I'm giving Motif another chance


Well-known member
Hi Everyone

I was pretty into mac a few years ago and I've had a bit of a haitus when I got lazy and stopped wearing makeup to work. I'm in a new role now and trying to give off an aura of put-together-professionalism so I've started to use my stash daily again.

I've managed to work almost everything I have into my everyday rotation but I've recently come across 'Motif' e/s again...I never had the motivation to make this work before but I'm determined now so...

How do you use Motif?

If I use it as a wash on the lid by itself it makes me look sickly in a yellowy kind of way so I'm looking for alternatives and combinations to make it pretty. For reference I'm an NC20/25 ish



Well-known member
I'm fair with dark hair and I always get compliments when I wear it with Naked Lunch in the inner lid, Motif mid lid, Expensive Pink on the outer lid/crease with Ricepaper to highlight.


Well-known member
Oh that sounds like a great idea toxaemia - thank you! I don't have Naked Lunch but I'm sure I can get close enough with one of the other million shadows I have and I love any chance to use expensive pink!


Well-known member
well, I was excited so I tried this immediately with Phloof instead of Naked Lunch. Good call! Looks great - and gives me another use for Phloof which is another one I don't use often.



Well-known member
I am NC20, freckly with blue eyes, and I like using Motif on top of Penny shadestick, with Nocturnelle in the crease, Naked p/m to highlight and Prunella to line. It also looks nice with a brown in the crease, such as Chocolate Brown pigment or Handwritten e/s.


Well-known member
I recently paired Motif with Shale and a brown shade that I can't recall. Sounds weird, but it came out well. I used Rubenesque as a base, but I'll probably use Coral Crepe in the future.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kat
well, I was excited so I tried this immediately with Phloof instead of Naked Lunch. Good call! Looks great - and gives me another use for Phloof which is another one I don't use often.


Most welcome! I'm glad you like it
.... Good Choice with replacing Naked Lunch with Phloof


Well-known member
I just recently purchased this color and love it. I use it with Warm and Cozy shadestick as a base, texture in the crease, a winged out liner or cat eye liner. It looks really look its my quick make up look.


Specktra Bestie
This is one of my all-time favourites. I have had the experience of getting that icky yellow look when I've tried it under the brow, so now I use it on the lid.

I find it looks really nice with Contrast in the outer corner and Shale in the crease- this can be either subtle or intense, depending on how much Contrast you use.


Well-known member
just yesterday i did motif on the inner fourth, followed by goldenrod, then firecracker (from TTB) and red brick on the outer fourth with winged black liner. it looked like a sunset!


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I use Paradisco on my lid, Vibrant Grape in my crease, Vanilla right under my brow, and Motif to shade the transition between Vibrant Grape and Vanilla


Well-known member
i've recently started using motif as a cheek highlighter. I don't go crazy with it, but it's soo beautiful