I Want To Be A MAC Makeup Artist - The How To's Thread


Well-known member
Okay - I heard that you do not need cosmetology background to become one.

But there are 2 week sessions(?) strictly from the MAC company to train you to become as their MA's.

How do we find out where they give out these type of sessions and what other criteria does that person need to even be qualified..

Portfolios consists of what? Pictures and letter recommendations???


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Modil
How do we find out where they give out these type of sessions and what other criteria does that person need to even be qualified..

Portfolios consists of what? Pictures and letter recommendations???

You should talk with your local counter manager as to what criteria you need to be qualified. MAC does have it's policies but ultimately it's up to the regional manager as to whom is hired and the counter manager can give you a clear view of what they are looking for in a MA. Plus this gives you a chance to express your interest in the position directly to the counter manager and make an impression on them.

The training sessions are given to new employees, they are not public sessions.

Portfolio should consist of phtographs of your work. A good way to build your portfolio is to find a local photographer and set something up where you will do makeup for a few shoots and they will give you the better photographs to use in your portfolio.

Really I can't emphasize enough that anyone interested in being a MAC MA should go to their counters/stores and talk to the staff. MAC MA's are generally very willing to help people get their foot in the door.

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