If you're easily offended


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LineausBH58
it's a hoax....i've heard something like this before... about a rabbit

what's a hoax??? I don't understand anything in this discussion...:confused:

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
A hoax is a rumor of sorts. People say something, knowing full well it isn't true, like those emails that claim some virus has been created and to look out for it. They spread quickly and many people will believe them.


Well-known member
I work for a pro-choice agency. My job is to visit universities, high schools, welfare offices, city hall, etc. to educate people about teen pregnancy, but that is only one part. We talk about (in high-schools) STDS, birth control and ALL options one may choose when they find themselves, or their partner, pregnant. I also speak one on one with pregnant teens who uncomfortable talking to an adult. See, we pro-choice people don't force one thing upon people. We simply encourage people to consider all options.

So yup, there was no need for your suggestion as that is what I have been doing for the past two years.

And you know, an abortion is much safer than giving birth.. so basically, much less to worry about than giving birth (physically, that is).

The effects of abortion are long term, and extend beyond walking out of the hospital room, obviously.

Yes, an abortion may be emotionally traumatic for some women.. so can giving birth. Some women are elated after an abortion, so are some women who give birth. But like you said, that is obvious and goes both ways.

Originally Posted by Shimmer
I have. Numerous times.
It sounds like such a cool and sterile procedure where there's not a whole lot to worry about.



My last question wasn't rhetorical, and I don't know what you do for a living.
Perhaps instead of raging against the anti-abortion contingent, energies would be better spent educating the mothers regarding all of their options, including avenues of resource once the child is born, should they decide to keep it?

The effects of abortion are long term, and extend beyond walking out of the hospital room, obviously.
Granted, I am a moderate on this particular subject, however I would think that instead of berating a woman OR a contingency for the propaganda either believed or put out, if more people made the effort to educate the female in question, perhaps this entire debate would be come unnecessary.



Well-known member
I'm very pro-choice. If a woman chooses to have an abortion, that's her business and her decision.
However, real or fake, that blog is disgusting. All the claimed drinking and drugs and being kicked out of a trailer and being on welfare or not really just continues to add to the stereotypes that surround pro-choice believers and people who choose to have abortions. It makes them look like we use abortion as a form of birth control, and that's not what it is. Same with the morning after pill, and I'm very against it being introduced as an over the counter product. People eat them like candy and use them as birth control, THATS NOT WHAT IT'S FOR. It's a way out of an undesirable situation (other options should be considered, but for some, this is the prominent choice and the most readily available in most regions.), it's not just "i don't feel like being a responsible mother, lemme just make a phone call."