Idea to keep MAC shadows organised & convenient without depotting


Well-known member
I don't like the idea of depotting and putting my MAC e/s into the pans, i prefer the fliptops (missing out on free lipsticks i know!) but now that my e/s collection is growing it's harder to keep them neat wherever they're stored and see what i have quickly and pick out colours more easily.. So i got thinking about an idea to get them organised without depotting them.

I was thinking i could glue the pots down (not permenantly) onto a case of some kind so that all the e/s pots are lined up like they would be in pan form and i can pick up the whole lot of them together and view them all together and open the individual lids and use them. I felt v.excited by this idea as it seems really cute but i'm not sure what kind of case i could use, i was thinking of the case my mini lipgelees came in to try it out, but i think i would want a more shallow case ideally as it would look better. Also i'm not sure what glue i could use, i wouldn't want to use superglue or anything permenant as i'd want to be able to take out individiaul e/s when i feel like it easily and put them back in without damage. I could use bluetak but i'm thinking it won't be strong enough? I guess the best way is to try it out but i can't at the moment.

Any ideas? And also any thoughts if this idea is any good?


Well-known member
Why don't you make a huuuuge e/s pan out of the e/s pot? Put some magnet tape on the back and find a metal plate like a fridge door to stick them to it! Or use Velcro!!!


Well-known member
Lol, i'm not sure i understand. Are you suggesting i stick all my e/s to the fridge as treat it as a pallette?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sushi_Flower
Lol, i'm not sure i understand. Are you suggesting i stick all my e/s to the fridge as treat it as a pallette?

Hahah, that would be AWESOME!

Though I have depotted a lot of my shadows, a large number remain potted. I store them in one of those big plastic drawer organizer thingies (how's that for a description?) in the shallower drawers with the labels facing up, so that I can just open the drawer, see all the labels, and pick out the shadows I want. I do the same with my Pigments. It's worked well for me so far!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VuittonVictim
Why don't you make a huuuuge e/s pan out of the e/s pot? Put some magnet tape on the back and find a metal plate like a fridge door to stick them to it! Or use Velcro!!!

That would be sooo cool.. even better if you have a magnetized mirror or something... I know people who do that with spices... it's sooo coool


Well-known member
Moonrevel that would work fine and i was actually thinking of just doing that as i'm going to get some min storage drawers soon but i actually want to create the same effect as a normal pallette withotu depotting, so i can pick them all up together and keep them together.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sushi_Flower
Lol, i'm not sure i understand. Are you suggesting i stick all my e/s to the fridge as treat it as a pallette?

Noo of course not although it would combine two passions...eating and MAC!

I mean if you have a metallice surface like one of those huge noteboards or something like that!


Well-known member
roam the toy section in a store. goto the girly section, they have the coolest stuff. i depotted all my milanis and used a makeup tray that came w/paly makeup. i just took that out and put a big magnet to line it.
you could do something like that. and as far as glueing them down, i suggest velcro would be the easiest and most sturdy
when u do it, show us. i dont like depotting my pots. so i would love to steal your idea!!


Well-known member
Rather than bluetake you could use those self adhesive velcro dots. You can buy small circular "dots" of velcro and stick one side to the pot, and one side to the pan or container you're keeping them in. That way i f you want to remove it and take it with you you can and it would probably hold much better than blue tak. You can probably also buy velcro in strip form too.


Well-known member
I wish I could have a rack like they have at the mac counters for my eyeshadows in tha pan <sigh> I may have to resort to depotting in the near future. I like the velcro idea though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sushi_Flower
I don't like the idea of depotting and putting my MAC e/s into the pans, i prefer the fliptops (missing out on free lipsticks i know!) but now that my e/s collection is growing it's harder to keep them neat wherever they're stored and see what i have quickly and pick out colours more easily..

b-but... no lippies?? *is horrified*

haha j/k, but i'd go with the velcro idea. it'll hold better.


Well-known member
Velcro idea sounds good but i'm abit silly and wouldn't want to damage the back where the label is by sticking the velcro bit on to it and also when i've taken some out to take with me somewhere or just to put somewhere else on a desk or somewhere i'd find the permenantly stuck on velcro bit on the bottom annoying? is a good idea apart from those things though..


Well-known member
the only bad thing about magnets is if you're clumsy and uncoordinated like me. i tend to knock into things and god knows how many pallettes have hit the ground. i've had shadows crack because the magnets weren't powerful enough and it popped out of the pallette when it jarred. granted that hers are still in the container, but it's a b*tch when you're scrubbing black tied out of a white tiled floor.


New member
Check craft stores. You could glue them into a large craft organizer.
Think outside of the box. Many Craft organizers have inserts that can be removed. There are also cardboard craft boxes.
You could then use Hot Glue to glue them to organizer. Hot glue is great because it will hold them in place but you can easily remove them. I know this because I made my own palettes and I used hot glue. It hold them in place but I can pull them off if want.

Also check in the fishing area of stores. Those flat tackle boxes also have inserts that can come out and that leaves you with rows. You wouldn't even need to glue the e/s pots.

Check your yellow pages for plastic making stores. The one around me is called Tap Plastics. They will make you things out of plastic. You can pick the color and size. Even the type of plastic. Sometimes you have to put it together but often they will do it for you. To make it easy have them cut out slots so you can slide the pieces together. For the top you can buy hinges and drill holes in your plastic box. you could even put on cut little lock clips in the front.
I would lay out the e/s pots and measure them to see what size of box you want. Remember to leave room for the plastic and some wiggle room.
You could have the box done in some many different ways. Small slots for each e/s or rows to help line them up, a mutli level box etc...
They can more than just boxes. They can do shelves for you or things like displays that you see in stores.
It's worth checking out and often times it's cheaper than buying things premade.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sushi_Flower
I don't like the idea of depotting and putting my MAC e/s into the pans, i prefer the fliptops (missing out on free lipsticks i know!) but now that my e/s collection is growing it's harder to keep them neat wherever they're stored and see what i have quickly and pick out colours more easily.. So i got thinking about an idea to get them organised without depotting them.

i was like you for almost 4 years, until my collection got too large, and i finally started depotting. but i was thinking, if you could find some shallow magnetic metal trays, and then you just bought magnetic tape (one side has adhesive) you could attach a small piece of the tape to the pot bottom like i do with my newly depotted pans, and then just use the tray as a palette, and you could easily move stuff around...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sarzio
That would be sooo cool.. even better if you have a magnetized mirror or something...

i love this idea.

attched a magnet to the bottom of each pot and stick them on to the mirror. you'd be able to move shadows into groups freely as often as you wanted to : 0 )

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