I have to say most of what i have tried from inglot has been extremely disappointing. Let me recount all my purchases!
1. When inglot 1st opened in Quebec about 6 years ago i bought a bright yellow eyeshadow and a bright green. Both colours are pretty chalky, but especially the yellow. Even with a base. Even with a creamy coloured base, this baby is not as bright as it should be.
2. A dark green (i like green, so what?!) AMC eyeshadow. While the product performed well, i must say the idea of the AMC products (as it was explained to me by a MUA) rubbed me the wrong way. From what i remember, she told me, basically they are just very highly pigmented shadows that and more expensive. IMO, if your line is going to be worth buying, all of your colours should then be AMC quality. Whats the point of most your shadows being lower performing? That being said, the AMC shadow is pretty good.
3. Pigments. I bought two, a peacock blue/teal and a gritty bronzey colour. The peacock colour goes on so patchy and takes work with a tacky, preferably coloured base, should be used wet, and must be built. Blending it is a total bitchface. The gritty one, well its gritty. kind of the texture if solar bits and 3 glitter had a love child. Surprising enough, its easier to work with than the other.
4. Cream eye liner. EPIC FAILURE!!!! I had my heart set on buying a dark forresty green for this yr's st patricks. I LOVED the colour. Went home to put it on with my favourite bestest brush (a coarser natural bristle brush from glow minerals) and it was brutal! This baby literally had the consistency of an old dried up Elmer's glue stick. getting anything onto the brush was a challenge, getting it onto my eyelid was death. I had raw scratchy eyelids when i was done, and those wings... well, they were wings. It went back endless to say.
5. Freedom system. Upon returning the absolute worst product of life (seriously, i cannot speak enough to how awful it was), i had to do an exchange... which kinda sucked. Anyway, i spotted a pretty blue purple that swatched nicely. I got it in the freedom system because it was closest to the amount i payed for the glue stick/ eyeliner. I tried it the other day, and it too was patchy and did not have as nice an intensity as when swacthes. I was really disappointed that i had to build it so much, and ended up applying it wet.