I'm baaaaaacccccckkkk!!! And I'm a brunette. And I don't work at MAC anymore.


Well-known member
Hey Ashley, glad to see you're back on Specktra
I already told you, but those dark hair really rock!
I didn't know you resigned from Nordstrom... fuck them anyway, they don't deserve any respect! Keep it up girl!


Active member
You look great as a brunette. And if you needed a colour correction because of bleaching then I really can't tell from the photos - your hair is so glossy!

Makeup is perfect as always but I'm really feeling the brunette


Well-known member
M.A.C. just lost a great artist because of Nordstrom.
It's unfortunate, but they are notorious for not being good to their employees. I loooooove your hair! It really makes your eyes pop. Makeup looks great, as usual.


Well-known member
Oh hun!!! I'm sorry to hear about your experience with Nordstrom.
And try to come back to MAC if you can. They are a truely missing out on not having you.

Love the hair and make up!!! I love red lips on you.


Well-known member
i'm still pretty much a newbie, but i always loved your FOTDS, they were fabulous, i hope you start posting them again. you look great with dark hair, and blonde as well!!!! makeup is always flawless of course, i love it


Well-known member
Thank you!!! I will definitely be posting more now.

Niki, I would love to work for MAC again. But in Utah the only place that sells MAC is Nordstrom...so I probably won't be working for MAC for a while, haha. I refuse to step foot inside Nordstrom. But I would definitely love to work for MAC again.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ashley_v85
Thank you!!! I will definitely be posting more now.

Niki, I would love to work for MAC again. But in Utah the only place that sells MAC is Nordstrom...so I probably won't be working for MAC for a while, haha. I refuse to step foot inside Nordstrom. But I would definitely love to work for MAC again.

In that case you're invited to come live in the Bay Area because we have plenty of MAC counters/stores and I'll promise to be your number 1 customer haha.

As for the make-up ... always gorgeous, I swear you can pull off anything. I LOVE the darker hair ... but maybe I'm bias because I have black hair. hehe. Everything is beautiful.


Well-known member
I told you over on JJB but I'll say it again here that Nordstrom sucks, and it was definitely their loss !

And I freaking love the new hair ! It really suits you. And that gorgeous lip colour looks way better with brown hair than it ever would on a blonde


Well-known member
Ahhhh screw 'em!!! You look fantastic as a brunette btw...and perhaps you could find another job at MAC at a much classier joint!!!
Oh and your makeup looks lovely too!


Well-known member
Haha thanks!
What's your name on JJB?

Thank you.
Delphi, I would...but I would have to move to a different state, haha.


Well-known member
hey! so good to see you around here again! you're lookin hot with that haircolor!!! and as usual, KICKASS makeup
i'm sorry t hear things didn't work out well for you on nordstrom, but as many have said here, don't let that get to you, you're an ACE makeup artist and by far one of the most talented i've known, so screw nordstrom, try your luck in a MAC store, or freelance!!!
as i said, nice to see you around here!