I think I contracted Tuberculosis at Kroger


Well-known member
I woke up this morning, full of energy, ready to face the world!!
I put on my clothes, my face, grabbed my purse and said to myself, "It is time to face the beast. It is time to go grocery shopping."

Normally, when I go to Kroger, it is always a most annoying experience. People walking around in a daze as if no one else exists outside of their own little world, running into me with their damned carts or taking up half an aisle with their big-asses while they are bending over to stare at 15 different brands of vegetable oil debating which is the best. It is friggin' vegetable oil, just choose one. (For those of you offended by the term big-asses, I have one, so I can say that)

So, today was just annoying as always. I walk in and am immediately bombarded with some weird hippie singing some folks songs on a microphone at 8am (a little too early for me). Then, as I am perusing the produce, I pick up an apple and about 20 fall on the floor. Still, I persevere thinking it will get better. I go to the meat aisle and pick up a pot roast only to have it drip blood all over my entire body before my dumbass realizes it and I am sitting their covered in what is mostly likely raw mad-cow blood.

Finally, I take my blood soaked, pissed-off self to the register to check out. I assume they only have one staff member that is actually getting paid to work at 8am, otherwise the 5 other employees standing around having a grand old fucking time would have opened a register instead of letting me wait in line for 10 minutes.

So, I get to the register and I'm about the thank God that it is over when I notice that the cashier isn't looking to swell. She starts ringing up my groceries and literally throwing them down the counter to the sacker. Keep in mind, I'm the sacker because the other employees are having a gossip fest and I, the customer, would obviously be the better option to do the sacking. While she is launching my products to me at full throttle, she is also hacking up half a lung in the process. She stops, leans over and moans then throws her hands in the air and says "Jesus help me. I can't take it anymore."

Being the polite person that I am, I ask "Ummm. Are you alright?" and she says "No, I think I have the flu or strep throat and last night I was up all night puking. Your total is $87.50". I sat there dumbfounded. Was she joking? Did she seriously just tell me that, after coughing on every single item in my basket and then tossing them to me in what can only be described as a "touchdown pass"? I was already screwed. I had touched every item she hurled at me. WTF???? Why couldn't one of the healthy, "gossip girls" come and take over? I'm still pissed. And now, Mr. Rbella is scared of me and probably won't touch me for a day or two until we know if I'm "full of sick-ass germs" as he so kindly put it. He is a bit OCD.


Well-known member
I would have returned the items and made a scene. There is no excuse for such poor quality of employees and service. Did you go take a hot shower? Burn those germs off you!

Wow. That is just too much. So sorry your morning sucked, but just think... it can only get better from here? LOL



Well-known member
I didn't return them because I am a wuss. But, my ever frivolous husband is sterilizing all items as we speak. Wouldn't want to waste a penny!!! I have sterilized myself as well.


Well-known member
I would have been hella pissed too...
If you work in food service, DO NOT come to work if you have been afflicted with a potentially infectious germ! WTF is wrong with people?
Your posts are always so much fun to read though, and I will admit that I laughed quite a lot!


Well-known member
I'd also would have return all the items

I don't know, we're in 2008, why people still cough on other people and stuff? Do we still need to tell the population not to cough and vomit all around?

I'm pissed for you


Well-known member
I would have walked out and called the manager mid cashing out. That is so NASTY!!!!!!!!!! coughing and spreading germs to things you will soon have to ingest!!! YUCKY!


Well-known member
I feel it so much! I wouldnt return things.. I mean, i know i should have done this for sure, but honestly, i wont have guts to tell it right in her face, that i dont want the products she coughed on. Also, im afraid of all this bacterias, so i would have thrown away all my goodies.. And cry in the corner like a kid for my 90 bucks.

Like today, i saw a man in the subway who looked like he had bad cramps in the belly, so i moved to the absolutely other part of the train.

Im SO PISSED OFF for coughing on Rbella's goodies!


Well-known member
OH GROSS!! I would've ran out...lol. Maybe you should lysol all your food thats in packaging? I dunno. If I were you, I would call the store and speak to the manager. I mean, damn. It's a grocery store. The manager should kinda look down upon that kinda stuff.

