I'm having a boy!


Well-known member
I found out today that I'll be having a boy...His name will be Alexander Seamus (pronounced "Shay-mus"). Hopefully my sense of humor comes across (it's dry, cynical, and sarcastic) but I posted this on my myspace blog.

Dear Alexander,

Today, your father and I discovered your gender. Now, rather than saying "it", "s/he", "the baby", I can refer to you by name. I'm not ready to say that I'll stop referring to you as the "parasite" and me as the "host", as right now, that is apparently the relationship we have and will continue to have for the next 142 days (but who's counting, right?). I also will not cease to refer to you as "the little shit" when you kick and/or tap dance your way (complete with jazz hands and sometimes spirit fingers) across my mid-section. Perhaps, I can assume that you're training for an upcoming boxing match; sounds much more "macho", yes? I'm sure as things get more and more cramped in there, you'll have a few choice names for me as well. I'm ok with that...I have a foul mouth, and I expect nothing better from you, although your father is bound and determined to get me to stop saying "fuck". We'll see, but I'm sure neither of us is holding our breath.

I'm also sure that when I get home and decide to start uploading the video and the ultra sound pictures onto this page, my forum, and my photobucket, the source of embarrassment that I'll bring to you as I post pictures of your fetal "winky" for all the world to see will begin. Let's face it; I'm about 100% certain (+/- 1%) this will not be the last time I'll embarrass you. It's a time honored tradition in your mom's family to embarrass your offspring. Talk to your maternal grandfather. He *thrived* off of it.

At any rate, Lex, you now have a gender which now means you have an identity. And now that we know that you're a boy, which GREATLY pleases your maternal grandmother, your father will now hold onto the Star Wars collection with an even more fierce death grip so that he can pass it onto you. Remember, though, DON'T OPEN THE BOX. It compromises the figure and makes it less valuable. So, have fun smacking plastic and cardboard action figures together. Better yet, leave them on the shelf, and we'll buy you 35 copies of the same figure.


Your Mom


Well-known member
awwwww! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Here's a pic of my baby bump at 20w 1d! It's funny, I've only gained 9lbs, but he looks HUGE from that angle. LOL!

Sorry that the pic is so blurry but my husband was screwing with the settings, and I finally (in a hormone-induced rage) turned to him and said, "Take the effing picture already...I want to put on my PJs!"



Well-known member
Congratulations dear! Little boys are so much fun! I remember being so excited awaiting the coming of my little nephew.
Your little bump is so cute!

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