I thought you were in high school!


Well-known member
I've looked pretty similar ever since I was 13, my passport photo looks just like a less pointy & make up'ed version of me now lol. All that's changed is my hair, I find it kind of boring and annoying!
I haven't been carded since I was 14, and I recently turned 18 and still haven't been carded -_-;; I want people to ask so I can actually say YES look I have ID xD
It also gets infuriating whenever I tell people how old I am, I always get the same reaction (even worse before I turned 18 ;O) 'REALLLYYY???!!! Noooo waaaaaaayyy!!! No way! I thought you were like 22 or something, that's insane!' *eye roll*


Well-known member
heck yeah...when i was looking at your Fotd I was like ahhh what a pretty lil girl..then I read it and was like hell this is a woman...lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hawaii02
Most people tell me I look somewhere between the ages of 22-26. Tell me that again in ten years when I turn 40.

Yup I think I look my age 30, but I'm told frequently I look younger which I don't mind, I know if I cut my hair I'd definitely look younger but cutting 20 inches off is not going to happen

My dh now looked 20-22 for YEARS, he started going bald at 25-26, shaved his head and people still thought he was 21

Now his beard has some grey and people think he's 28-30 or so, he'll be 35 this year.
But we love the reaction when we tell people we have a 12 almost 13 year old, lol
It helps my dad is 73 and looks 50, my mom is 60 and looks 40
Hopefully these genes will serve me well


Well-known member
Most of the places where I go that would potentially card me... don't. That's just because they know me. Other than that, if I'm not wearing my glasses and I'm dead quiet, people think I'm younger than I really am. If I wear my glasses (which make my eyes look smaller) and/or I talk (I've been told that I have a deep voice) people will usually guess that I'm older than I am.


Well-known member
Lol @ so many of these posts!!!

And I guess I look young too....to other people anyway. It seems like everyday one of the patients tells me they thought I was in middle school or just starting high school.... ummm, I'm 25

You should see the look on their faces when I tell them I'm starting med school in July AND then follow it with my real age. Haha, before that you can tell they really think I'm starting med school at like 14.


Well-known member
I'm 38, but people generally mistake me for 27-28, mostly cause of my round face and the fact that I've never tanned. My mom has the same type of skin as me. She 68 but has very few wrinkles, only some skin sagging around the eyes and mouth.


Well-known member
I feel for you guys. I don't even think I look young. But me and my boyfriend both got carded last year for seeing "Four Chistmases" for my 21st. Prolly spelled wrong, but oh well. They said you had to be at least 17 to see a movie after 9. It kinda makes me mad. Not when I get carded for like alcohol or even ciggerettes. But things like lighters, or going to the movies just really irratates me for some reason. And it's like they don't even card the people that are obviously younger. It's not that hard to tell just listen to what they are saying. "Gosh I hate my mom" or the "Likes" being everyother word. I know people older than 16 do that but come on man. Also, for me, when I dress up (makeup) (hair down) everyone wants to card me. When I wear no makeup and have my hair up, no one cards me. I don't have wrinkles or even really blemishes for that matter unless the seasons are changing like now. ERrr damn pimples. So what is up with that?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lapis
Yup I think I look my age 30, but I'm told frequently I look younger which I don't mind, I know if I cut my hair I'd definitely look younger but cutting 20 inches off is not going to happen

My dh now looked 20-22 for YEARS, he started going bald at 25-26, shaved his head and people still thought he was 21

Now his beard has some grey and people think he's 28-30 or so, he'll be 35 this year.
But we love the reaction when we tell people we have a 12 almost 13 year old, lol
It helps my dad is 73 and looks 50, my mom is 60 and looks 40
Hopefully these genes will serve me well

See, I have teenage stepkids..I always got told by their teachers in middle school "You look too young to have them." Well, thanks, that's because I was


Well-known member
I love these! Ahh, when I was on a job search when I first moved back. I went into The Body Shop to get an application and the woman asked me if I realized that I had to be 18 years old to apply.
I was 23 at the time! Probably, because I was wearing purple eye shadow. lol


Well-known member
in my family when you're around 12-16 you look older than you are, but then as you get older, you look younger than you are.

when i was 13, people always thought i was like 17, but now im 16 and most people guess im my age.

lol and my dad is 36 and he gets carded everytime her goes to the casino or a bar. And where i live you have to be 18 (i think to gamble) and 19 to drink.


Well-known member
When I was 13, ppl thought I was 16,17, when I was 17 ppl thought I was 19, and now I'm actually 19, people think I am 20-22
One person thought I was 25!!!!!
I know I don't look 19 because of my glasses n the way I dress, but damn, 25?


Well-known member
People think Im about 5 years older...I get it all the time !!! I think its the uniform lol...when Im in normal clothes being my normal goofball self people think I look my age...and act 12.


Well-known member
I would LOVE that.. I recently got glasses and wear them on a daily basis... I work at a restaurant and these men i was serving got into conversation about the 80's because of the movies and thought that i was 35 yrs old..... i had to show them my drivers licence to PROVE that I am only 22. Then the one guy goes far enough to say that my glasses make me look elderly... ahahha FML.. I like wearing glasses though. I feel as if people treat me differently, with more respect actually. Due to my job I meet a lot of people.


Well-known member
i used to hate being thought of as young when i was around 19 or 20 but i love it now.
i'm 28 in three months and ppl still think i'm 18-19. that's a huge gap but i don't mind it one bit.
i wouldn't sweat it. i don't feel i have a babyface but do think i look younger. not like 19 but i can kind of see it.
and the boob size???? girl, that can't even be used as a give away anymore. i'm 5'2, narrow hips, and a 34D....... i've seen 15 year olds with curves out this world, boobs bigger than mine and about 6 inches taller than me. sometimes they have me feeling like "DAMN!!!" lol!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mern
I would LOVE that.. I recently got glasses and wear them on a daily basis... I work at a restaurant and these men i was serving got into conversation about the 80's because of the movies and thought that i was 35 yrs old..... i had to show them my drivers licence to PROVE that I am only 22. Then the one guy goes far enough to say that my glasses make me look elderly... ahahha FML.. I like wearing glasses though. I feel as if people treat me differently, with more respect actually. Due to my job I meet a lot of people.

I love my glasses too! Although more older guys hit on me, bcuz they think I'm in my 20s


Well-known member
this thread is making me jealous. i've always wanted a "baby face" but i have very prominent features so no one ever thinks i'm in high school
...but whenever i go to a club they look at my ID extraaa hard...what the..? lol

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