In love, but strained...


Well-known member
Im so sorry you're going through this
I agree completely you should let your bf be around and help you. People suffer from such things in diffrent ways, but he feels bad too, it was his child too. Now you two need each other more than ever. And he sound like a great guy, taking care of you, sleeping on the floor next to you, so sweet.

I'm really sure you're feeling that just because you just went through a huge shock and pain, and you feel down and depressed. Please let him be around and let him help you, and please help him aswell going through this!

I think you should deny a business trip, and just stay home with him, I dont think thats the best time to be apart, even if you feel physically ok, I think you need to take care of each other, just spend time together a home.

Lots of hugs to you!!!
Im very sorry you are going through this


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MacAddict_Sami
Believe me, I know; I've been with him since before my 16th birthday and he's always treated me like a princess; that why yesterday, I couldn't comprehend why I didn't want him around; it was REALLY hard... But having him there today really helped; I need that support and since it's there, I am going to take advantage of it... I am still feeling down, but's def not a bad as yesterday...

I've been thinking about you, so I'm glad to hear this! Sounds like you're in a better place than before. I'm glad you're letting your BF support you. He really sounds like a wonderful guy.


Well-known member
Thank you everyone for the kind words and keeping me in you thoughts...Today was kinda a tough day...For some reason I was soooooo sick at work...I threw up a few times, and seriously, I looked like death! And to make matters WORST, there's a ASS that works in the department next to mine, and he makes the dumbest comments EVER! So this morning, it was just he and I in the office and I vomited in my trash can; I couldn't help it, it just happened; I cleaned my can, and got back to work. About and hour later, I had to vomit again and I ran to the bathroom this time, but I was pretty evident what I was doing; as I walked back to the office, he goes to me "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were pregnant and trying to get rid of it by throwing it up"............I started to BALL my eyes out at my desk and I just ran out of the office; There were only two people in the office that knew I was pregnant, so no one could really understand why I lost it like that; Usually I am the very bitch type and would have cussed him 10 ways from Sunday... My team leader and the director came out to make sure I was ok... They both tried their best to console me, but I was just sooo upset for a while I was pretty much inconsolable; At this point I've just decided to take my remaining vacations days and relax at home; I was going to coming home early, but I decided that I wasn't going to give that ASS the satisfaction and have him think he MADE me leave but for the next 4 days and I am going to stay home all day and RELAX!!! I am still really angry at the situation and I REALLY wish I hadn't gotten so emotional and showed him that I am stronger than his bullshit but I couldn't... Right now, I feel really weak, and this is not how I am; I am usually such a STRONG person!!! I HATE feeling like this!!! Aghhhhhh


Well-known member
Well I don't think you showed him any weakness at is perfectly normal to react that way to such an IGNORANT JERK saying something like that. It sounds like you just need to take a vac and try and heal yourself. I can't imagine what you're going through but I will def pray for you. Hopefully your time off will be exactly what you need, and it's great that you have such a supportive bf


Well-known member
I'm so sorry, so sorry to hear about all of this girl
You have been such a good support for me throughout my thyroid ordeals/radiation treatment, so I know how you must feel about the radiation treatment. I don't blame you for stopping it.
I'm so sorry about everything you've went through recently. I know I'm not much help, but PLEASE PM me if you EVER need to talk!


Well-known member
I, too, am at loss for words. I hope and pray everything works out for you.
I can't even imagine the pain you must be going through. I hope things start looking up!!

About that "man" at your workplace, the nerve of some people! That's horrible you had to hear that- I honestly would have to come out rude next time he makes a rude comment!


Well-known member
I am a bitch EVERY time he makes a dumb comment; but I must say he always starts it... I am just so upset with myself for the way I reacted; I know that I am stronger than that... I really do feel weak now, and I am kind of dreading going back into work on Tuesday...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NicksWifey
I'm so sorry, so sorry to hear about all of this girl
You have been such a good support for me throughout my thyroid ordeals/radiation treatment, so I know how you must feel about the radiation treatment. I don't blame you for stopping it.
I'm so sorry about everything you've went through recently. I know I'm not much help, but PLEASE PM me if you EVER need to talk!

Thanks Hun! I'll keep that in mind; So the guy at work just called me trying to apologies... And I kinda hung up the phone and turned off my crackberry... I don't know why I allow him to get under my skin like this... does anyone have any advice??? How can I stop him from getting under my skin and making me so upset...


Well-known member
Hmmm, I think that this type of situation is totally different than other times his rude remarks have bothered you. If it was about some other type of subject (not like this super sensitive one) I would just say ignore it and don't stoop to his level. But, this is TOTALLY different. Does he know the situation ur in right now? If not maybe you should just tell him "Hey you know, unless you know what is going on in people's lives then maybe you should just keep your mouth shut" idk, that's my thoughts, keep your head up


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pdtb050606
Hmmm, I think that this type of situation is totally different than other times his rude remarks have bothered you. If it was about some other type of subject (not like this super sensitive one) I would just say ignore it and don't stoop to his level. But, this is TOTALLY different. Does he know the situation ur in right now? If not maybe you should just tell him "Hey you know, unless you know what is going on in people's lives then maybe you should just keep your mouth shut" idk, that's my thoughts, keep your head up

No he's not one of the people that are aware of the situation; I found out today from my team lead that he has a written up formally; this was his second strike... And for some strange reason I feel kind of guilty... Oh well, at this point I am just going to think about me; to heck with everyone else!

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