I'm Soooooo Pretty!


Well-known member
OK, so hubby isn't home right now. I was playing around with eye shadows and had my face in the midst of all sorts of cosmetic experimentation. Then I got sidetracked by something on TV.

Then the doorbell rings. I went to the door to find a neighbor I had never met before had rec'd my Sephora package in error. I said thanks and went inside. That's when I remembered my face looked like the Rocky Horror Picture show! I am such a jackass!
My neighbor was probably thinking, "Damn, this Sephora box got here just in time"!


Well-known member
Hahaha I did that once! I was experimenting with makeup, and a Jehovas Witness person came to my door, and I had like colours all over my face, which of course I forgot about, and he was like

"...Are you okay...?"

Rofl I was like uhh yeah! bye!


Well-known member
I totally know what thats like! My bf always comes home when im in the middle of trying something crazy and then like wants to talk to me or see how my day went and its like I can't stop thinking about how stupid I must look. I hope he doesnt think that I think I look good like that! Usually when I try stuff like that it takes a lot of tweaking, like it will look all crappy at first but then it turns out pretty good but I definitely dont want anyone to see me when I'm in the process, not even him.


Well-known member
lol omg that's the reason why I keep a mini bottle of makeup remover in my bedroom - in case of emergencies haha!!


Well-known member
Hahaha! You girls crack me up. I'm sitting in the library and people keep shooting me annoyed glances because I keep chuckling.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SumtingSweet
Hahaha! You girls crack me up. I'm sitting in the library and people keep shooting me annoyed glances because I keep chuckling.

That's good. Specktra is here to make us smile and laugh!
(but not to get you kicked out of the library. Sorry


Well-known member
hahaha & i thought i was the only one who answered the door, forgetting that i had a wacky faceful of makeup on. i love this.
My cousin was using her straightening iron when we were getting ready to go out for a meal one night while we were staying in a hotel. She had sectioned it into two halves. One half had been completely straightened and was sleek and shiny, while the other was still in a hair tie and was a curly/frizzy mess. I looked very funny. Kind of like a before and after shot. Before she released the hair that was tied up. She decided to make a phone call. Her mobile reception was scratchy in our room though. So she went down to the lobby to make it instead. She had completely forgotten about her hair. Until she heard two small children laughing and looking at her.


Well-known member
I once answered the door with a mud mask all over my face. It was a Girlscout selling cookies. She kept giving me wierd looks. I told her someday she too would be putting this stuff all over her face...I said it went with the territory of being a chick
I think she thought I was strange.

Great post, MacWhore...