I'm Speechless


Well-known member
I'm a bit nervous to post this because I'm very new to this site and I rarely post. I hope this is the appropriate section to post this topic. I ordered some pigment samples from a website claiming to have 100% authentic MAC pigment samples at an affordable price. I didn't realize that Counterfeit MAC even existed at the time. I sent an email to the company about what I have found out online and how I would be sure to inform others about this information. I received an angry reply, stating I should be very careful about making accusations, that it would be considered slander and would open legal doors to restitution on her part. She will also be forwarding my name and address to her attorney in the morning. Should I be worried about this? I'm just so shocked.


Well-known member
I'm a bit nervous to post this because I'm very new to this site and I rarely post. I hope this is the appropriate section to post this topic. I ordered some pigment samples from a website claiming to have 100% authentic MAC pigment samples at an affordable price. I didn't realize that Counterfeit MAC even existed at the time. I sent an email to the company about what I have found out online and how I would be sure to inform others about this information. I received an angry reply, stating I should be very careful about making accusations, that it would be considered slander and would open legal doors to restitution on her part. She will also be forwarding my name and address to her attorney in the morning. Should I be worried about this? I'm just so shocked.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by JolieFemme
I'm a bit nervous to post this because I'm very new to this site and I rarely post. I hope this is the appropriate section to post this topic. I ordered some pigment samples from a website claiming to have 100% authentic MAC pigment samples at an affordable price. I didn't realize that Counterfeit MAC even existed at the time. I sent an email to the company about what I have found out online and how I would be sure to inform others about this information. I received an angry reply, stating I should be very careful about making accusations, that it would be considered slander and would open legal doors to restitution on her part. She will also be forwarding my name and address to her attorney in the morning. Should I be worried about this? I'm just so shocked.

This actually sounds fairly similar to some of the responses I experienced when I was still new to MAC and found that I had purchased some counterfeit eyeshadows from eBay.

When I raised the issue with the seller in some cases, and despite presenting a level-headed analysis, with comparisons between real and counterfeit products and explaining to them how I was aware that many sellers weren't aware their products were counterfeit, and being very understanding - some sellers became very indignant and started threatening legal action, claiming if I mentioned their ebay username on Specktra or on the web that they would sue me, and that if I gave them negative feedback they would proceed with legal action, etc.

I looked into my options legally and i basically said 'go for it' -- whilst I haven't any refund, oddly enough, I haven't heard back from them or their legal counsel.

I've been very disappointed with eBay MAC sellers - there is a *lot* of counterfeit MAC on eBay and I refuse to purchase on eBay anymore after a number of bad experiences.

Best of luck with your seller.



Well-known member
I wouldn't bother buying samples on ebay anymore. You just can't be 100% sure that they are authentic. It's not worth the risk. And by the sounds of it this lady is hiding something> to react so upset and make such a huge fuss...if she had nothing to hide she would have been more polite and professional. I say don't worry about her threatening you. You're the customer, you have the right to say what you want. Good luck with it x


Well-known member
Oh my, what an angry response! Can you post why you think the pigments are fake? Some of the more experienced members may be able to confirm these for you and there is some good information on this site (search for "fake pigments") that may help you substantiate your claim. It's not slander if it's true!


Well-known member
if they're really fake, what does she have on you? a lawyer won't protect her. SHE's the one who's selling fake products and she's liable for it, not you.


Well-known member
^^ I agree with ms_bloom. Pictures would be a great help to guarantee if it is indeed fake.
Cause if the pigment is fake, you accusing them isn't slander, it's the truth!

My bet is that it has a good chance of being fake, because one time I bought a fake pigment and got a similar response. I think it's because sellers who know the deal fake products are scared you might turn them in/get them banned from selling/get them into a lot of trouble and so they threaten you into silence so they can keep peddling their fake junk and get away with it.


Well-known member
Even if the piggies are real, she's totally just trying to scare you with the attorney bullsh*t


Well-known member
She won't I have had the same response from ebay sellers and other online sellers passing on fake rubbish and not just mac either - clinique, and creme de la mer as well, they are just trying to scare you. Stand your ground and demand your money back.


Well-known member
Slander is only when the accusations are false. If your accusations are accurate then she has nothing. Also almost no one wins slander or libel suits. Its difficult to prove. But you have a case against her for misrepresenting her product. So tell her you're forwarding her info to your lawyer! If she had real products she wouldn't flip out so irrationally.


Well-known member
^ I agree. That's a totally unreasonable response from a retailer. Rather than threatening to sue, they should be trying to ease your concern. I'd insist on returning the product if they appear to be fakes. If you paid via Paypal, you should be able to file a reversal through them. If you do ship it back, make sure you get some sort of delivery confirmation on the package... if they're the type to scream "lawsuit" then they're likely the type to claim they never received the return.


Well-known member
I agree - a response likes that speaks volumes about the confidence they have in their product (apparently - zero).

Don't let them scare you - as a consumer you are entitled to purchase exactly what was described - so they should be the ones to fear legal action.


Well-known member
I'm pretty sure they are not even allowed to be operating a site that sells MAC pigment samples! If anything, threaten to contact MAC about them!


Well-known member
Hmmm..this wouldn't happen to be "The Body Needs" would it??? This conversation sounds mighty familiar!

Also, I don't know if it's just me that thinks that having an attorney on standby means that you are doing something wrong??? None of my family members, friends, or anyone I know have attorneys who they can just call in the morning. I'm sure it's a lie anyway.


Well-known member
oh wow - it's never pleasant to receive a nasty response like that!

Like ms_bloom said - please post details if you'd like some help IDing the pigments.

Other than that the only advice I can offer is maintain a calm demeanour in any correspondence with this seller. hopefully you can get your money back if the items are counterfeit!


Well-known member
Most attorneys would laugh at her.
Don't let it bother you, people like that are full of bravado and accusations online.

This is the reaction I have had from most people who I've noticed selling fake MAC on message boards and other communities. People are embarrassed that they've been 'had' and rather than graciously accept it they'll lie about it saying...

1. It's store bought but they lost the receipt
2. A family friend who works for MAC gave them it
3. Their friend has a pro card and got it from the pro store for them

and then they have a strop at you for daring to accuse them of selling fakes.


Active member
She wouldn't have a case...not in the slightest. First of all, there are plenty of people who will still buy from her that have no knowledge of how to spot fake products (or don't care if they are fake), and second, if her product was genuine, my guess is that she wouldn't have freaked out.


Well-known member
I'd say she flipped out becasue you actually hit a sore spot..... I dont know too many people who react with threats of litigation when they actually have nothing to hide....

I'd take redambitions advice though and remain calm with the seller. File all claims immediately though and if you want some opinions on your pigments just post some pics here.
Originally Posted by MACATTAK
None of my family members, friends, or anyone I know have attorneys who they can just call in the morning. I'm sure it's a lie anyway.

Really OT but my brother actually does....

On topic, don't take this person serious. Do what you feel is right.