
TamEva Le Fay

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACLovin
Yeah, booing is for sporting events and shit, not presidential inaugurations. That was just extremely uncalled for and I agree, tacky as hell.

It was perfectly...medieval!

I felt as though, we were witness to a glimpse of what the French Revolution must have been like.

In it's own way this type of dissent was nesessary for people to put closure on a very bad end.

People are seriously suffering in this counrty, as we speak, as a result of his watch - that have nothing to do with the war even.

Wild horses, or the threat of Alien invasion could not have suppressed that goodbye serenade!

Tacky or's the times we live in still - we may not have changed all that much since the bad ole days of extremely rough and tumble, by the scruff of your neck, politics of the 19th century.

I am sorry that Pres. Obama has this inextricably interwoven into his inauguration ceremony for all posterity.

But, please don't let's not forget that Pres. Obama, himself, was "stickin' it" to the man by the very nature of his inaugural address. Oh Yes he was! One could even argue that by his address alone was enough to rile 'n' rouse the crowd.

But let's be honest - those folks were just tryin' to stay warm!

I suppose Bush will have to wear this as a badge of honour. That he defended our country to it's end - that he maintained our freedom of democracy which includes our free speech, ultimately, our expression of dissent even to the bitter end.

One could admire him for his own delusions of grandeur - no?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TamEva Le Fay
One could admire him for his own delusions of grandeur - no?

Aww you so sweet!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PMBG83
he shouldnt even be pictured with other past presidents IMO.

DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lm aoo:

i won't lie, i have no respect for bush and i obviously don't care for him but that would be so rough. lol!!!


Well-known member
I completely agree with everything you girls are saying... I just agree with the whole- time and place. Durring Obama's inaguration was not the time, NOR the place.... Maybe if Bush had thrown out the first pitch at a baseball game.. I still wouldn't agree with being so disrespectfull (but however we do live in a country where we have the right to free speech .. even if I dont agree with the context of this paticular event.)... but the inaguration was just... NOT the right place


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
I completely agree with everything you girls are saying... I just agree with the whole- time and place. Durring Obama's inaguration was not the time, NOR the place.... Maybe if Bush had thrown out the first pitch at a baseball game.. I still wouldn't agree with being so disrespectfull (but however we do live in a country where we have the right to free speech .. even if I dont agree with the context of this paticular event.)... but the inaguration was just... NOT the right place

i agree with you in respect to obama. i just wouldn't have done it at the inaug. because it was also a special day for barack. seeing him being sworn in, i couldn't even focus on my dislike for bush ya know? i'm just happy he's gone, happy i witnessed history, happy that barack has restored hope in so many of us who had pretty much given up on hope, happy that barack is hot..... ha!!! no seriously, i've never said a prez is cute til now. BUT i can't say i didn't snicker a little when the boo's commenced............ hehehe


Well-known member
Under other circumstances, I would agree that it would be "disrespectful" to boo at an ex-president...but I feel that expression made by the people toward him, is pretty much reflective of the way he treated his own nation.
Just because American civilians are not dying in the streets as civilians are in Iraq or Palestine, does not mean he has not made his people suffer greatly, and supported irresponsible decisions and neglected public feeling. Nobody owes him anything. He's lucky all he got were "boo's" after all his bullshit...which let's face it, will be live and kicking for a good few more years to come.


Well-known member
i remember watching and really hoping the huge sound of 2 million people yelling BOOO BOOO! wouldn't happen. i think a total silence for bush would have said more in a tasteful way. the second people start to yell BOOO, it affects everybodies mood.i'm not saying he didn't deserve it, i just wanted to feel a new day-ness that day, not the same old fck bush-ness. lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissMochaXOXO
i remember watching and really hoping the huge sound of 2 million people yelling BOOO BOOO! wouldn't happen. i think a total silence for bush would have said more in a tasteful way. the second people start to yell BOOO, it affects everybodies mood.i'm not saying he didn't deserve it, i just wanted to feel a new day-ness that day, not the same old fck bush-ness. lol

I like this. I'll admit, I laughed long and hard when he got booed. Because I firmly believe that respect is earned; it is not a right. I don't wear a uniform; it is not my job to respect the man. And he has done just about nothing to earn my respect.

But I like the way you're thinking about it. And you're right. Utter and complete silence, even the music stopping, would of been so much more poignant.


Well-known member
^^ Yeah and Lucky ole me...He will be living right down the way from me...Oh Joy!! they are even putting up a gate in the neighborhood for his protection....I can throw a few pop cans in his yard as I pass by if you guys like....
Just kidding...I wouldn't waste perfectly good recycles....
I told my dh...only good thing...Property value in the neighborhood may just increase...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
^^ Yeah and Lucky ole me...He will be living right down the way from me...Oh Joy!! they are even putting up a gate in the neighborhood for his protection....I can throw a few pop cans in his yard as I pass by if you guys like....
Just kidding...I wouldn't waste perfectly good recycles....
I told my dh...only good thing...Property value in the neighborhood may just increase...

Or decrease? Seriously, who wants to live next to a guy like that, who is threatened every single minute?
But i do not wish this for you Tish!


Well-known member
^^ I don't think it will be that bad....Honestly....I doubt that anyone cares now that he is out of office and this neighborhood and the surrounding ones are quiet and very secure...People got what they wanted...him out of office ...and TEXAS by the way Loves BUSH....loves.....Republican territory all the way..I was the only one with a Obama yard sign LOL
I don't disike him as a person...I just disliked him as a a matter of fact I think he is funny as hell..he should have been a comedian!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
^^ I don't think it will be that bad....Honestly....I doubt that anyone cares now that he is out of office and this neighborhood and the surrounding ones are quiet and very secure...People got what they wanted...him out of office ...and TEXAS by the way Loves BUSH....loves.....Republican territory all the way..I was the only one with a Obama yard sign LOL
I don't disike him as a person...I just disliked him as a a matter of fact I think he is funny as hell..he should have been a comedian!

I totally agree!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
^^ Yeah and Lucky ole me...He will be living right down the way from me...Oh Joy!! they are even putting up a gate in the neighborhood for his protection....I can throw a few pop cans in his yard as I pass by if you guys like....
Just kidding...I wouldn't waste perfectly good recycles....
I told my dh...only good thing...Property value in the neighborhood may just increase...

And while his living down the street from you, I bet you anyone in 50 mile radius is being wire tapped and key strokes on computer are being monitored for his protection and further F-U to the constitution.

For this is the reason is ass was booed because whenever he has went out in public (in the past 2-4 years) it has been in like-minded crowds selected by his people, no dissent allowed.

So when 2 million people got to tell a president what they really think, well, they just couldn't control themselves and he should recognize the trait because he couldn't control himself either, with war profiteering, wiretapping americans, science is bogus, climate change is not real and 'you tried to kill my daddy', war.


and yes, I should put away my bitterness and childish ways, give me a year and I will come back and edit this post.


Well-known member
You know, I enjoy waking up each morning to MSNBC and finding new videos of Obama making executive orders. I think he's a lefty.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blazeno.8
You know, I enjoy waking up each morning to MSNBC and finding new videos of Obama making executive orders. I think he's a lefty.

he is a lefty. i'm one too so now i have this obssessive thing like we're on the same wavelength or something. lol!!!!
like we have a connection.............