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by M.A.C.tastic
that sucks, i know just how you feel! people don't realize they get better results from just being polite regardless of how frusterated they are. what hotel do you work out? (if you dont mind me asking).

I work at a fairly small inn, one of North America's 1st 5-star/5-diamond properties.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by janelovesyou
God that sucks. I work as a hostess at a fairly nice restaurant and people who call for reservations can be so rude. We don't take reservations the day of on weekends and people get angry when I can't take their reservation. How fair is it if it's 6:00 and there is already a 30 minute wait and you call from outside for a 6:15 reservation?

A couple of nights ago a lady who said she was a regular was mad because there was a wait and she hadn't made a reservation. She even wanted to talk to a manager!!! How is that anyone's fault? The manager is going to be glad that there is a wait because that means more $$$$

Sounds totally familiar! My favorite is when they request some off the wall time (we have two seatings and usually from 6:30-8:00 it's turnover period between 1st & 2nd seating) like 7:30 and we tell them we don't have that available because of the turnover period. Then they get nasty and on the day of, they will call at like 6:00 and say "Oh we have a dinner reservation at 6:00 and we are running late and won't be there until after 7:00."