There was this grocery bagger kid at our Publix and he would lick his fingers to get the grocery bags open each time he would reach for a new bag then he would touch all the stuff and I was finally like, "STOP, just...stop." lol


Active member
ugh, especially in foodservice that is such a no-no. if you're sick you stay home. obviously she had good reason to call in sick as well... hugs to you and hope you got a nice warm shower at home.


Well-known member
The worst part is that the manager was with the group of employees hangin' out. And when sick chick proclaimed to the heavens that she wasn't feeling well, that group just laughed with her, as she was laughing too. Disgusting. I think I feel a tapeworm forming inside of me.


Well-known member
OK, I had to post because I thought I was the only one that had to try and navigate thru store zombies. I wish they would have horns on the carts. Could you imagine? An oblivious person blocking the whole aisle comparing labels or just standing there in a daze, and you could blast the horn...it would be even better if they were like mini air horns.

Yes, if you are that sick, you should call in. I'd also like to add that if you are that sick, do not go and get your hair and makeup done. I've had people cough IN MY FACE while I was trying to do a demo on them.

I usually don't expect too much from the grocery store, I know that most of the employees are not going to take their job seriously. I would however expect a person not to hack all over my stuff.


Well-known member
Oh honey I know how you feel. I hate the grocery store and act like a mad woman on speed when I'm in there trying to get my groceries and get out. Not only is it causing me to be poor but the people are rude and lets face it, it has this certain smell. My husband wants to make it a family thing. But I have no time to be botherd with two kids asking for everything (or just putting it in the cart) and my husband he's just slow as hell. I always end up leaving him behind. When I'm in the store I mean business. No time for foolishness. Oh and bagging my own groceries. HELL NO! Not with the money I spend in there. Don't think I won't ask someone to come over there and do it for me and you better do it right. People are crazy and I'm one of them.


Well-known member
That's ridiculous! I hate when it seems the only option is to bag your own stuff or wait 5 million years (or have the dying lady do it)... if I wanted to check myself out I would've brought a damn mirror!!!!!


Well-known member
I don't know if you have it in your place, but here in Montreal we have self service cashers. So we just scan our items, put it on the rollings bag thing... pay and go

I hate it too when people don't move in the alley... HELLO??? Ding dong?

It's not the same, but I always get mad when I walk on the sidewalk and people are like, 4 together walking side by side.
Where do you think other people will walk?
I guess I'm a little bit aggressive, but I usually don't move a bit from the sidewalk and pass througt (sp?) the line. Just get out of my way... It's 2, maybe 3, persons large, not 290384902384


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lovely333
Not only is it causing me to be poor but the people are rude and lets face it, it has this certain smell. My husband wants to make it a family thing.

Yes! It does smell. It is so weird. Sometimes, if I'm nauseous, I'm afraid I might heave in the produce aisle.

My husband refuses to go and that is fine with me. The last time we went together was also the last fight we had. That was about a year ago. He is very laid back so we never fight.

But, in a store, it is totally different. He gets so irritated, which irritates me and then it's just one big mess. I can't send him in alone because his ADD (diagnosed by me-not a physician) will kick in and he'll probably get lost and forget why he is there and come back with ice cream sandwiches and Cheeze-Its (his favorites).

Who knew the grocery store could make people so miserable? Some people love it???????

Originally Posted by Lizzie
if I wanted to check myself out I would've brought a damn mirror!!!!!

OMG!! That is priceless! Thank you for making my day!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
I don't know if you have it in your place, but here in Montreal we have self service cashers. So we just scan our items, put it on the rollings bag thing... pay and go

We do, but I had too many items and I am so weird about the 15 minimum rule. I refuse to go in it even if I only have 16 items. Isn't that odd? I feel like I'm breaking the Kroger law or something.

Originally Posted by Willa
It's not the same, but I always get mad when I walk on the sidewalk and people are like, 4 together walking side by side.
Where do you think other people will walk?
I guess I'm a little bit aggressive, but I usually don't move a bit from the sidewalk and pass througt (sp?) the line. Just get out of my way... It's 2, maybe 3, persons large, not 290384902384

This irritates the piss out of me when I try to go and exercise at the park (ok, so when I used to exercise at the park). Do these fools not realize that the path is only wide enough for 3 people and if I want to go around you I have to walk in dog crap? I cannot deal with people who are oblivious. It drives me insane!!!!!


Well-known member
Hahaha you're not breaking any law my dear

Just go

We should start a thread about people's bad behaviors
I see it from here, 56 pages hahahah