If you could sleep with ONE celebrity.....


Well-known member
I would have trouble narrowing it down. lol I can't rob the cradle, but for a younger man it would definitely be Leonardo DiCaprio. Others on the "lust list" would be Johnny Depp, Colin Firth, Edward Norton, Will Smith and Ralph Fiennes. Yes, I would sleep with Voldermort. lol For me it is all about romance and the eyes that burn. Ah....



Well-known member
I'm sorry ladies, I'm not picking just one.

1. Gordon Ramsay- I have had a super obsession with him recently, did not help he was in Austin this last week filming a Kitchen Nightmares. But I have read his entire wiki page and am making my way through his books. Something about a chef knowing how to use his hands lol.

2. Javier Bardem- damn you Penelope!

3. James Franco

4. Jake Gyllenhaal

5. Gerard Butler or David Chang- stuck between Phantom of the Opera hotness or another chef


Well-known member
I have updated my list. There isn't just ONE, i have a top 5 list (yes, like on friends) that i keep on my iphone.

here we go.

Coming in at no. 1

Ryan Gosling. Can you be hotter? Can you try? You dont even need to. You just, you just......... are. Your hottness is unfair to the rest of the human race, for they will never be as hot as you. But don't worry, we don't hold it against you? How could we? Then you wouldn't want to bone me. Cause you totally do want to bone right?
Also, can we establish he seems like a very nice human being. Doesn't hurt that his hometown is about 45 mins away from mine

2. Christian Bale.
You are Batman. You are stupid hot, and probably the kind of guy that would put a cigarette out on my face. Why am i ok with that? Oh right, cause your FUCKING BATMAN!!!!

3. Charlie Day.
I love you. so much. I dont care that your short. You are so goddamned fucking sexy. I want to do dirty things with you Charlie Kelly.

4. Matthew Fox.
Yes, i know he assualted a female busy driver while drunk. I know he punched her in the titties. do i approuve of this? No. Why is he still on my list? I dont even know. Even my boyfriend said i should take him off my list. I suppose i like bad boys a bit (See: Christian Bale). He is a sexy sexy jerk... but it's his looks that count in this game here.

5. Gary Oldman.
I just love him.

Next to make it on this list:
Jim Sturgess.
Although i did not care for Across the Universe, i fell in love with him in that film. He is fantastic to watch on film. He has a real softness about him And he's gorgeous. It doesn't help that from some angles he looks EXACTLY like my boyfriend. Ray (my bf) was away for a week, and i was pining for him. I saw the Trailer for "One Day" and thought he looked like Raymond. Then i found some stills from the film. holy mofo. I showed Ray when he got home, and even he was freaked out.


Well-known member
How can we choose just one with all those fine looking specimens out there??? It can't be done!!
Exactly! I could not possible pick one. But I only had ONE choice, I would go for character. Not the actor, I always fall in love with the character. I would pick Mr. Harvey Specter.... I get sweaty just thinking about it...



Well-known member
Channing Tatum!!!! I know he has good moves :p omg lol practically panting over here just thinking about it!!