Originally Posted by metalkitty Do any of these actually have any color or are they practically clear?
i have slicked pink and saplicious and they look the same on me: practically clear. the saplicious has a little bit of shimmer to it.
it's a bit deceptive because the slicked pink is so bubblegum-y in the tube and the sap is brownish. at least they smell nice.
i only have one, and it's Lust is Lush -- it's a fantastic, sheer juicy orange. i adore it! although, i also want Moistly (even though i hate the name), Dewy Jube, and Saplicious.
On a decent pigmented lips, most of them show up just a small hint of colour. I personally like Sapalicious a lot... it shows up mostly clear but it feels so good on the lips and I like the easy application instead of the TLC pots.