in a room full of people but still alone...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by brave_venus

I always try to keep in mind that things will get better in time.

I'd love things to get better, but you know...
When you move out and leave everything behind (by choice) except your family, and the only people you know are those from work and your man back home, it's difficult to see the light.

I tried a lot to meet new people, by going out alone and speak to people, or going to ''online get togethers''. In the end the only people who I stayed friend with live hours from my place. On is in India right now
she's coming back next month at least...

But anyway, when I feel alone I come here and chat a little with all of you


Well-known member
Yeah I think that's more common than most people let on. I have a hard time reaching out to new people I have really been pushing myself to try though. I mean you'll never get to know people if you don't try. I keep telling myself.

But its hard, I am very self concious. I feel alone sometimes even with my friends because I convince myself that what I have to say doesn't matter, or that I'm not fun enough etc etc.

Its common but its not healthy.
The only cure I've found is connecting one on one with people and focusing on other peoples issues so I can forget about mine. It doesn't always work but... sometimes is better than never.

I am super bad at mingling at parties, I try but i'm just not a 'party' girl. Sober or inebriated I'm still shy and quiet, thats just how I am.


Well-known member
i feel like that all the time. i think it's to do with me having being bullied quite badly at school. even though them days are behind me the emotional effect is not and i often feel as though i don't fit in, and i lack the confidence to just get involved with whatever is going on, i often feel like the girl in the corner.
even when i am at home with my family i feel like a bit of a misfit too at times, because despite loving me i don't think they really understand me.
my best friend is probably the only person i can truly be myself with or say anything to.
Originally Posted by rbella
No, because my husband talks incessantly. Even as I am writing this he is saying "What if you lived on a street named Deerbrook (a street he drove by today) and you were married to a woman named Brooke and you wrote her a letter. Wouldn't that be weird?" This is what I listen to all day......

Rbella, this made me laugh out loud. That is so funny and cute.
Thanks for sharing.


Well-known member
I used to feel like that at my old high school before I transfered to my newer school.
I had nothing in common with the people (especially the girls.)

They were such good-goody, cutsey girls and.. haha... I'm not. The guys were cool but they were such computer geeks I couldn't relate to them either.
I still hung out with them because it was a small school and I didn't want to be alone but I never felt like I had that connection that they had developed with eachother.
I felt left out of the conversations because I didn't watch the same shows, read the same books, or shop at the same store as them.
I even think they started to look down upon me because I liked to watch South Park, play GTA (a lot), listen to rap, and smoke pot (save the "above the influence crap... I've heard it all before"). Slowly, I was drifting from them and, sure, I'd sit at the same table with them but I had nothing to say and I felt like they wouldn't care about what I had to say.
I felt incredibly lonely and I'd hold back tears while watching them laugh at their inside jokes and talk about how they hung out over the weekend (and I obviously was never invited)

That was a large part of why I left. I didn't want to spend the next four years of my life with people I couldn't enjoy being with.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881

i am a major social phobia. i don't like to be in large groups, even if i know most of the people. and i don't like being in any size group, even a few other people, if i don't know anyone else.
it was hard for me going to college everyday, being on a big campus not knowing ANYONE. i was like this all thru middle school/high school. i even remember when i was little being too scared to say "trick or treat" to people on halloween, and wouldn't get any candy.

its the total opposite for my sister, who's older, married, has a kid, and lives outta state. but when she comes home to visit and we hang out, i feel outta place cause she always wants to go places and i feel uncomfortable. kinda weird tho that my job (and all my previous jobs) involves customer service with the public.

You just described me as well...Especially the college part....I always hoped nobody would even speak to me so I wouldn't have to feel like an idiot if I said something 'stupid'