i'm new to this :P


hey everyone, i've been creeping this website for awhile now and i absolutely love it

but what i need here is some advice

i am VERY pale, think "ghostly-white" i have super dark brown eyes, and they're very small, i would like to make them appear bigger, without having to use lighter colours, i love using super bright and dark colours, is there a certain way i could apply them that would allow me to keep using these colours, but would also help me with my eye shape??

thnx in advance


Well-known member
use blacktrack f/l to line ur waterline to make ur eyes appear bigger. And use normal colors..though pastel colors would make them look nice and subtle yet very noticable use purples, greens, pinks, blues to bring out ur eyes.


Well-known member
Try lining your lower waterline with white or beige pencil, along with doing the gradient thing: lightest color at the inner corners, darkest at the outer. Both of these help open up the eyes, so I've heard (and I know for sure with the liner trick!)

You can do any kinds of colors you want with those two particular tricks, because they're universal to every color!


thnx soo much! cuz the people i've talked to before always tell me to use one pastel colour and NOT use black eyeliner at all

so thank you for telling me i can use them


i tend to have a problem with mascara though, it runs no matter what i do, i even use waterproof, when i clean my face i dont use ANYTHING oily close to my eyes, so i can't really use mascara unless i want to look like i cried for hours


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Curl your eyelashes and use mascara. That'll make your eyes look instantly larger

Go one step further and use false eyelashes. Here are some pics from a tutorial I did for another site. I wanted to show how much a difference false lashes make, so I took a pic with them just on one eye:





Huge difference!! Esp for when you are using dark colors, I find it really opens up the eye.


Well-known member
I agree with Triskele and Latina Girl (who might I add is freakin' gorgeous)...If you have very small eyes, lining with black might make them look smaller. Use a white or beige liner and false lashes ALWAYS make all the difference in the world.


thnx everyone

oh btw any advice on buying false eyelashes? like how much i should be paying and how often should i buy new ones


Well-known member
I used to have problems with my mascara, too. To keep it from running, use powder (lots of powder)! I use a ton of mascara and the powder stops it from getting on my face.

I like ardell lashes. They're about $3 a pair.