I told my Mom + Found Out Its A. . .


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
Wow those are the most amazing ultrasound pictures I've ever seen! I can actually tell it's a baby!
She looks cute already... Congrats.

Ha Ha Ha, Thanks for the compliment. Quite a few people have told me that she has a really nice profile, since you can see it so well in the pictures. I just cant wait to finally hold her! =]


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sTaRRYeYeD
Ha Ha Ha, Thanks for the compliment. Quite a few people have told me that she has a really nice profile, since you can see it so well in the pictures. I just cant wait to finally hold her! =]

Wait until the very instant you first hold her...you know how they say that "love at first sight" exists? It does...right at the moment your child is placed into your arms...there is nothing like it...my oldest is 17 and I remember that moment as if it were yesterday....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by giz2000
Wait until the very instant you first hold her...you know how they say that "love at first sight" exists? It does...right at the moment your child is placed into your arms...there is nothing like it...my oldest is 17 and I remember that moment as if it were yesterday....

Awww thats so sweet!!! I already know Im going to be a big cry baby, I cried at both of my ultra sounds so far. And just seeing her on that screen made my life feel complete. So I know holding her will knock me off my feet!!! I cant wait!!!


Well-known member
Congrats, she looks like she'll be a heartbreaker when she grows up! And sorry your mum freaked, but hopefully she'll come round after the initial shock wears off.


Well-known member
thanks for sharing the ultra sound pics. i can already tell that she's going to be a cutie!

good luck with the baby and your mom : o ) i am sure that she'll come around and give you love and support.


Well-known member
Wonderful!! What you said about the ultrasound being the baby's playtime, it made me remember that my daughter would always move around the most during an ultrasound. It took the guy about 30 minutes to figure out the gender, because she wouldn't stay still long enough to let him check!

Anyway, congratulations on having a girl, and telling your mom. I'm sure she'll start feeling the grandma instincts and will get over her crap.

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