I'm Jones-ing!


Well-known member
This is the deadest, dullest MAC month ever! I have been screwing around on MAC to fill my needs! This month I have had flings with Bobbi Brown, Trish McEvoy, Smashbox, Dior, Nars and Vincent Longo. Sometimes just one of them. Sometimes.....several at one time. I've been a total cosmetic whore!!! There you go; my confession!

Must....have....new....MAC....collection....now... ...


Well-known member
haha it's ok, a little infidelity is excusable in this case


Well-known member
God I know! I've been cheating on MAC with MUFE and other brands. I want Strange Hybrid and C-shock here now! *stomps foot*


Well-known member
It gets even harder because you know there's a truckload of good stuff that just hasn't been released yet! ITA, Holly, now!


Well-known member
Gotta love it, when we get a bunch of collections people rant about how they are releasing to many too soon. And now that there has been a break, people want more LOL.


Well-known member
Funny, I was thinking the same thing! Just can't make us happy, can they?

Just goes to show you what a business must go through to keep everyone happy and spending money.