I saw this disturbing message about Mac!!!


Well-known member
*sighs* ... I think its pretty obvious why people buy fakes... 1) they dont know they are buying it, or 2) they are looking to save money by purchasing name brands cheaper.

As for his spelling it looks to me more like english may not be his first language. Ignorance is one thing, but arrogance it quite another, and its even less appealing than the former....

Almost black.

Well-known member
Atleast he tells people it's fake. Not that I'm on his side but those who buy atleast know that they buy fake (although I would never buy anything fake cause I simply don't see the point of it and I don't won't to contribute to this illegal action because that's what it is - illegal

Worse than that is when you buy something and after some time you realize it's fake.
Any you paid for it like it's authentic.

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
I guess it's in the same line than the fake Louis Vuitton...

I can get people buying fake Louis Vuittons because to buy an original you have to sell your first born. But for MAKEUP!?! That's ridiculous!


Well-known member
I think what he is saying is that people know it is fake and buy it to re-sell on eBay, etc.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aggrolounge
The fact that the seller had the nerve to say all that is.. awesome. I think it's hilarious. If people want fake stuff, they can buy it. Personally, I love cheap alternatives, but if I want MAC, I'm gonna get real MAC. I guess I just don't understand what's "disturbing" about this. I think being shady about what you sell is far more disturbing.

Originally Posted by Almost black.
Atleast he tells people it's fake. Not that I'm on his side but those who buy atleast know that they buy fake (although I would never buy anything fake cause I simply don't see the point of it and I don't won't to contribute to this illegal action because that's what it is - illegal

Worse than that is when you buy something and after some time you realize it's fake.
Any you paid for it like it's authentic.

I agree both of the above posters--I'm think its worse to sell a fake as genuine than to sell a fake as, well, a fake! Especially considering that we are talking about cosmetics, items that you're going to put on your skin, at least this person is telling them its fake, so they're walking into it with their eyes open. It may be a stupid risk to take, but well, you can't save people from themselves. Not that I'm on his side, either, but I don't find it disturbing. I find the whole affair--buying and the selling of fakes--to be ridiculous and stupid. And I guess the cynic in me is a little amused by the sheer nerve of the guy.