I saw Elyse from ANTM!


Well-known member
I was really taken by surprise. Last I heard about her I read that she is big in Asia. I was just browsing at Forever 21 and I saw her in front of me. I was like... whoa! That's Elyse from America's Next Top Model! I don't watch the show but I've watched all of Season 1 because VH1 airs it a lot. It was weird. What is she doing in plain ol' Sacramento? I wanted to say hi or something but she was shopping and I didn't want to bother her. So, I just kept my distance and stared lol! When I got home, I looked her up on google and she has a livejournal blog. It turns out that her boyfriend, now ex, assulted her in a Sacramento hotel room, she stayed a night in jail, and now she's has to stay here for court. Yikes! I'm glad I didn't bother her because she doesn't seem to be in a good situation at all!


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Well-known member
I used to read her journal a lot, she is really a great writer and had a book published in Asia, based off her livejournal. She's so smart. Damn, I haven't read it in a while, that's terrible about her bf! Gonna read up now...


Well-known member
I never particularly liked her on ANTM. She seemed like an "intellectual" who needed to constantly remind other people of how smart she was. Now, she seemed pretty smart all things considered, but I didn't like the attitude.

Nevertheless, I can't say I wish her any ill! It's too bad about the assault.


Well-known member
I thought she was the most Model-y looking out of cycle 1 so I wish she would have won. I hope everythings alright with her!!!