I'm the next victim of stolen pics!!


Well-known member
And the worst thing! She claimed that she's an aspring artist! I mean come on! Stila?? Uggh!!! Nothing else comes between me and MAC!!!


Well-known member
oh sweetie.. that chick obviously has no life! Don't worry about what she said about you or anything.....


Well-known member
OMG! That sucks so bad that it happened to you. How did you even find out your pics were on that other website?


Well-known member
That's so mean.
Is the information accurate? If it is someone pretending to be you, if could very well be someone on Specktra. What other forums/websites do you frequent? I can't read the comments on there, since I don't have an account at the faked site, but I hope they take it down ASAP.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by V2LUCKY
OMG! That sucks so bad that it happened to you. How did you even find out your pics were on that other website?

succubus asked me if I had an account on that site and I apparently had not! But they deleted her account! Can you believe she wrote a comment on my site that was like "Hey! We are the same person! Haha!"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Demosthenes
That's so mean.
Is the information accurate? If it is someone pretending to be you, if could very well be someone on Specktra. What other forums/websites do you frequent? I can't read the comments on there, since I don't have an account at the faked site, but I hope they take it down ASAP.

I'm also on Myspace but she uploaded pics to her site that I just posted here!


Well-known member
I tried 2 go to the link but it wouldnt let me. I'm soo sorry this is happening 2 u! I know how u feel, I had a hacker hack into my myspace account so then i made a new one, and he hacked that one, then it happened again! all while this was going on I was sending my friends messages telling them what account wasnt me nemore and what account was, then when he took the 3rd accout he errased EVERYTHING so i couldnt find ne of my friends back.

Then as if that wasnt bad enough, he some how got into my whole hardrive and sent viruses 2 everything. Now I'm on my dad's laptop while my laptops w/ the Geek Squad at Best Buy so they can get all the viruses and bugs out and pretty much re-formatt my computer.

The worse part of all of this --- The Geek Squad charged us $200 2 fix it.

I know ur situation is a nightmare but I hope my story makes u feel a lil better - I have 200 dollars less 2 spend on MAC


Well-known member
I've had pictures stolen too and used on dating forums (although goodness knows why, there are plenty of better looking girls out there whose picture they could have used instead!). I've also have pictures stolen and used on other sites. Fortunately I've got a lot of friends who are very active online and tend to find out about it pretty quickly. It's one reason I post very few pictures of myself online and I don't upload photographs of myself onto anyone else's server.

I run my own web server so can see from the logs if anyone is linking to my pictures from strange places. In the past I've changed the configuration to stop my pictures being linked to from a particular dating site.

I looked into watermarking about four years ago but never got around to it. Perhaps it's something I should consider again.

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
Wow, this is terrible! Why would someone do this? How did you find it?
I hope you get it taken down and prove that someone stole your pics!


Well-known member
I simply cannot wrap my little mind around why people do that! It's just so bizarre! I've been posting pictures of myself online for many years, so I always wonder when I see these things if there are people floating around out there pretending to be me. I hope everything gets resolved for you.


Well-known member
I'm really sorry to hear about this; obviously some people don't have better things to do with their lives...I hope everything gets sorted out. Why do people do these sorts of things, I wonder?

Ms. Z

Well-known member
I'm so sorry about your bad experience. I hope they remove it soon.

I also don't like posting full photos for the fear that someone else will use them.


Well-known member
Is it possible to do a picture search to see if anyone has done this with your pics? For example, any pics ive ever posted here, how would i find out if anyone has ever stolen those, or is it even possible?


Well-known member
OMG! I would be so freakin livid. How crappy for someone to pose as you and write those things. Im sorry that happened to you.


Well-known member
i hate fakers... i mean, really - what is the point???
report her ass


Well-known member
Yeow,.. this makes me afraid. I would probably never know if someone was doing that. I don't really frequent any other boards out there or anything. Okay,.. yeah I think watermarking might be in my future,..I think I will scan My driver license too so that if I ever run across something like that I can shut them down quick. I bet that would work.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by KMEFH
Is it possible to do a picture search to see if anyone has done this with your pics? For example, any pics ive ever posted here, how would i find out if anyone has ever stolen those, or is it even possible?

Sadly there's no easy way to do this. You just have to hope that someone who knows you spots the picture and tells you. That's how I usually find out.

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