I'm so pissed off, I'm literally in tears over this.


Well-known member
I definetley agree he probably has a guilty conscience. And he might be see signs of what you are doing as things he had done that lead to cheating. Even if he isn't cheating, he needs to back off. You need to tell him that you are your own person, and you do not have to tell him everything you do. Either he accepts it, or you leave. You are going to be miserable. Listen to experience, especially the women who married and had children. It's hard to walk away from a marriage after children,so end it before it gets further complicated.


Well-known member
i agree with what shimmer and ladybug originally said.

when i was with my exboyfriend, one of my best guy friends got home from bootcamp and called me while i was at the boyfriend's house. he got so upset, even though he knew this guy was like a brother to me (which means he was never, and would never, be a threat) not too long after that, i was staying with him one night and i decided to go out with a few friends, which he was supportive of when i left. when i got back to his place, he threw a fit about how i spend too much time with my friends and not enough with him (keep in mind, i practically lived with him half the time and i went out with my friends twice during the duration of our relationship) and told me it was better if i just went home. he brought my stuff to me and i left. i'm pretty sure there was another girl there. the next day, he apologized and said it was because he wasn't feeling well. later on, i found tonnes of e-mails and messages back and forth between him and other girls he had been making plans with.

so be aware, jealousy is often a defense for a cheater because it sets you up, that way when you find out about his infidelity, he can counter with "i told you you spend too much time with your friends," etc.


Well-known member
I know you talked to your BF, but seriously, RUN! It's clear that he is jealous and possessive and that can lead to much worse abuse. My ex used to pick fights with me over the stupidest things, check my phone to see who's calling me and who I am calling and he would even check my internet history. Then I found out he cheated on me!

All I can say is do what's best for YOU.


Well-known member
good luck alien21xx, i hope things work out...whatever the outcome ends up being. we're all here to support you whatever choice you make. Don't forget that you have other people in your life who give you love and caring without the drama/abuse. what a wonderful daddy (lol).


Well-known member
I agree with everyone. You need space and it seems that you have no room to breathe. If he's so worried about when you're coming home and where you are every second he must either think that you're having an affair...or he must be indulging in a guilty pleasure of his own. Either way I think you just need to cut him loose and find a guy who doesn't go crazy for no good reason.


I'm so glad your dad back you up!

But really, you shouldn't be the one apologizing or beating yourself up for something HE did.

Whatever you do, don't get pregnant. Once you have a kid in between you two... you are bound to him for life and you would be risking your child's safety and being a single parent (also not having a father to look up to). Oh, and it will also risk the fact that your child could grow up just to be like your boyfriend.


Well-known member
Regardless of how 'mean' you think you are to him, it doesn't entitle him to make you feel guilty for having a life. If what he's doing is a reaction to you being mean, then he's being passive-aggressive and immature. If he's just behaving like this because he's insecure and controlling, that's worse. Either way, this sounds like bad news.

My $0.02.


Well-known member
I don't think he really has anything to worry about though it might be because I didn't really have a life before and I'm trying to have one now. He has been more understanding recently since that time and I can enjoy myself with my friends as long as I let him know where I am (he is very paranoid... I guess it comes from living in Manila where the roads may be quite dangerous to lone women?) In any case, we have both come to an agreement that we need to be more understanding of each others need for "alone time" or "time with friends".

Thank you all for your advice and comments.


Well-known member
im glad it is getting better for you, but you should still be on the look out!

Ask yourself how much is too much. I think it is unfair if you are reporting every tiny little detail about your daily activities. I stress the word report because it's not the same as discuss where you are actually having a normal chat.