I think I contracted Tuberculosis at Kroger


Well-known member
Emergen-C is brilliant. Too bad they don't make a Dr. Pepper flavour. ;-) xo

Seriously - Emergen-C is good stuff. I swear by the Tangerine and drink one every day.

Poor rbella - first the gecko drama and now this?? It just ain't right.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
I wouldn't mind if there weren't 5 able bodied employees standing there watching me do so. It just kind of pisses me off.

Oh, I can understand that. It seems like one of them could have covered the sick girl's shift!

Emergen-C is good, but the taste makes me want to projectile vomit. I really like Mega C Juice...will knock a cold right out of you!

R.W. Knudsen Family Juices -- Simply Nutritious Juices -- Mega Câ„¢


Well-known member
You just seriously made my night! Your stories are the best! You have such a knack for telling good stories, I seriously almost pissed myself when you were telling the story about the cashier in the checkout line...WTF is wrong with that person?!


Well-known member
maaan...I have had sooo many people snatch their damn kids/carts/old ladies/small animals out of the way when I storm through a grocery store aisle (or any store aisle for that matter). commando shopper like a mofo. the only thing i am missing is the face camo and fatigues. (which i am working on, but i tend to break out and it's not the best look at 7 AM. Kinda off putting.

sorry you had such a suck ass kroger morning. hopefully you didn't catch anything.
I haven't read this whole thread sorry. I used to work for upper management for Krogers. You need to tell someone, you might get a gift card out of it too. But ugh I don't miss that job. I did NOT get paid enough to babysit those people. Sorry you had such a bad shopping trip. But seriously I would write corporate they're generally really nice and do deal with stuff. It does not get one of those whatever who cares kind of deals.


Well-known member
marymac-the words "projectile vomit" make me laugh. Is tnat weird?

Nicks-I love you!!!

Mtrimier-"suck ass Kroger morning" That is awesome!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mymakeuproom
I used to work for upper management for Krogers. You need to tell someone, you might get a gift card out of it too.

I've complained before, but nothing happened??? Still same old crap.
That's to bad. I used to get weekly memo's about whatever customer wrote in to corporate and had to make sure that said employee was talked to.


Well-known member
I hate when people are sick around me. Like, Its hard for me to feel sorry for you when you are giving me Merca or however u spell it...like stay inside til ur better. Seriiiiiiiously, ur a sicky. Thats grodie.

And I really am a caring person. But dont make me sick, I'd rather not be.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
LOL I'm up here cracking up because I remembered something that happened to me in the grocery store about a month ago.

My husband, my daughter and myself were going through the grocery store picking up a few things and my husband accidentally knocked over a Gatorade bottle. Well it cracked open and spilled all over the floor. So I look around for an employee and I spot a young lady with the work attire on. I approached her all friendly like, especially because I feel bad that we knocked it over. I smiled at her and said "Ma'am, I'm so sorry but we just sp..." and before I could even finish my sentence she goes "I KNOW! I SAW!" and ROLLS HER GODDAMN EYES AT ME. Are you serious. I just shook my head and said "What a bitch" and walked off.

LOL I'm so mean.

The next time I saw her in the store she saw me and turned white as a ghost.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
Yes, if you are that sick, you should call in. I'd also like to add that if you are that sick, do not go and get your hair and makeup done. I've had people cough IN MY FACE while I was trying to do a demo on them.

amen sister!

rbella, you are the single most funniest person i have ever met (not met?) you need to write the story of my life because as dull as it is, you'd make me wanna live it over again. you crack me up!


Well-known member
that sounds terrible...I think I would have left the germ infested food and went to a different store....


Well-known member
I agree with Erine, RBella- you are hilarious. I want to come visit u and experience a day in the life.

But your story, ugh! I would definitely speak to a higher power (corporate). Your experience was just downright nasty and you should be compensated somehow I think


Well-known member
Wow! Thanks, Erine and Adina (I hope its ok I'm using your name, takes me forever to write out your username). That is one of the nicest things anyone has said to me! I heart you both!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by vocaltest
ugh seriously thats disgusting!! i would have complained.

OH MY GOD THIS INFURIATES ME SO MUCH!!! Seriously, i hate the public. Heres a few of my public hates hahaha:

1. When you open a door for yourself and someone barges through and
doesn't even say thank you! Or they give you jip when you go to walk through or huff and puff, gets my goat ughh hah

Ho yeah I hate that too!!!
That's very unpolite to do
I stopped using public transportation 3 months ago and I don't miss it a bit, people are just freaks in bus/subway

When you try to get out the metro wagon, it's like... DIFFICULT, people can't wait for you to get out, they try to get in, and by doing that, get in your way! And sometimes you can even miss you r exit. Then you have to exit at the next station, and go back to yours, the other way.

Or you open the door of the station (upstairs), to get out, and someone get's in without saying thanks.



Well-known member
My fiance works at Kroger, and let me tell you, their customer service is pretty bitchin. I'm so surprised to hear that this has happened to you! I'd report their asses and get ALL of them fired - because if that happened at MY Kroger...a lot of skanks would be without a job.


Well-known member
i refuse to bag my own groceries. i was a box girl for six months about a year and some change ago and it was dreadful, soul crushing work. seriously, big grocery corporations are the epitome of evil. hate hate hate.

i think the west coast equivalent to kroger is ralphs and i hate ralphs. you always have to wait in a three mile line just to pay too much for your bread because they find it necessary to hire fourteen box girls/boys to sit there at the end of the check stand and stare at each other's numerous facial piercings all day.

i hate vons/safeway as well, but for vastly different reasons. when i worked there, i had strep throat one time and my boss told me that if i went home early she was going to fire me. i said "do you want all these customers to get strep throat? 'cause they will...it IS contagious. that's how i got it, you know," and she goes "well, that's not really your problem is it? how about you go bring in carts from the lot instead" keep in mind, this was in the middle of summer and it was triple digit weather, and i was made to wear long sleeves to cover my tattoo (but now i'm seeing full sleeves going uncovered and box girls wearing shorts to work..what?!) and oh, i HAD STREP THROAT. i ended up going home and keeping my job because i told one of the other supervisors i felt like i was going to pass out, and lucky for me, she actually had a heart and at least a little bit of compassion.

but at any rate...my point is: grocery stores suck at life and everything encompassed therein.