In the process..

Hey all! I've read pages upon pages on this topic! I have to say... I wish I read all this before my first interview haha -___-

But, I still managed to peak the managers interests! I'll tell you what I've gone through so far. I submitted my application to Nordstroms for the cosmetics counters, and they got back to me within the week saying they were hiring, and would like me to come in for an interview. A woman named Sara was cosmetics department manager. She asked me a few questions on the phone, so I guess you could say it was a phone interview, but she was SO friendly, I felt like I was just chatting with a fellow makeup lover! :)

So I get to Nordstrom the next day for my interview, everything was going great! She was speaking to me as if I already had the job, talking about all the things "we" would do. It was awesome!!! Then she introduced me to the Mac counter, and I met the assistant manager and the manager, Danielle and Ed. We went to the E-bar to have to interview.. I was a bit nervous because I had to speak with BOTH of them, 2 on 1. They asked some tough questions, overall dealing with why I wanted to work for mac, if I knew any information on the history of mac, how I would deal with clients, how I would meet my goals, handle my coworkers, if I follow/keep up with trends, what my strong point is, how do I deal with working under pressure, what I saw myself doing in the long run, my favorite makeup artists, how I would compare myself to them on a scale. (I answered Pat McGrath, who is a GENIUS!! I love her! This made is difficult to compare myself) And there were plenty of other questions.. overall I felt nervous on the inside, but hopefully that didn't show too much. It didn't help that the sun was beaming in my face the entire time, from where I was sitting haha. My answers made them smile at each other at times, so I guess that's good! I also really emphasized that I'm always trying to learn as much as possible and put what I learn to use, they seemed to like that.

Anyway, they told me that they would call me back monday, and that I would probably come back Tuesday to do the demo. Told me to wear my best black, etc etc. I thought I handled it pretty well, considering my retail experience has been 6 months at Sephora. Makeup experience, I've been so passionate about cosmetics for as long as I can remember... since middle school really. I constantly teach myself about new trends and period makeup, I have so many books. I have experience doing makeup on different skin textures and tones, but not TONS. I hope this won't set me back in my demo, incase they decide to switch it up like I've read in these threads so far.

So... monday comes and goes, no call. Tuesday comes and goes, no call. Wednesday... I got a call!! They said that the person I need to see will most likely be around Friday, and that they will call me back either today or tomorrow with the rest of the details, and that they'll coach me as well. They said orientation is Tuesday, so they would like to get this all done by then. ( Sounds like they want me to work with them, MY GOD I HOPE!!!) I asked her if I needed to bring my brushes, and she said I need to bring "everything." I'm not really sure what that means, but if that's the case, I hope I'm working on my model, because I do not have the entire range of foundation colors from mac!! But anyway, here I am waiting for that phonecall with the details. I really want this job so much, I love everything about mac. They are the trend setters when it comes to makeup. This is my dream job, no joke!! To be able to do what you love while working... I would even do this for free as long as I got to make people feel happy and beautiful.

Sorry for the really long read, but I'll update you guys as soon as I find out more information. If any of you have any tips to really put me a step ahead and land me the job, please share!! :) Or if you guys want more info on the interview questions and how I answered them, let me know! Ttys